Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 16, 2009

This one is not hard, but it is fun. I am going to make it more purposefully vague than normal, because it would be way too easy to identify them otherwise. It is still easy though.

About two weeks ago at Bungalow 8 in London, there was a table of three which consisted of a dropping like a stone actress, her girlfriend?, and the brother of the girlfriend. Unlike most tales of powdery substances in a club, this one didn't involve the bathroom. Instead, whoever was running the club that evening decided that the two women could use the room marked staff every 20-30 minutes for their activity. It does make it much easier if you are provided a space other than the back of a toilet or the bathroom counter. For the record, the brother didn't touch the stuff.

Lindsay Lohan ( I revealed this one, not because it's hard, but to tell you that on this night, Lindsay did coke about ten times. In one night, she told Oprah that she only did it ten times in her entire life.


Della said...

Who cares. I think everyone knows that she lied about that. We didn't really need a blind item to prove it.

Cathy said...

Not to defend LiLo, but does doing it multiple times in one night count as multiple instances? Wouldn't it be like having ten drinks in one night and counting that as drinking one time?

Kno Won said...

I agree @Cathy. I'm sure there were more than 10-15 *instances*, but multiple consumption on the same day/evening/event/whatever, counts as a single instance in my book.
(the above does not apply to sex)

LovelyCoconuts said...

I love Mark Ronson. Happy to know he's somewhat straight headed.

discoflux said...

Like I said in the Oprah thread, I'm sure she only did it 10 times for 30-45 days at a time.

Count Jerkula said...

Yes, this is stupid. Doing blow 10 times, to anyone with a clue, mean 10 nights doing blow, not doing 10 lines.

Fugazi Enty is way more sheltered and damaged than I first assumed.

Kelly said...

She's gonna have a hard time staying clean when she's in such denial and lying.

Big Crazy Baby said...

One of the times she did it was for a whole year

ladybaus said...

yeah but that Samantha Ronson is a liar too. She is always going-on about being anti-drugs etc. I am sure she was a very bad influence when they hooked-up after her one of many rehab stints

Desiree said...

I'm not going make a big deal about this enty's writing style because it's pointless, but I will say their use (or misuse) of comma's really drives me nuts.

lavicenrose said...

Haha, iceberg! My thoughts exactly.

Desiree said...

For the record the apostrophe was an over sight, but I appreciate your sarcasm! Carry on.

crichmond1000 said...

Maybe she only remembers doing it 10 times...or maybe, she has been mk ultra'ed and this lindsay has only done it 10 times, but the other lindsays, who knows what they have done. Maybe...the reptilians made her do it.

di butler said...

Except when he supplied them to Lohan, Winehouse, Pete Doherty...


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