Monday, August 26, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 9, 2013

This former almost A list mix of television and movies actress who does nothing but entertain the world now was at a party this weekend. Hid in a corner until she saw a guy with coke. Went up to him and dragged him into a bedroom and emerged about 45 minutes later. The guy she had dragged said that she had sex with him and done all his coke. When she came back out she saw another guy with coke and repeated the process before heading presumably home.

Amanda Bynes


  1. You revealed this already.

  2. Good thing she's getting mandatory help.

  3. I'll admit it. I was one of the people who thought she was puling a Britney for publicity purposes. Good to see she's FINALLY getting help.

  4. I hope she gets healthy and can maintain it. Mental illness is notoriously hard to control. My ex is bipolar and he can't keep it under control what with doctors, meds, therapy and god knows what all.

  5. That is SOOOO HOT! I hope the second guy got a fresh hole though.

    If I am ever at a celeb party, I am just going to hang an 8 ball of blow from my zipper.

  6. Wash, rinse, repeat. I'm pretty sure that's her who M.O. .

    Enty, you might want to get a spreadsheet for your blinds and then you can color code the ones already revealed. Or maybe try a column with a check mark. Just a suggestion for your benefit.

  7. @Count - Hahaha! That would save time.

  8. Talk about your proverbial COKE WHORE
