Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 23, 2011

This seemingly perfect celebrity couple has just a few flaws. The husband is a very good looking B+ singer with a dad who used to be famous back in the day. The wife is a B- list actress who seems to be everywhere these days. They always seem so happy with each other but that does not mean the husband is not tempted to stray. At a recent party, the singer got really drunk and started hitting on a beauty pageant winner. I mean really hitting on her and even invited her to go back to his hotel room where he would have probably passed out drunk, but he did invite her. One of the singer's crew found out about it and dragged the singer away from his conquest and got him as far as the foyer of the singer's hotel room where the singer fell down and passed out and could not be moved. I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Robin Thicke (Previously revealed, but in case you have not seen it before)


  1. I was sure this one was going to be about someone else!

  2. Enough Robin Thicke.

  3. Jeez Enty and some others on this site have such a hard on for Thicke

  4. Maybe if no one commented on these lame ass reveals...ijs..

  5. Why the hate campaign against Robin Thicke? Most performers are a$$holes anyways. Some just hide it better than others. Even Swifty is a beyotch.

  6. Okay, established that Robin is his father's son and did something to piss of enty. I want to see some Paula quote Brit Brit, she's not that innocent.

  7. Long time reader, rarely post. And I hate that one of my few posts will be bitching but, WTF?!? Does anyone else think NEW Enty is purposely trying to piss us off? SHE obviously has to see all of the comments daily that express the overall consensus is that we're tired of the extreme narcissism. New 'Enty' seems as if they couldn't do worse if they tried. Really driving this great site into the ground.

    That being said, WORST REVEAL DAY EVER. Sorry but I just had to vent it out this time.

    -One disappointed reader

  8. I just realized this is not about Robin Thicke. All of this is an effort to embarass his wife. She doesn't fit what Fugazi Enty thinks a woman sould be, so a public shaming has commenced. Man hating, frigid, bitter, lonely Fugazi Enty cannot fathom 2 people in a loving open relationship and completely resent the happiness these two have together.

    Fucking sick twisted bitch.

    1. Some women really don't care about what their husbands get up to. They obviously have more depths to their marriage than just fucking, sex really isn't the be all and end all for some people and if she isn't that into it and he is, then he satisfies himself elsewhere, everyone wins. They can still be a great husband and wife team, and be loving parents. We all know men approach sex differently to women i.e. no emotion or attachment, it's not like he is emotionally cheating on her. Everyone needs to grow up and let the consenting adults get on with it.

  9. Wait for it...enty will reveal Robin Thicke is behind the strife in Syria

    1. @V, ha ha!

      No, couldn't be - Robin Thicke is a world-renowned intellectual currently working on a plan for immediate peace in the Middle East, as well as a cure for penicillin-resistant tuberculosis, new forms of renewable energy, and inexpensive space travel. His ethics are impeccable, as his wife, Nobel Prize winner and prominent feminist Paula Patton, can testify.

    2. Lol @Nutty_Flavor! One more miracle and he will be canonized by the Vatican.

  10. Forgot to subscribe so I can read tge follow ups.

  11. omg who cares about thick.

  12. Had to just look up fuguzi; f*cked up situation?

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      My very old neighbor Shirley (Brooklyn native) uses "Fugazi" to mean trickery or fraud. She would say "Dave's pulling a Fugazi on his wife saying he's always working late."

      Shirley and Count J are the only people I've ever known to use that term.

      : )

  13. I guess JTs sabotage of RT is not working on everybody.

  14. For those that didn't know, Enty said on twitter this morning that he was going to dig out the Robin Thicke blinds.
    IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ! Go somewhere else FFS

    1. I love those if you dont like it dont read it crap cmments. It always makes a difference.

  15. You just keep doing your thing Paula P.

  16. I think it's turn about fair play. Everyone is so busy crapping on Miley Cyrus, and yet here is this guy who doesn't just look like the biggest douche on the planet...turns out he really is one too.

  17. Stop or my mom will shoot!

  18. Enty is on that Haterade today!!!! Damn!

  19. Well everyone said it all already, but today has reminded me of yesterday's top pic, the one with the caption of being bored with Beyonce I was bored with Robin THicke even before today! And 2 have already been revealed. A sad sad day in Enty land.

  20. I want the dirt on Alan Thicke!

  21. @Cookies: Big ups to Brooklyn. Also, watch Donnie Brasco.

  22. @cookies thank you, that makes more sense!

  23. @Stephunneee: Welcome! & I think you're right in part that NewEnty *is* handing us a plate of 'fuck youz' on some of these posts. I think it's only a matter of time before The Ents invoke the 'posts will be reviewed before posting' rule. Or, like that hag over at Lainey Lurv, "Pope Rah", she just booted you off if you dared disagree with Lainey or bitched, 'cause you know, Gossips meant to be a lovefest buffet.

    I miss the kind/silly/snakeoil Enty. Hell, I might even donate for his cause this time if he/she returned. FULL time! None of this halfass shit!

  24. Honestly, i don't mind that there are so many blinds about Robin. It's just not as entertaining because they all sound about the same. There's no real individual blinds; just one summary of Robin's behaviors reworded each time. Regardless, I'm not gonna bitch about his behavior because there doesn't seem to be any minors, blackmail, trickery involved. The man, and possibly his wife, seem to love the excitement of someone new. They probably go back and relive it with each other.

  25. I'll bet they make video recreations of the sexxxcapades, with him singing dirty falsetto lyrics, AKA, ALL HIS PAST VIDEOS. Looked pretty hot, to me.

  26. If all the next reveals are Miley, I'm outta here. Bleh.

  27. The Real Dragon said...

    I love those if you dont like it dont read it crap cmments. It always makes a difference.
    About as much as the lame non-stop bitching that people don't like the blinds/reveals. That seems to make a tremendous difference.

  28. @Jessica, blah, blah, blah.

    I'm guessing either Enty wanted Robin or/his wife (I'm thinking the latter) and got rejected.


    And I wonder... if this have been previously revealed, why reveal again? o.O

  29. The Twit by Entry said that it was Robin day. BTW? Fuck you very much for it, Ent! I have had "blurred lines" playing in my head now for the last 36 hours.:/

  30. The Twit by Entry said that it was Robin day. BTW? Fuck you very much for it, Ent! I have had "blurred lines" playing in my head now for the last 36 hours.:/

  31. Anonymous1:43 PM

    A charming sexy talented man is interested in other women and cgeating on his wife? Pretty standard fare really. Dont get why people are flipping out on what if its robin day. Go bitch and whine elsewhere. Waaa!
