Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Blind Item #9

This B- list mostly movie actress with A++ list name recognition who is an America's sweetheart type is in crisis mode because she is about to be accused of homewrecking. This is not something the actress at all because she has the world at her feet and they think she is always the victim and want her to find love, but not as a homewrecker. This is not Jennifer Aniston. Think younger. Not into your 20's younger though.


  1. wait, nevermind... I don't think she's "mostly movie"

  2. Replies
    1. Maybe her and the lawyer she's been seen with???

    2. Could be.... Naughty Katie!

  3. dakota fanning (or is 19 too young?)

  4. I think Nap is right

  5. co-sign for Katie Holmes

  6. Can somebody explain the second sentence to me?

  7. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Jennifer Lawrence

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    nevermind, too young.

  9. Katie Holmes, recent media about Luke Kirby and his long-term spouse breaking up, and he and Katie getting "closer". I'm never a fan of Enty's ratings though, her mostly movie has dropped way lower than B- these days.

  10. There was an article in the Daily Mail yesterday about Katie and Luke.

  11. Just throwing some names out there:
    Kate Hudson
    Reese Witherspoon
    Drew Barrymore
    Christina Ricci

  12. Anonymous11:24 AM

    My first thought was Sandra Bullock, but she's in her 40s. So maybe Charlize Theron. She's not in her 20s--around 38.

  13. Another good reason not to play the victim role. If you break out of it, you lose your sympathetic fan base. Just ask Meg Ryan.

  14. If it's Katie Holmes, the guy has really bad taste in legs 'cause hers are the worst in Hollywood.

    1. Yes, and that is something to build a relationship on.

  15. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I like the theron guess but she's not america's sweetheart type.

    What about Amanda Seyfried.

  16. I think Nap is right too. Katie Homes...though, isn't she dating that guy in her current movie?

  17. The blind says"Think younger. Not into your 20's younger though." that means everyone under 29 is out.. I would have gone with Aniston, if Enty had not excluded her.. how many "victims" in their 30s or older are there? I am on the KatEy train

  18. If this is Katie Holmes, I want Enty to explain how the Hell she is a "victim"! She signed her contract knowing full well what she was getting into, chose to bring a baby into the mess, allowed herself and her child to fall into the clutches of a completely insane cult, and was subsequently lauded as a hero when her contract expired after years of it.
    She made those choices. It wasn't as if she was kidnapped, tortured, raped, and held against her will in a house in Cleveland for 10 years. She willingly traded her freedom for money and fame. I see no victim here.

  19. I'd think Mila Kunis because of Ashton and Demi but she's in her 20s so I don't know.

  20. @Elissa. CDAN readers know she's not a victim, but the majority of the people in this world who don't read these sites, don't even know that Tom Cruise is gay.

  21. @Crila16. Plus some of us who DO read these sites don't believe Tom Cruise is gay. Controlling, hyper ambitious and unintellectual, yes. Gay, no. Even the tell-all Scientology defectors say he is straight.

  22. @Nutty, you left out "evil".

    While I do get sort of a gay vibe from Tiny Tom, I have always had the feeling that he's non-sexual. I just get the sense that sex is not the be-all, end-all for him, and he's not that interested in it. But I don't think he would be opposed to sleeping with a man.

  23. @Elissa, yes, I could definitely go with asexual, particularly after he's wooed the lady in house for PR and Scientology purposes. Both Mimi and Nicole complained about a lack of servicing.

  24. Nope Tom is 100% gay, I know someone who fucked him 20 years ago

    1. Astrogirl I know Some one who know someone who know you are lying.

  25. Sounds like Enty is reading a tabloid headline with this one. I doubt its anything legit if it were this would've come out ages ago. I mean her life and Suri's are rather public.

    And much to Elissa's dismay I don't think she married Tom for fame and fortune if that were the case she would've stayed with Tom. Look at Kelly Preston.

  26. Enty/s always describes Katie as a B- list actress with A++ recognition.

  27. I like the Rachel McAdams guess....she's 34, not sure about her "victim" role though.

  28. The victim clue is a tough one, Jennifer holds that title. Maybe Sandra Bullock? IDK I hate to guess Katie Holmes because honestly I don't know if anyone would think she is a home wrecker

  29. So one night 20 years ago assuming you weren't being lied to Tom Cruise was 100% gay. How about the following day? Did the percentage drop?

  30. Just seconding what was said upthread about Katie and her contract. She knew exactly what she was getting into so no sympathy due her.

    Not sure Christina Ricci should be on a sweethearts list. I would've said Reese Witherspoon but she's in a relationship.

    Jennifer Lawrence is too young. Are there even any rumors about Sandra Bullock?

  31. Michelle woe is me Williams.

  32. Ooooohhh!!! @Hegg, me likey your guess very much!

  33. Cosigning Astro; not firsthand myself but a few well regarded (by me) people told these stories. None claimed a boink, just being there in the clubs. That when he and Nic used to come visit Sydney, they (so it is said) were always visiting gay bars. Separately. And picking up occassionally. It wasn't something that was very DL, but it was before the big 'net tech revolution. It was before my time going out, but it was obviously a salacious story that was occassionally told by people slightly older than me.

    People change, bisexuality happens, youthful exploration happens, etc. It's what I heard (shrug).

  34. Reese would be a good choice plus she's more cautious about stuff being said about her crap is said about Katie all the time but she barely if at all reacts to it.

  35. katie holmes and it was in DM 2 days ago
