Friday, August 30, 2013

Blind Item #9

This B list actor who divides his time between television and movies has A+ name recognition and everyone knows his face. He likes to have a good time and can usually get lucky, despite his unorthodox looks. His best friend has troubles so the actor is forever paying for escorts for his friend so he won't feel left out.


discoflux said...

Michael Cera and Clark Duke

VeeBee said...

Steve Buscemi?

Anonymous said...

the afghan hound?

Leo said...

Ok Pauly bleeker still looks 12 so what weirdo is doing him

Leo said...

Zach gallifinakis and Jason scwarzman

Robert78704 said...

Buscemi has been married to the kick ass Jo Andres since 1987. Guess again. She'd have his balls in a vice.

Bunni said...
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sandybrook said...

Danny DeVito for the lucky guy. Steve Buscemi is also a good guess

sarah.estell said...

Peter Dinklage?

The Real Dragon said...

Please. Peter Dinkage need no escort. He can get all of it!

LeeshaLou said...
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E=MC Hammer said...

Benedict Cumberbatch

Anonymous said...

Jesse aisenberg? Otherwise i like the mike cera guess.

annanaannnaaaa said...

Who is Clark Duke?

annanaannnaaaa said...
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annanaannnaaaa said...

N/M I freakin love that guy.

HolidayinCambodia said...

Vincent Schiavelli. Who else was known for unorthodox looks? Marty Feldman?

HolidayinCambodia said...

PS: I know they are both dead.

CJ said...

Clark Duke as the guy who can get it and Michael Cera as the guy who can't works better, though I doubt it's either of them and that seems so far out of left field.

Unknown said...

Cera could get layed by going into any bar with women, fwiw- there are rumors that he prefers the bars with men only. Don't think it's him either.

CJ said...

Texas Rose, have you seen what he looks like. And his one and only girlfriend was no prize, so not sure where your theory is coming from.

Kay said...

I'd do Jason Schwartzman in a heartbeat... I love me some short Jewish boys who look like they don't shower!

Unknown said...

CJ- Theory comes from he is rich actor that has starred in and carried movies. Don't know why he has only had one girlfriend or how ugly but if you think he can't get laid anywhere there are young women then you don't know shit.

di butler said...

Michael Cera can get it like a rock star, Steve B is happily married, but could get it like a rock star. Not them.

geminigirl789 said...

Peter Dinklage. There's a GoT advert just under the post.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

This isn't a blind item, it's a storyline seen in "Fargo!"


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