Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blind Item #9

This mean as hell old man who is an Academy Award winner/nominee might finally be getting justice. Apparently the 20 something year old he was seeing didn't appreciate the beating he tried to give her because she didn't feel like having sex with him. She went to the police. He went to the police though too because he says she beat him. This guy has been a tool for 40 years.


  1. with @derek. Woods was the name I thought of... but had to think of his name. BWAHAHAHAHA

  2. Mickey routke? Tool extroindinaire!

  3. According to the blind reveal a while ago, Woods' gf isn't in her 20's, right? I thought she was 18-19.

    I don't think it is Nicholson. Some bim tells him "Not tonight" then I'm sure he tells her to let the next one in on her way out.

    "40 years" seems to rule out Mel or Penn or Rourke.

    I'm leaning toward O'Neal, but I could be swayed.

  4. I thought immediately of Jeff Goldblum and he was nominated for an oscar.

  5. Ryan "Fucking" O'Neal.
    Jack's a sweetie and Jeff is an old perv but not violent.

  6. Says 20 something and old man and the only old man I know doing 20 somethings is James Woods.

    1. Oh, if that were really so! Most of H'wood is doing 20 yr olds. And a good portion, under 20. :(

      Ryan O'Neal

  7. Mean old man sounds like Jon Voight.

  8. James Woods for sure.

  9. I don't think it is James Woods - people I know work with him closely and after he broke up with his girlfriend after 7 years - she was to old at 26 - he doesn't want to date 20 somethings and definitely isn't now. 18 and 19 year olds for him.

    I will say he is so scary on Ray Donovan and although I don't think he's an abuser in real life when he killed his girlfriend of twenty years on the show he was very believable!

  10. I want to go with the Ryan O'Neal guess as well, but "20" seems a little old for him to be dating. Doesn't he like them really, really young?

  11. As I have said before, I know James Woods personally and no one I know, that knows him, would describe him as a mean old man. He is well liked in our circle. He may like young companions but he is not mean

  12. ive been reading this site awhile and i always wonder where does the James wood hate come from? a rumor or something hes done? i personally find him kinda charming and like able.

  13. i hope this is Ryan O'Neil.

  14. I don't consider anyone James Woods age who only dates 18 year olds a "nice" guy. He may be professional and liked at his acting job but he obviously has issues that extend way out of sexual preference regarding the age of the young girls whom he chooses to date. Lots of people are liked at work and feared from their family/partners. eg. cops that beat their wives etc.

  15. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Ted Bundy was well liked by his professional peers too.

    We see how well THAT worked out, eh?

    Funny how UN-PERCEPTIVE people are.

  16. Jon Voight is back on top in Ray Donovan too, so he's def a possibility.

    I really thought of James Woods who is also in Ray Donovan.

    I always think of Penn, regardless of age.

  17. "Ted Bundy was well liked by his professional peers too."

    That's actually true, by the way. My dad knew Bundy. Lots of people in Seattle political circles knew Bundy in the early 70's, when he was a rising politico. No one had a clue about his real nature.

  18. Lots of stories about Voight being a tool over the years.

  19. Anonymous3:27 PM

    James Woods is just barely in the 40-years of career category, but definitely didn't have the star power clout to be a tool until late 70s or more so the 80s. Nicholson's the only I can think of who's been a tool for 40 years (and more), AA winner/nominee, penchant for near jail-bait and likes to get violent. Even been sued for assault.

  20. B. Profane, good to see you. I miss some of the old regulars on here (you, Amanda, Maja With A J,..).

  21. James Woods likes tight tight. Nothing wrong with that. So do I. The people whining about Jimmy are old broads with ginormously Big pussies. Men like box, not carton or container.

  22. James Woods is the last celeb I had a sex dream about. It was so out of the blue and bizarre, I forget he exists until I read about him needing an umbrella holder on here. Since that dream was so random, I'm gonna go with him, it's the blind gossip gods talking to me.

  23. If this was 30 and not 40 years I'd say Sean Penn.

  24. If this was 30 and not 40 years I'd say Sean Penn.

  25. I thought of James Woods mainly because I just watched that episode of Ray Donovan last night. I was so hoping she wasn't really dead. Jack Nicholson may be a pussy hound from way back but I'm left with the impression that he's always been decent to the women and often times very generous.

  26. It's really easy to tell which of the posters here have smallish dicks. (Hint: don't go off on a contemptuous rant against women for no real reason or use a picture of a dick as your username - it's a dead giveaway).

  27. great points derek & b.profane

  28. James Woods is from my town in RI and is seen back here a lot. He used to care for his elderly mother who died a couple of years ago. He is always incredibly friendly to everyone he meets and hangs at the bar nearby where he gets his takeout. That doesn't mean he treats women well, but this is a small state and he has a rep as a cool guy who enjoys being back home.

  29. TLJ is only mean to the press. His wife is his contemporary. His last wife was nearly his own age.

    As for no one having a clue about Bundy, Ann Rule's dog (who loved everyone) HATED him and wouldn't let her near him.

  30. I notice that All of trash written about James Woods comes from people who have never met him but are influenced by the roles he plays.

    All of the positive stuff is based on actual experience.
