Friday, August 30, 2013

Blind Item #8

This always gorgeous, but not the greatest acting talent B- list mostly movie actress tried to kill herself last week. It isn't the first time, but in the past she had a support team and also went to rehab. This time she is trying to go it alone or kind of alone with her on/off actor boyfriend.


  1. way to buzz kill the start of a holiday weekend enty.

    Other than demi lovato, I got nothing.

  2. Me too @timebob. I thought her, but she's not mostly movie.

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Eva Mendes

  4. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Eva Mendes

  5. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Jsierra ....jinx!greatvminds think alike

  6. I reached a point where I can't watch Mendes in anything, after all the drug blinds and the aura of yuck that comes off her. Wasn't there a blind about an actress smoking meth in a rehab facility? She always comes across as desperate and empty and self-hating, and I think she would benefit from some time NOT in the public eye.

  7. Eva & Ryan aren't on & off are they?? Who ever this is, I'm sorry they're so down that they think they'd be better off. I tend to lean towards Demi. She had those nude pics come out last week. Could've been the set off. & Wilma sure won't be helping matters....asshole.

  8. She isn't mostly movie no Demi Levato. Sad how many candidates there could be. :(

  9. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I watched an HBO movie last weekend, she was supposed to be Cuban and good god did she butcher the hell out of that accent. She sounded like a deaf person from Georgia trying to mimic what they feel a Cuban would sound like

  10. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Eva Mendez, that is. It was Eva Mendez who can't speak to save her career

  11. I don't want to believe it's Eva mainly because Ryan seems like such a good guy. Surely he would be there to help her even if they were just friends.

  12. Whoever she is I hope she gets help

  13. Eva Mendes fits. She was in rehab in 2008, and as far as I remember she gave her rehab stay some bullshit excuse like "preparing for a movie role"... And she's gorgeous and less than talented.

  14. Didn't Eva also fire her managment company to go with Ryans company? That could explain the change in support

  15. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I like the eva guess. Very sad.

  16. Eva and Ryan aren't on and off tho. This is sad whoever she is.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Heather Locklear

  19. @Tae Scott I read they broke up at least once in the past. That could have been rumor but she fits all the other clues.

  20. @Empress of Socks- it's a shame because she IS Cuban.

  21. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Thats not really fair to anyone. Perhaps undiagnosed bipolar disorder?

  22. Catherine Zeta Jones

  23. It's not Eva Mendes ,she was all the summer in Iceland with Ryan Gosling and Enty is the one and only to write they're on/off because there are no paps pics
