Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blind Item #8

This actor is known as King Kong on the set of his hit cable drama. It is no one on Mad Men or anyone on AMC. He puts everyone on that show to shame. We are talking almost a foot long. People stare in shock at him whenever he changes. He is B-/C+ list, but if he ever wanted to get into porn he would be A lister. Might be the one of the biggest ever from an actor on television.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      I wish. God hes hot. This is fodder for my imagination.

  2. Work your magic VIP!

  3. I was thinking Don Cheadle.

  4. Ron Perleman. (Sp?)becuz he is pretty much the fugliest actor Ive ever seen plus he seems fairly tall which might make him long.

  5. Whoa. A bit much for me.

  6. Matt Bomer. Please. I know he's not into the ladies but it would make me happy that his dick is as lovely as his face.

  7. Lafayette from True Blood. Just a stab. Hoping for VIP to get in here & give us the evidence!

  8. I cannot contemplate this item this without an identity-redacted photo. Or a sketch, chalk drawing, finger painting...a visual tool(<--har) is necessary.

  9. Michael Shannon's named just popped into my head.

  10. If Netflix is considered cable, Pablo Schreiber. :b

    (NSFW Pornstache gif)

  11. It doesn't say "pay" or "premium cable," so I'm thinking one of the Sons of Anarchy actors. Charlie Hunnam and Kim Coates have both done nude scenes on the show. So did Ryan Hurst, but he's off the show now. Jimmy Smits, maybe?

  12. Joe Manganiello in my dreams...

  13. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I'm thinking it's one of the Game of Thrones guys. King Kong might be a clue, because there are a lot of King on that show. How about Richard Madden (King Robb)? Granted, he left the show at the end of last season, but still. Did we ever see his junk onscreen? I know we didn't see Kit Harington's.

  14. Who wants a schlong that long? Give me thick any day.

    Okay, I'm going to guess a black actor, because from what I've been told they tend to be show-ers rather than grow-ers. Sorry if that's a stereotype, but this is what I've been told. Where I know firsthand that most white guys are eensy weensy till they get a boner, in which case it transforms. Or, in some sad cases, not.

  15. Timothy Olyphant in my dreams

  16. I'm stuck with the image of Matt Smith wearing nothing but that cowboy hat, but he'd be Dr. Hung.

  17. @Gytrash, I was thinking the same thing. I know it didn't say premium or pay cable, so the Richard Madden guess could be off. He pretty much showed everything off on the show, besides his junk and he was naked in show Sirens with his hands covering his junk.
    But for some reason, he was the person that came to mind.

  18. I like the Cheadle guess, because I like him (winky face). But the GoT/"King" idea sounds promising. Unfortunately, dramas I watch are AMC. And PBS.

  19. Please oh please let it be Charlie...I loves me some JAX. I know he did a nude seen, but I don't think you got FULL frontal on it

    1. +1 and if@VIP can provide us with a pic that would be amazeballs

  20. Ryan Kwanten...... go Jason Stackhouse!

  21. figgy - don't worry I was wondering the same!

    And hey, it COULD be DInklage, he may be a short person but that doesn't mean his peen is short.

  22. liev isn't B-/C+. and neither is michael shannon. oscar nominated----great actor.

  23. I'm choosing to believe Jaime Lannister is a grower.

  24. "Almost a foot long."
    I don't buy it.

    1. I can say that I've seen a footlong before.

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  28. Really, men shld get a clue that that is WAY too big for most of us gals!!

  29. First time commenter. Of course it would be on a dick post, but I knew a guy in high school similarly endowed and he hated it. Not only was it legitimately intimidating for girls but he couldn't cop a blow job if his life depended on it. His cross to bear poor thing. No word on if he went into porn. XD

  30. I knew a guy in college with one about that big. And the answer is yes, yes I did.

  31. Just to be different, how about the guy who plays Branch Connolly on 'Longmire'?

  32. Okay so wouldn't this mean that people have seen him fully aroused?

  33. To the people who said Charlie Hunnam, thank you, I won't be able to think straight for at least a week now.

    Michael Shannon is one of my favorite actors, love love love him. I don't really find him attractive, but I could definitely believe this is him. I know supposedly these have nothing to do with the other bit he has ginormous hands.

  34. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Surely the nickname should be King Dong

  35. Let it be Timothy Olyphant if only so his nickname can be The Elephant. Hahaha!!

  36. someone from Shameless on Showtime???

  37. Will this be revealed? har har

  38. Not Askars. His peen is tiny in TB.
    And I assume they mean flaccid, if they mean hard that means his costars have seen him hard. Which is AWKWARD.

  39. I vote for a reveal on this one please!

  40. I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's a foot long, but Alfie Allen has a beautiful penis.

  41. Anonymous7:58 AM

    If we all channel our energies simultaneously in the direction of charlie hunnam, perhaps we can will this bi to be charlie.

    Totally kidding... But it was worth a try

  42. I would honestly go with the Will Wheaton guess. There were numerous times on Star Trek where there was a snake sliding down the trouser leg. LOL He was one of my first "WHOA what is that?!" thoughts as a teen

  43. No one on earth has a foot long soft dick. Even that Jonah Falcon with the supposed worlds biggest dick is only 8 Inches soft.

  44. I'm gonna throw Bryan Cranston out there, if for not other reason than the "B-/C+" reference...

  45. I'm gonna throw Bryan Cranston out there, if for not other reason than the "B-/C+" reference...

  46. Anonymous1:29 PM

    "He puts everyone on that show to SHAME."

    I'm guessing it is someone on that show "SHAMELESS". I haven't watched it since the first season so who is the white guy with the African-American wife on the show.
