Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blind Item #8

This A list actor who is usually on television now, but hops over to movies for a paycheck told a friend a few months ago that the actor's wildest night of partying happened with his soon to be celebrity ex-stepdaughter. No actual sex, but he did shot after shot of tequila off her chest which started in a bikini and ended up topless by the end of the night. The mom would freak the eff out if she knew.


  1. This has to be Ashton & one of the Willis/Moore girls.

  2. How are Ashton and Demi *still* not officially divorced?!

    Holmes and Cruise got their shit resolved in less time than it's taking me to type this.

    1. NomNom83- Neither Holmes or Cruise(some might differ) are a batshit crazy drug addict like demi.

  3. maybe Ive been around the block too many times but that doesn't sound too wild to me....

  4. Ya think them Willis girls are gonna wind up as mental as momma when they are older? I'm thinking yes.

    1. What makes you think they're not already there? I know Tallulah has "issues."

  5. Why is one of the Willis girls a "soon to be celebrity?" That part had me stumped.

    1. Prada - 'soon' relates to ex-stepdaughter part.

  6. This enty can't write for shit. I think it means his "celebrity, soon-to-be ex-stepdaughter." That said, it's not Kutcher.

  7. If this is asshat, why wld demo freak out? Shes pretty wild herself. And god, is no one looking out for these girls????? Disgraceful!

  8. Omg...thanks Megley. Usually I recognize Enty-speak for what it is, but this time it flew past me. I feel a little silly for asking now... ;) I was actually researching if one of them had an upcoming project that was a sure thing to launch them into the stratosphere of celebdom...
    I did discover that both Rumer and Scout are good singers....especially Scout.

  9. So does the lack of divorce indicate that the lack of real marriage stories might be true?

  10. Sounds like Ashton. And just because Demi is wild doesn't mean she wouldn't be pissed as hell that her husband did shots off the chest/breasts of her daughter!!!

  11. I really doubt ashton's wildest night of partying happened with his...not very attractive step daughters.

    Between how popular that 70s show was, and how allegedly fond of threesomes demi is, body shots seems pretty mundane.
