Monday, August 26, 2013

Blind Item #8

This 75% out of the closet B list celebrity/mostly movie actress got into a huge fight with her girlfriend last week. They were fighting because our actress/celebrity was cheating and got caught. Our actress/celebrity knocked her girlfriend down a huge flight of stairs and the girlfriend lost a tooth and suffered a concussion as a result. That might also explain the $50K watch our actress/celebrity said was for a gift two days after. To who though?


  1. michelle rodriguez

  2. Michelle was my first thought, but wouldn't she just be described as an actress, not an actress/celebrity? I'm sticking with Queen Latifah for this one.

  3. Queen Latifa is an actress/celebrity.

  4. I didn't think there was any question as to Queen Latifah being out, though. And I'd think she'd be actress/singer.

  5. Latifa doesn't strike me as the kind of gal to pull this bullshit... this is someone who's had a history with law enforcement... someone who has so little self control that they could step up to the edge of killing someone without pause... knocking someone down a flight of stairs is calculated even in the heat of the moment... she (whoever she is) has been arrested before... and she belongs in jail for however long it takes for the epiphany...

  6. Why would anyone think other than Rodriguez? She already has been arrested for domestic violence at least once for beating up a girlfriend.

  7. Wow. This well-founded psychological profile is intense. Someone must be missing B.D. Wong on SVU...

  8. @Sean - what has Michelle Rodriguez done besides acting?

  9. Suzie P:

    knocking someone down a flight of stairs is calculated even in the heat of the moment

    What possible basis do you have for that claim? You see no possibility that hitting someone, trying to hit someone, or shoving them away from yourself could cause them to move in an unexpected direction? That in a physical confrontation, all the physics of every bounce, every recoil, and every possible attempt to duck, dodge or parry are clear in everyone's head?

    And, before anyone says the predictable stupid thing, nowhere have I in any way defended domestic nor any other kind of violence. Anyone who says I did is a liar and knows it. I'm just refuting the claim that there's no way to inadvertently or accidentally cause someone to fall down a flight of stairs during a physical confrontation.

  10. Rarely do I agree with JAS, but in this instance, he is spot-on. Glad I wasn't the only person irked by that comment.

  11. Jodie Foster or Queen Latifah

  12. I stand with the michelle r guess.

  13. Michelle isn't a celebrity.

  14. Oh, Jonathan Andrew Sheen... Your statement was intelligent, insightful, and spot-on until you used the phrase, "duck, dodge or parry". Now all I can picture is the old Daffy Duck cartoon where he is dressed like Robin Hood and keeps whacking himself in the face.

  15. Queen Latifah. She's the only one with enough body mass to knock anyone over!

  16. Michelle always looks mean to me. I could see her doing this.

  17. Fack the watch! I'd rather have the money...

  18. I think this blind will be partially solved when enty inevitably shows some girl sporting an awfully nice watch in the random photos.

  19. unless the watch was actually a gift to the cop who was called to her house.

  20. A watch? I don't think so. If you knock out my tooth and throw me down the stairs you'd better buy me a house with a nice monthly stipend and pay my dental bills.

  21. @Tygerlilly, itsssss rabbit season!
    Whoever this is, probably meant to hit the person, just not knock them down the stairs. It was also prob not the first time they've fought. I dunno, if they're equal size, and equally involved in the fighting, how is the victim decided in this? If it were two guys fighting, I'd say the same thing..arrest them both, put them in separate corners and give them a time out.

  22. I was thinking the Queen cause she is nearly out of the closet. But never took her as the drama all the time type of person. I met her in Whistler and she was witty and super easy going. She also didn't hide her relationship.

  23. A cheater hitting or shoving is double abuse - emotional and physical - of the partner. Shoving and hitting near a staircase is stupid or calculatedly dangerous. Girlfriend needs to sell that watch and start a new life with someone who doesn't cheat or hit.
