Friday, August 30, 2013

Blind Item #7

This former B list mostly television actor who had A list name recognition and every teen wanted to marry has had trouble finding work the past few years and is now down to a C+. Part of the problem is his attitude since he only wants to be the star of something and the other part is that he's hooked on pills that his wife gets for him in her name.


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Jason Priestly?

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Jason Priestly?

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Wait..brian austen peen

  4. I'm with FSP -- my first thought was Cassidy

  5. Too many possibilities if we're going back over the years. Narrow it down -- 70's star, 80's star, etc.

  6. David cassidy. He sucked on "ruby and the rockets", he thought acting was still exxagerated like he used to do in the Partridge Family.

  7. James Van Der Beek?

  8. I'd go Priestly. He probably got hooked on pills after that race car accident.

  9. If it's Jason Priestly, he *should* hold out on being the star of something. I'd watch him on a sitcom (he was funny when he guest-starred on What I Like About You years ago).

  10. David Cassidy was sooo cute

  11. @MISCH, he was indeed cute, and The Patridge Family holds up well - my eight year old is enjoying the episodes on YouTube now. Funny that he is the butt of most of the jokes in the series. Unusual for a sex-symbol male lead.

    Given Cassidy's DWI this week, this is probably him.

  12. BTW, on one of the Cassidy DWI threads, someone made a good joke about how he shouldn't ever have to drive himself, since there was a huge supply of 56 year old ladies willing to drive him wherever he wanted to go.

    Seriously true. I remember walking past a long line outside a Cassidy book signing in the 1990s, and every person in it was a woman born between 1957 and 1965.

    1. Guilty. Wish I could be alive to see the 50-somethings of the future line up for a 60-something Justin Beiber.

  13. James van der Beek from Dawsons Creek.

  14. These teen idols should drop the dreams of being a star, and settle in to being a copilot for these shows/movies. I know Brian Austen Green is a mega douche, but he was a costar on The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and was enjoyable to watch.

    Besides, as a costar you won't necessarily be pegged as being that one character, like they already had been in the past.

  15. van der Beek has been working steadily since Dawson's Creek, though. I know he has a five-head but I find that man very attractive.

    I wish I could fit Corey Feldman in this slot (but he's a mix of tv, movies, and "singing"). Corey Feldman's Drug-Fueled Orgy Sounds Worse Than His Birthday Party

  16. My first thought was Mark Paul Gosslear :)

  17. Feldman isn't married.

    @Seven, his party sounded so pathetic. The pictures were hilarious. Most of the women were playing on their phone.

  18. One of the original 90210 guys. I thought David Cassidy at first, but he was slightly better known for singing than TV.

  19. Priestley has a show on hbo Canada.

  20. Scott Wolf. His wife is a doctor, isn't she?

  21. Jason Priestley's show is also shown on Directv and he's the star.

  22. Chad Michael Murray
