Friday, August 02, 2013

Blind Item #7

This actress from a fairly hit network show found out her younger sister actress from a hit show was a lesbian when she discovered her sister in bed with another woman who was way older than her not legal sister,


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Hot. Liza Minnelli and Lorna Luft?

  2. The Deschanel sisters are in The Mail (Zooey being the younger one)

  3. The Deschanel's are legal though. In their thirties.

  4. She's her illegal sister? I'z confusded.

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Fanning sisters anyone?

  6. I read it as the sister was underage and her love was older. And I am on the Melissa & Sara Gilbert train too because of the age difference. The blind also does not seem current.

  7. Not legal sister would be like a sorority sister or maybe a Scissor Sister.

  8. Sex with a minor ,anyone?
    No calls to the police
    No rape charges ?

    Predatory lesbians who like little grass as possible on the field . Polanski and R. Kelly would be proud.

  9. Demi Lovato and her sister who was on Desperate Housewives. The older woman Eva Longoria.

    Just kidding people.

  10. See, men don't have a monopoly on being cradle robbing scumbags, plenty of women do it too.

    Now if the older broad is 35 and the young bim is 15, that averages out to 25. Does that mean it is legal for me to jump into the bed? I mean I know 15+15 equaling 30 still isn't cool, but I wonder about averaging.

  11. Racy you're wasting your drunken Australian Friday night posting on CDAN. You should get yourself out to a pub and get yourself nailed.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Sandy: my clunge is still juicy from a good old fashioned rodgering from my husband. Who's now sleeping. And I'm in the bath!

  12. *Rach * fuck off spelchek POS

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      It's ok Sandy (in best John travolta Greese voice) I knew who you meant!! Xx

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I'm going to see Batpiss play tonight (only several more lots of 3 hours to go) before I go OFF at the tote! Early bird gets the penis. Thanks for your social coaching though Sandy!

  13. This blind reminds me of those Older women/Younger women "couples " porn.

  14. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Seriously though, I worked w a client who was 14. Fucking 14. Baby. She was fucking coerced by her foster "carer" a preditory 38 year old female. She had a pattern. And because she didn't own a meat thermometer no one questioned it. Lets hear it for equality. Chicks are, and can be/will be (although statistically lesser) just as predatory as dudes.

  15. I think I live in the pedophilia capital of the world. Weekly the feds collect 10-20 men and women who come somewhere near Orlando who think they are about to have sex w someone underage but is really a cop.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Sandy, if TV shows are accurate, in the US sex offenders can be located and identified in neighborhoods? (The ones charged & caught) here they're privacy is more important than protecting vulnerable.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Their. I hate my iPhone.

  16. Replies
    1. You broke up Amy's marriage didnt you Jason? You just love a woman in uniform.

  17. @ Rach: Just the other day I saw a story about a 23 y/o HOT chick soccer coach who took 2 boys (15 & 16) out after practice. They all got loaded and the 2 kids tag teamed her. They got caught because the mother of one kid called the cops when he came home stinking of booze.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Coach: we have teachers like that too! They get added to the sex offender list. And then join a church. And run the youth group.

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Coach!! Ha ha! How's that for a sexy Freudian slip hey Count? Now show me how to play ball.

  18. Demi Lovato and her sister....

  19. Olivia DeHavilland and Joan Fontaine.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Tru Leigh: top comment!

  20. Ariel Winter and her sister (she is/was in DOYL or any of those soap operas)

  21. What about that girl who was on American Horror Story? Farmiga I think? She has an older sister on a show right?

    Vera Farmiga and Tessa Farmiga I am told.

  22. Not being legal to drink or not legal to do porn doesn't equal not old enough to consent to sex with an adult.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Bubbles, where I live, if you're more than 2 years older than someone 16 years or under (not child though : age 12 cut off) you're legally classified a kiddie fiddler. Power differential : those few years make a difference under the legal age.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Bubbles is only saying this because Michael touched your no no places in your enclosure at Neverland.

  23. Former UK b-ball player , Michael Porter was sent to prison for having sex with a underage female who was 14/15 years of age at the time.
    Porter , a whiteboy, was 22 at the time. He was also charged with sodomy..... Prolly didn't want to get her pregnant.

  24. Ending with a comma leads me to believe there's more to this blind. HOW busy can "Enty" be that he can't re-read what he just typed. It's like jghdfkgefger7ujrgh ehfjj./.,/.j {SEND}

  25. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Enty is too busy cashing checks and trying to find bacon jokes that are even more piss poor than the ones already used. He's set the bar WAY HIGH. Silly overachiever!

    I just love that man to pieces!

    However, there was that time I discovered him in bed with a .aoiiej and,

  26. Enty/s means this to be about the Gilberts, however not sure what he/she means by "not legal sister" since Melissa was legally adopted before Sara was born to her adoptive mother, making them legal sisters (well, half-sisters since Sara was born during a subsequent marriage).

    I feel touchy about people saying adopted kids arent "full" children or siblings. Of course they are.

  27. @Pookie: you are too hung up on adoption. Fugazi Enty meant she was under age.

  28. So Melissa Gilbert found Sara in the bed with Laurie Metcalf.

  29. @WillWar: Ya know, I love a good lesbo tale, but that mental pic does nothing for me. Even if Melissa joined in.

  30. Probably one of the Cosby older sisters found Raven Symone with a guest star from that show.

    1. Uh, she was like 4 when she was on that show....



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