Monday, August 26, 2013

Blind Item #6

This B-/C+ list mostly television actress who was in a huge franchise and some busts of television shows has a hit now and was told by producers that if she wants to be back for the second season, that she needs to gain 20 pounds. They are scared of her passing out from not eating enough. She never eats.


  1. Ashley Greene
    Has had two shows tank
    Not sure about what she's on now though

    1. Scratch that. She's not mostly tv.

  2. I wanted to make Tayrn Manning work but she hasn't been in a franchise. What hit show wouldn't be filming the second season yet?

    1. Lover her crazy on Orange is the New Black. She's great!

  3. You know it's bad when Hollywood tells you to gain weight.

    1. Dawn, right?? My daughter had a friend who was anerxic. When she went to modeling agency they said we can get u work, but gain 10 lbs! Again, when do u ever hear that??!!

  4. What about Diane Kruger for the Bridge. Man she looks so very thin! But I am not sure if she has been doing a lot of bad TV prior to this!

  5. Ashley Green w/ 15-20 on her would be really hot, especially if some of the weight found its way to her ass and tits. Take some protein shakes and do squats, Ash.

  6. How about Paula Malcolmson from Ray Donovan? she's has alot of TV and plays Katniss' mother in the Hunger Games

  7. Sheena Grimes? Huge franchise being Degrassi, busts 90210? That girl is such a babe, but definitely needs to eat something.

  8. Rachelle LeFevre (sp?)
    Booted out of Twilight, now on Under the Dome...was on Off the Map & A Gifted Man that I know of...

    1. Agree. She was the popular guess for an actress that pretty much never eats.

  9. Is Rachelle Julia on Under The Dome? She doesn't need to gain or lose one pound. If she'd dye her hair some other color than ridiculous goddamn orange she'd be one of the hottest women on television.

  10. I saw "20 pounds" and immediately thought someone was asking an actress to lose it. Was expecting gain. Wow!

  11. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Laura Prepon from "Orange Is he New Black"

  12. I like Hayden Panettiere for this, because, she could definitely use a couple pounds. For the franchise, maybe Scream?

  13. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Sarah Michelle Geller for the Win

  14. Oh, wait - they're on Season Three now, huh?

  15. What show is Ashley on now that's a hit?

  16. Diane Kruger is think but looks healthy.

    I love Paula Malcolmson on Ray Donovan, what a great performance.

    1. Have loved her since Trixie on Deadwood. She was great on Archer too.

    2. I have the first season on dvd, I have to watch that again. You see Sopranos on often, but never Deadwood. Al Swearengen was the man.

  17. I am gonna guess Rachelle LeFevre too. Seems like there was another anorexic blind here at one time that pointed to her as well.

  18. How DARE anyone insult Rachelle LeFevre's beautiful red hair. I LOVE it!

  19. Rachelle is Julia on Under the Dome. It was just greenlighted for a second season, so it fits...she's seemed to vary between healthy and too thin throughout her career.

  20. Agreed Dawn, but it's also a positive sign that there is a line somewhere.

  21. If she was in a franchise, I would've said Britt Robertson, Under the Dome. She's adorable, but looks like could use a couple trips to In-n-Out

  22. I agree with the Paula Malcolmson comment about how fantastic she is on Ray Donovan so hope its not her

    she is kind of thin though-kind of goes with the character's obsession with yoga and her issues in her personal life

    So far a great performance from her

  23. I doubt it's Diane Kruger she's always had a little pot belly. I would also consider her mostly movies, the Bridge is the first tv she's done, with exception of a bit guest part on Fringe.

    BTW, where is the Blind about why Joshua Jackson had a cast on and was on crutches? Oh, I guess that would be too obvious a blind. ;) Ok, does anyone just know why? lol

  24. @Zelda Zonk Garde

    No way, she's got that role for life. It's a pivotal part of the show.

  25. I have a hard time seeing Rachelle for this one, compared to Britt Robertson (Angie), she looks quite healthy.

  26. Jordana Brewster on Dallas? She got super skinny, and Fast and Furious could be the franchise.

  27. I've always thought Diane Kruger is anorexic--that girl is way too skinny--and I think she is the actress from the blind about the actress who is really good and could work a lot more than she does, except that she is clearly super anorexic, and her long-term boyfriend is worried sick about her health.
    That said, was she ever in a franchise?

  28. I agree, Jordana Brewster is perfect for this.

  29. I don't think this is Diane Kruger but she was in the National Treasure movies.

  30. If this didn't say she'd been in a franchise,I'd think it was Natalie Zea from Justified, Under the Dome and basically every other show.

    What about Anna Panquin from True Blood? She was bony as crap this past season. Franchise was Xmen.

  31. Did you see Anna Paquin in the YouTube show she did? She plays post partum depression & confusion pretty well.
