Friday, August 30, 2013

Blind Item #6 - Easy Easy Easy

This current A list celebrity/singer was told by his B list mostly movie actress wife that she was in the mood for a threesome the other night and that our singer should find someone. He did and everything was fine and then the wife got cold feet so the wife and singer dumped the third and left. The third was apparently ticked off and she got her revenge in a very public way.


Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

oh Robin and Paula

Lucas said...

Nice backstory you invented for that Robin Thicke photo.

Kno Won said...

Totally believable (said no one ever)

Seven of Eleven said...

Sounds like a variation on the Ashton/Kunis blind about her not realizing she was coming on to the wrong threesome choice.

sarah.estell said...

Robin Thick and!

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

haha @sevenofeleven it does

angie said...

lmao @ Lucas. I have an idea for a new site name - Crazy Days and Pseudo Gossip.

Super F*cking Awesome Katelyn said...

Wasn't enty just calling robin thicke a pig? This new enty sure has multiple personalities. They can't even keep their viewpoint the same over 10 posts

NomNom83 said...

Robin Thicke is a PIG!

Except for when he and his wife just want a threesome.

Wait! That's still slutty!

She's my daughter!

She's my sister!

She's my daughter!

She's my sister!

Unknown said...

So what was the revenge in a very public way??

Tru Leigh said...

The third being Miley and revenge being the VMA's?

secretsecrets said...

I am assuming the 3rd person was Molly and that was why she acted the way she did....right?

ms snarky said...

Way to make sure Paula will never invite you again, Miley. Duh.

Kelly said...

I took the revenge to be the third girl outed that pic on her Twitter.

auntliddy said...

Good guess tru!!!!!!

Topper Madison said...

I think the third is the woman in this photo:

Anonymous said...

Miley and Liam?

Ange and Brad?

skimpymist said...

Nailed it!. Look back at my comment on "Robin's a Pig". I'm giving myself a pat on the back and a super high five.

Sherry said...

I would never turn down Brad and Angie..That would be a dream come true, that one!

HimynameisChloe said...

The photo released Of New York socialite with Thicke in which you can see him grabbing her ass in the reflection of the mirror behind him. She went so far as to tweet it directly to Paula.

Unknown said...

Thanks Chloe

Anonymous said...

Yeap, more and more this seems to be happening

Bitchy McSnappy said...

Justin T & Jessica B. She didn't show up at the VMAs.

FrenchGirl said...

LOL nice made-up blind item to explain how the pic with Thinke and blonde woman's ass is released

NaughtyNurse said...

That's hot, but for the part when they ditched the new recruit.

GladysKravitz said...

The problem with the college student photo is that robin thicke may have a big dick but he only has ONE left hand. He has that one around the girl in the picture. The other Vito's bottom is being veiled by an unseen person's left hand. Just saying.


GladysKravitz said...

DYAC. The other persons BOTTOM is being GROPED.

GladysKravitz said...

The problem with the college student photo is that robin thicke may have a big dick but he only has ONE left hand. He has that one around the girl in the picture. The other Vito's bottom is being veiled by an unseen person's left hand. Just saying.


di butler said...

Dudes, this has nothing to do with Miley. That was business, for both of them. She thinks he's an "Old," and not really that hot. I do think Miley just miiight be spending a little too much studio time with Mike Will, though.


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