Saturday, August 03, 2013

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is actually a great actor and great looking is married. He and his wife have always had an open relationship but they are splitting because he has basically moved on to be with someone that he and his wife once had in a threesome. He wants to keep the fun and sex going and his wife says she is ready just for them to be a couple and not be always looking for a third or fourth. She was never really into it, but did it so he would stay.


  1. Ewan MacGregor?
    Good gravy he's hot

    1. Back the eff off my Ewan, Nolesgirl!!!!!!!
      I'll totally cut a bitch.

  2. Is Hugh Jackman great looking? How many GREAT looking GREAT actors are there?

  3. Replies
    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Sorry, he is hot, but Clive Owen is a pretty ordinary, below par actor. He is married to someone punching above her weight range though.

  4. Please don't let it be Paul Bettany!

  5. Lmao Sugar!!!!
    Damn we've got good taste....

    1. I love him and will boil your bunny if you're not careful! Yes, we both have exquisite taste in men!

  6. I feel like I read on here that people think Ewan and his wife have an open relationship. BUT I'm not sure what information there is out there to back this up, or if it's just an urban gossip myth?

  7. Pierce Brosnan and his wife think her name is Shaye?

  8. @bellaluna I hope it is. I might have a shot lol Love me some paul

  9. I've always heard they had an open marriage, I think Enty has head it on CDAN as well.
    Ewan is beautiful and dirty and saucy and raunchy and all that is right in my world

  10. Envy has *had it on CDAN dammit

    1. @Nolesgirl I read your comment as, "I think Enty has READ it on CDAN as well."
      Imagine that. Lol

  11. Is this my Christian Bale blind , Enty? If so i wish I would've gotten the memo he was into threesomes...

  12. No not Christian
    He's also chock full of the gravy goodness :)

  13. My first thought was Clive Owen.

  14. On a different topic, is there any truth to this?

  15. When the gross scuzzbucket you're with asks you to do threesomes to "save" the relationship, pack your bags. That's my advice.

    1. Amen, barton, amen.

    2. Ok, I thought I was alone in thinking that very thing. But like everyone else in these gossip items, the money changes things for a lot of people, sadly.

    3. Yep. basically it just means that someone wants to be able to audition new partners without feeling guilty.

  16. @Demoiselle, anybody you score heroin from is going to be a pretty shady character. I did a lot of drugs in college but hated interacting with dealers so much I finally just quit. So blaming the dealer when somebody OD's is pointless.

    1. Lazy, i look at it this way If someone is on a ledge and threatening to jump, it isnt your fault. But you do have a moral respinsibility NOT to yell jump. When you sell drugs to addict, you are, in effect, yelling jump. But addiction and morality are mutually exclusive.

    2. Thats why I love breaking bad but can't stand to think of the lives destroyed by manufacturers and dealers. They're murderers even if an addict is to blame, as well.

    3. Wait, you're not supposed to yell "jump"? Huh, you learn something new every day.

  17. AuntLicky: For a dealer it's a business transaction. It's not their job to tell someone they're killing themselves. That's part and parcel with the trade. Not defending dealers, just saying they only care about making $ and not getting busted. Certainly not altruistic in any way.

    And I'd be the middle in an Ewan or Hugh Jackmeoff sandwich any day.

  18. @Sherry ha ha Sandwich du jour!

  19. what about the 'mostly movie' part? was clive owen ever on tv? was jackman? i was wondering about banderas but don't know what TV he's done either.

    1. @nancer, unfortunately gorgeous Clive was once on tv. It was a British show that escapes me right now but he was definitely tv. I hate the idea of him being this guy though. He met his wife while playing Romeo to her Juliet at the Royal Academy. :( Talk about a love story gone awry if it's them.

    2. I heard Clive and Angie Jo had an affair on whatever movie they were on, and then she wanted it to continue but he said no. Something like he only cheats during filming but stays with the wife on the long term. She's a tad homely looking, but maybe that's just because I've only ever seen her next to him. Rowr.

    3. I heard Clive and Angie Jo had an affair on whatever movie they were on, and then she wanted it to continue but he said no. Something like he only cheats during filming but stays with the wife on the long term. She's a tad homely looking, but maybe that's just because I've only ever seen her next to him. Rowr.

  20. I don't know who this is. And now that someone's mentioned Clive Owen and threesomes, I can't concentrate.

  21. @nancer do the Nasonex commercials count for Banderas?

    Sorry, I couldn't help myself :)

  22. Not blaming the dealer, just curious about the likelyhood of such a deal in Hollywood/entertainment circles.

  23. How about Antonio and Melanie? She seems like she'd do just about anything to hang on to him.

  24. I think every actor in Hollywood has an "open marriage". Some just haven't informed their wives yet.

    These blinds are getting tiresome. Give me one where a couple stays faithful to each other without any weird kinks or bad habits - then I'll be shocked.

    1. haha exactly @Tyger Lilly! that would be notable.

  25. Hugh did TV in Austraila, met his wife on the show too

  26. demoisell...If I remember correctly Carroll O'Connor tried to sue the dealer who sold to his son who ended up ODing. I don't think it went in his favor though.

    1. He won. I loved carroll oconnor:)

  27. John Depp.

    Bitch got to do what a man say if she want to stay.

  28. Wait the divorce to know who they're

  29. Wait the divorce to know who they're

  30. Boy, their sure are some week minded women on this planet.

  31. I immediately thought of Antonio Banderas. He isn't a great actor though.

  32. I was leaning towards Jackman as the gender of the new partner isn't specified. However, I can't imagine he'd treat DLF like that.

  33. Hugh Jassman is mostly movies but also does Broadwaaaaay

  34. Anonymous6:22 PM

    i thought of Daniel Craig right off the bat.
    he's great looking and a good actor.

  35. Yup .......Ewan McGregor. Didn't this happen last year?

  36. She was never really into it, but did it so he would stay.

    I just don't see Rachel Weisz as someone who would put up with threesomes and foursomes just so her husband would stick around.

    1. Weisz was the one who made the cheeky he's hot but not bright joke. Yeah, not Craig and Weisz. (And it was a joke!)

  37. I was thinking Pene and Javier. They have never seemed to have any chemistry to me, and I always thought that they were each other's beards, so maybe this isn't them.

  38. Anonymous8:35 PM


  39. I don't think this is Hugh Jackman. I envision any threesome involving his wife would play out with her sitting in the corner while Hugh and another hunky bloke take turns fucking each other in the arse

  40. Definitely Ewan McGregor. I thought it wasn't even a secret any more that they had an open relationship because he wanted it and she complied just to please him and keep him.

  41. FYI Tom Hardy is not married he is supposedly engaged but that's not definite at the moment

    he dumped his son's mother for Charlotte Riley after falling for her when they filmed Wuthering Heights together but the wedding might be on hold since he may have fallen for yet another co-star Noomi Rapace

  42. @Pip he isnt'great and Melanie I think has taken a tole on his looks

  43. I'd get it on with ewan

  44. Gay, it has happened, for real.

  45. @trainride, thx at least someone is able to decipher my garble lol

  46. Whoa, doggies! I love Ewan!! I hope it's him, and I hope I run into him someday!! Wooohooooo!



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