Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blind Item #5

This B-/C+ list mostly movie actress is being accused of getting her mid-teens, future step-daughter hooked on cigarettes. The actress doesn't think it's a big deal because she started when she was 13 and says it helps keep you skinny which is what is most important. The actress mom of the daughter doesn't agree, although she is a chain smoker too so, who knows who is at fault.


  1. whichever Olsen is dating that old man.

  2. Jaimie Alexander (P Facc and Jennie Garth for the others)

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I went to college with girls that ate nothing, they smoked, drank coffee, & sucked on altoids

  4. Hooked on cigarettes? Gimme a call when there is a drug involved at the coke or harder level.

  5. Is Peter F engaged? The "future-stepdaughter" part, rather than "boyfriend's daughter" makes it sounds like this couple is engaged.

  6. I started smoking at 15. I quit for good 6 years ago and my metabolism has been for shit ever since. I even run now and it's hard to maintain my weight. I'm 41 btw

  7. Congrats on quitting for good @Renoblondee. I quit for good last year as a thirtieth birthday present to myself. My metabolism has been shit as well but will take that over cigarettes any day.

  8. Congrats to you too @Dixie! Yes, I'll take being smoke free over my metabolism too. Best thing I ever did was quit.

  9. Just to breathe well and smell better and not being in danger of getting emphazema (sp?) Is worth gaining the weight.

  10. @Sandybrook? ...yeah, said nobody EVER.
    Blah. I hate being a chubby non-smoker. I really do. If I didn't have a kid and hate being a hypocrite, I'd go back to my pack-a-day habit RIGHT NOW.

  11. Day 19 for me, I want a cig every minute of everyday still! I've quit before but this time has been the hardest.

    1. Hypnotherapy might help. I paid $100 for an hour session that helped me quit. No cravings or withdrawal. Just like flipping a switch.

  12. @Jade: Have you tried a nicotine free e-cigarette to get past the jones?

    One person I knew bought a pack of Pall Mall non filtered when they quit, so if they ever fiended bad enough, the smoke they grabbed would taste godawful.

    Good Luck.

    1. My ma smoked pall mall reds unfiltered, pa smoked swisher sweets and a pipe, in a 800 sq ft house and they couldn't figure out why they had such sickly children. I dont need to smoke I've already had my fill.

  13. Thanks, @Renoblondee! I'm coming up on one year as my 31st is Friday.

    @Jade - Stick with it, it's totally worth it. I still crave smoking sometimes but it's more of craving the action and not the cig itself. @Count made a good suggestion with the e-cig.

    @RobotBabs - A lot of people agree with what @sandybrook wrote, so there's that. Good luck on staying a non-hypocrite. I'll root for your success.

  14. E-cigs are the bomb. I quit using one last year and apart from three cigarettes on three occasions this year, I haven't had any on a daily basis at all.

  15. Simple therapy stop smoking gain weight? Try exercising 20- minute walks 3 per week. That should= approximately 3 miles good for heart and lungs

  16. B626 just described my childhood encased in a suburban drywall chamber of smoke. They 'only' smoked filtered cigs tho---Vantage & Marlboro Reds.
    Before it was illegal, they used to bribe me with candy money when I would go buy cigarettes for them. I bought cigs as early as 5 or 6. The late 70's were a different time.

  17. I started smoking cigs at 13, and got tired at 22. I have not smoked anything since then (more than 5 years and fewer than 20) except some Cubans in celebrations as weddings. I must say that the skinny thing was right for me, but I was thin the next 3 years. And I'm a male, so I don't think I'm the best example for this.

  18. I used to smoke when I was drunk sometimes, but it makes me sick so I just don't bother. I don't get drunk anymore either. *L* I DO, however, smoke a joint everyday...

  19. Parents who smoke indoors...

    At one point my sister decided to paint the interior of our house. She was about halfway through repainting the living room ceiling white when my mother came in: "Why are you painting the ceiling orange!?"

    That wasn't the half she painted...

  20. Thanks for all the support! Yes I had an e-cig, it died so getting another, but only thing that's saved me is the herb, lol. Still I do feel better, no more smokers cough! It's amazing how fast I felt better, I smoked Marlboro lights for 26 years! Saving a ton of money too, more to use for medicinal purposes!

  21. About 18 days smoke free here. Sucks a little, but not too bad. I love not having it hang over my head anymore!

    @sandybrook - thanks for the generic, pithy and totally not helpful advice. Had I known it was that easy I would have quit years ago using your easy 2-step program!

  22. I love it when people who haven't ever smoked act like its just a snap to stop and why are you being so weak? Ugh. Good luck EVERYONE on your quitting!!!
