Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blind Item #4

This B- list celebrity has told her B+ list mostly television actor with A list name recognition that she doesn't like kids and that he needs to make sure that he does not have his around if our actor wants to spend "special" time with the celebrity. Yes, she calls it special time, and yes, I threw up in my mouth a little.


  1. Katie Lee and Will Arnett

  2. Katie Lee sounds like a good guess. She would call it "special time" knowing her. I guess w/ Billy Joel his kid was old enough to not mess that up for her.

  3. Ugh, self centered twunt. Get it while you can, dude. Do every filthy thing you can talk her into ASAP, and then when you want to ditch her, just keep your kids around as often as possible until she leaves. Then you can play the good dad victim in the press.

  4. Neil Patrick Harris and...?

    Fake Ent..if you want to continue the charade:
    1) Don't say you wish Gisele wasn't so good looking.

    2) Don't say "threw up in my mouth a little".

    1. Bbacon ranch shut up. That was the most pointless post I read all day.

  5. A few days ago there was a story in the DM about how she doesn't want to be around Will's kids, but I can't find it now. My google skills are not that good.

  6. yea those comments "he" made caught me off guard. Some of the posts seem to be in the original voice, but then other days I think it is just dialed in by one of the cronies


  7. I refuse to accept that the ex-Mrs. Joel is B-list. Isn't she the epitome of D-list?

  8. @Topper - Yes. Absolutely Yes.
    @Count - 'self-centered twunt' ha! : )

  9. Maybe Enty writes some still and his intern writes stuff like this.

  10. No man would say "threw up in my mouth a little" give me a break.
    Ms.Enty is goin down fast

  11. I think "real" Enty still does Random Photos, all the Kardashian posts and blinds. All the Rest seem to be written by somebody else entirely. Even the Lindsay posts feel different.

  12. Well, shes being honest, so he knows exactly what the story is. What he does about it is his choice.

  13. Kathie Lee Gifford attempting to be relevant. When she busted Frank banging a flying cocktail waitress, the world sided with Frank snd she lost her carea. Dumb ugly bitch.

  14. Re: the Enties: And really, 10 blinds a day PLUS the main blind? That's why some are most definitely fake.

  15. The trolls are out hard today. Look, if you don't think Enty is real/think it's someone else/think the blinds are fake/what-the-fuck-ever - go somewhere else? It's really not rocket science. It amazes me that people complain about this same shit so much, as if they are being forced to read here. It's like a retarded child that keeps hitting their head on the wall. Move them away and they can't do it anymore. But some of them will find a way to shuffle back over to that wall and repeat banging head.

    1. @Jessica, look up a definition of "troll." A troll isn't someone who disagrees with content or points out that this version of Enty sucks. A troll is someone who spouts whatever they can to piss people off, insult, and offend.

      We point out how disappointed we are with what this site has become because we hope that the new Enties will get it together and realize that they're alienating people. We want the old Enty back. That isn't trolling; we have a purpose. And if YOU don't like it, you can skip our comments.

  16. HA! Rosie, if Ms. Enty ever went down, she could probably keep a man and not be so pent up and bitter.


  17. @Bacon Ranch said...

    Neil Patrick Harris and...?

    Fake Ent..if you want to continue the charade:
    1) Don't say you wish Gisele wasn't so good looking.

    2) Don't say "threw up in my mouth a little".

    @BR, I concur.

    Gisele is almost SJP level My Little Pony in the face department. Nice tits though.


    re #2 no one uses that tired old saying other than the tired olds.

    In other words just lazy, lazy, lazy. It's like an intern with a copy of the People 2005 Yearbook is writing this.

  18. I've lost a lot of respect for Will just seeing the kind of whore he is choosing to spend his time with. She knew he had kids before they got together, what kind of self-centered diva bitch would demand a man not see his children? I hope he breaks the spell his penis must be under, and soon!
