Friday, August 30, 2013

Blind Item #3

What A+ list supermodel had sex with one producer and threatened another with harm if they did not fire an A list supermodel. It seems our A+ list supermodel got her way. She usually does.


FrenchGirl said...

why did the "fired" model not have sex herself with the 2 producers?

Meatros said...

Are you suggesting a sexual arms race, FrenchGirl?

That way leads to madness...

Tru said...

How bored and lonely does one have to be to care about the lives of supermodels?

Peerless Phil said...

I know this one... Naomi Campbell.. Karolina Kurkova annonced this morning she was leavint "The Face".

dee123 said...

So Naomi Campbell is a control freak. In other news today water is wet.

Kno Won said...

Another dispatch from the Institute for the Blindingly Obvious.

Unknown said...

Heidi Klum on AGT? :S

Count Jerkula said...

I hope they negotiated between the 2 models and bid them up on sexual favors.

"Sorry Karolina, but Naomi offered all of your menu items, plus a tossed salad for an appetizer. Now nothing is official yet, we will press release it the morning after."

Leo said...

Yeah if everyones screwing the producers, who gets ahead?

MM said...

Naomi's mad b/c Karolina won last season?

Vanessa said...

It's not Noami ...she is the executive produce for the it got to be someone else.

AListDiva said...

Could be Kate Moss, but she doesn't seem crazy, so Naomi fo sho!

Anonymous said...

Yes it was naomi for sure.

lazyday603 said...

You can tell the supermodel era is gone when all the guesses are models in their 40's. Film star/musician magazine covers killed it.

Pip said...

Karolina has class that Naomi will never have.

NaughtyNurse said...

Heidi and somebody

FrenchGirl said...

i think Naomi is one of THE FACE's the producers so this blind is "weird"


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