Friday, August 23, 2013

Blind Item #3

This blind took place in a group therapy session. I believe they are sacred, so would normally not even have a blind about what happens there, but apparently this still young, A-/B+ list mostly movie actress also discussed it with members of the group and some of their friends (who had not been in the session) outside therapy at a crowded restaurant. She says she is messed up and the reason is that an actor family member would get wasted and molest her and this happened until she was in her early teens.


  1. I really hate predatory molesters. The damage they do spans decades. My sympathy to the molested girl. It wasnt your fault. Molester sick fuck; you arent.

    1. And you know whats tragic and sad? Take away actress factor, and this could be any kid anywhere. Another global disgrace, sexually exploiting children.

  2. I feel bad guessing about these type of things.....but....Emma Roberts?

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      I instantly thought that too for some reason when i read this. Great guess

  3. If Emma Roberts is A list, kill me now.

  4. amanda bynes have actors in the family?

  5. I think Emma Roberts prob thinks she is B+ list also.....

  6. oops mostly movie. fannings? roberts?

  7. auntliddy, I recently made a move into a mental health field and spend my days now with street kids and foster kids and children with CPS involvement, and the molestation part of their lives is the most damaging to them because the children receive their support and shaping from the people who molest them. Also, the children blame themselves and feel permanently at fault for the sexual abuse. It's a sad, sad thing. It's the worst.

    1. Barton, kudos to you for trying to help. Im at a loss as to how to help, except fiancially. Any killer or repeat offender, if you scratch the surface, there is physical and sexual abuse im their past. I saw a show once about a small group of hitler youth in this country appalling, right? But when this one kid relayed his childhood of neglect and abuse, you wanted to weep for him. This sick thinking group was the only family he ever had. These sick twisted indiviuals dont come from nowhere. Anyway, again, kudos to you. :)

    2. These are very nice words right here about a disturbing but real issue. It kind of makes me feel icky to guess the name of this person who has been victimized because unlike casual sex, cheating, drinking and drugs, victims of molestation did not make that choice. But yet, it all seems to sometimes tie together.

      I wish more people would discuss these issues more openly instead of bottling their emotions up and turning to destructive ways. There is such stigma that goes with this topic.

      When robin Williams's character says to Matt Damon's character over and over 'its not your fault' from good will hunting, I don't think truer words were ever spoken.

  8. Uh, the topic is still not a reason to betray confidentiality of therapy sessions.

  9. Fuck the person who sent this tip in. I've done group therapy sessions and it's suppose to be private.

    Talking about alcoholism, drug abuse and other problems talked about in group therapy are off limits, but child sex abuse is okay to write about? Writing blind items about her alleged abuse won't help her and it's bullshit to pretend otherwise.

    Why are you so obsessed with outing sex abuse victims?

    1. Jodi, im glad he is!! And this topic is sooo general and soooo prevelent, its good to air it out.

  10. Definitely Emma Roberts. It would explain her anger issues. I hope she gets help and I hope the asshole who did it to her gets revealed and arrested.

  11. FWIW, this is not information from a therapy session: "[the actress] also discussed it with members of the group and some of their friends (who had not been in the session) outside therapy at a crowded restaurant." (Bolding mine.) You shouldn't have any expectation of privacy in a restaurant. This is hammered again and again in every training I've had in data loss prevention. Anyone could have heard this. The trust of a therapy session was not broken.

    That said... ugh.

  12. What did I say yesterday? Only thing Fugazi Enty loves more than incest is molestation. Fucker prolly gets gooey thinking of clicks every time she types the word. And to have both in one blind? That must lead to multiples when she gets her Lex Steele dong out.

    Since I want to fulfill my obligation to take the site to a lower level, I'm going to have to dig way down into my bag of tricks to incite the rubes in the audience. It is tough to accomplish, what with group therapy incest molestation blinds going around, but I think I'm up to the task.

    How about this for a Your Turn: Which is a worse sexual motto to live by: "If there is grass on the field, you can play" OR "If there is grass on the field, I aint playin"?

    Happy F'n Friday.

  13. Enty did say they talked about this outside of therapy with people who were not in the therapy session. Not that I agree with the posting of it, but he isn't violating any laws or privacy of the therapy session.

    However, I do believe we have too many of these pedo blinds and either do something about them Enty, or quit sharing.

  14. Why are people in Hollywood who become powerful themselves unwilling to do anything about this or try? Surely at some point with fame and money a person becomes powerful enough or earns enough money to blow the whistle on at least some of these predators?

  15. The problem may be that Hollywood is filled with too many predators with too much power to destroy you if you try. With the PR firms and high priced lawyers at their disposal.

  16. Count how about this:
    You are a lowlife creeper idiot. amongst yourselves...

  17. @ Err -- ITA. Enty, instead of posting this as a blind gossip item, how about doing something that is actually helpful and sending an email to Child Protective Services (or the appropriate authority)?

  18. I get what you mean Count. In fact, when I read this blind I thought about what you said yesterday.
    I don't get why the girl is the subject of the blind though. Shouldn't it be 'which scumbag celebrity molested his young relative?'

  19. still laughing about "fugazi enty..."

  20. Well, I'm glad you are finally up to speed, Rosie. I was worried you would be lagging behund the class all semester.

    @itsjustu: I would guess legality. If the actress ever comes forward with being abused, then Enty can do a reveal w/o naming the abuser, although there would be very few to chose from.

  21. This isn't an appropriate blind.

    @auntliddy, I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Wouldn't all molesters be predators?

    1. Rose, i dont know how to explain exactly what i mean but,yes, they are all predatory.

  22. Ok if this BI is true and is about the young girl who seems to have issues and is also the popular guess in the comments, then the wasted family might be the father and i wish his ass would go to jail.

    And it would also explain alot about that family.

  23. Anonymous4:59 PM

    i thought emma's dad had basically nothing to do with her her whole life so i don't think it would be him

  24. acting families....Baldwins

  25. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Off your high horses people. If you don't like the topic, skip this blind. If all you can do is complain about the writer, skip this site. Seriously.

    I like reading comments for thoughts on answers - not thoughts on morality.



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