Friday, August 16, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former B list celebrity/reality star who worked her way up to A list celebrity because of her boyfriend is back down to B and slipping quickly. Apparently her new gig is not paying as much as she thought it would so she accepted the invitation from a man to spend a week with him on vacation. Our celebrity is in bad shape. She called a friend and said it is the worst week ever, but she feels trapped and has been doing as much coke as possible to numb herself.


  1. That or Julianne Hough?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Definitely Kiebler.

  4. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Stacy Keibler

  5. She obviously needed the controlled environments Clooney and the WWE had to offer.

  6. Here's a thought, Miss Kiebler: Get a job. Not a stint on a reality show, not a girlfriend contract, an actual j-o-b. Not only is the pay steady, it has the fringe benefit of allowing you to retain your dignity.

    1. Lol. Like that'll ever happen.

  7. George needs to stop switching women, and settle with one, and go the we're-in-a-committed relationship-but-dont-need-piece-of-paper-to-prove -it route.

  8. Replies
    1. Naomi Campbell is still a goddess! Damn!

  9. Naomi has some sick abs!

  10. It's not fair that assholes like Naomi Campbell get to hang out on yachts all summer.

  11. I'd rather bone Campbell than Keibler.

  12. Both of them would be able to beat the shit out of a guy they were screwing. Id rather have Stacy and her legs.

  13. She's having the worst week ever because she has to look a cavalli's wrinkled butt all day. She got used to seeing clooney the hottie's cute tush and doesn't know how to deal. I would stay in the water as much as possible to avoid having to look at cavalli the prune.

  14. I guess Kiebler didn't save up all the money from the 2 year Clooney contract?

  15. "Both Naomi and Stacy looked slimmer than they have in recent months - suggesting they have both been on the heartbreak diet." Which most likely consists of coke, cigarettes and champagne.

  16. This link VIP dropped, just reiterates how every model ends up whoring. It's why my wife quit the modeling game as soon as she saw that was expected. She's 6'1" and not a day goes by in LA where she isn't stopped and asked if she models or why she doesn't. Because it's nothing more than high class whoring. She loves and respects herself too much for that shit.

  17. I can't be the only one who is going to lose some productive time thinking about a Kiebler/Campbell hookup. Right?

  18. No Lucas you aren't. If I ever see Keibler, I'm gonna ask her how Naomi's ass tastes. Her answer will probably be "cash & cocaine."

  19. So easy even I could get it! Kiebler on a boat with Naomi Campbell!

  20. Clooney hated Stacy's cocaine hose nose ways.....yep her.
