Thursday, August 15, 2013

Blind Item #2

This A list national news anchor has been paying his trainer six figures a year, and it is not just for training. Our anchor would like you to think it is just for training. He does not like to have to pay for sex. He just likes the fact that it was kept quiet. The trainer has been talking.


  1. Cooper if the trainers a man!

  2. This is a bit of a stretch, but how about the news anchor from Russia who admitted on air, during a show, that he was gay and just like anyone else. Few hours later he got fired. Not sure what his status would be in Russia, but for all the gay people over the world, he has become A doubleplus good right now.

  3. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Geraldo, apart from all the other conflicting facts(read : A list, etc). Those pecs still cause my night terrors.

  4. Is he an anchor? Seems like he would be more of a buoy.

  5. Anonymous7:36 AM

    One of our respected news anchors in melb is out. But he's old, and pasty, but still brave. And one for the bum fun.

  6. @hj, bite your tongue. Anderson does not in anyway have to pay anyone for sex when most of the gay world would most gladly do it for free and bragging rights.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Basil: yes!

    2. I don't think stars usually pay because they have to... I'm sure Charlie sheen could have found free poon.... It's just an arrangement some like. No working for it.

  7. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Michael K would make all you Anderson naysayers to bite your tongues! He does not pay for gay! Silver fox.

  8. No way Anderson has to pay for sex! Michael K would surely pay HIM for it!

  9. No way would AC need to pay for sex. And I wouldn't call Lauer so much an "anchor" as a "host" - I think this is one of the evening network guys.

  10. Shepard smith. If it was lauer, that wld be something since hes supp to be major hetero playa. Lauer seems so cold- i dont see him as a warm and fuzzy daddy. More like," yes, let me see your homework good, dismissed, , now excuse me while i verbally abuse your mother and then go screw my mistress and enjoy my european style marriage ". Hope im wrong, but I have never once heard him waxing poetic about joys of fatherhood.

  11. Some extra clues would be nice in a blind like this. Ted from E (who yes, was just as annoying to read) would usually drop hints. And add more in the Bitch Back section.

  12. He's not paying to play, he's paying for secrecy. Which he's apparently not getting.

  13. As the great Carlos Estevez said, he doesn't pay to sleep with them. He pays them to leave.

    Except for a while they lived together.

  14. Sam Champion of Good Morning America. He's a circuit queen, but has definitely been more discreet since landing the full time GMA gig.

  15. Wait a minute! Im sensing danger- Carlos Danger!!!!!

  16. This is someone who is not out, so I can't be Anderson Cooper.

  17. And shame on the trainer. Six figures and you can't keep your mouth shut?

  18. For thise that miss Ted- why? You enjoy twisty pointless sentences about who knows what going eho knows where? I never knew wtf he was writing about. And dont miss him.

  19. @Brenda L. Exactly. Men pay hookers for the convenience and discretion, not b/c they absolutely can't get laid otherwise. Also, most johns are married, and doesn't Anderson have a steady partner?

  20. This is SO bob schieffer. :)

  21. It says "news anchor." Doesn't anyone get that? Cooper isn't an anchor. Lauer's not a news anchor. The morning show guys are not news anchors. Think Brian Williams----he's a news anchor. Not saying it's him but the guesses are missing the hint. Either that or enty doesn't know what a news anchor is either!

  22. @Biloxi, I believe Sam Champion is a newlywed ....which doesn't mean he wouldn't be bonking his trainer, but it makes it slightly less likely.

  23. If anyone says Brian Williams I will cry unicorn tears on my pillow. I could not take that news after hearing about Will Arnett.

    No no no. People we adore, please start f--king originally! No secretaries, trainers or hangers on . . .

  24. I'll just say that I'm enjoying the unseen sexism by which everyone here is assuming the trainer is male.

  25. And this is the day
    THIS is the day
    (mark it)
    That auntliddy made fun of someone else's writing.

    Oh yes children. This is the day.
    (Check the windows, do you see horsemen?)

    1. Bacon, r u saying i am bad writer? Because i am not; just world class crappy typist. If thats what u meant. Didnt really understand what you wrote.

  26. @jonathon It has to be blind for a reason. No cheating was mentioned.

  27. @ Nutty: I didn't know he was a newlywed, (guess I better start reading the DM, lol). I honestly hope it isn't him, he looks really happy in those pics.

  28. Scott Pelley! Pings my gaydar

  29. packer said, Is Ted coming back? It has been year for him leaving E

  30. @Jonathan I did say IF the trainer was gay....

  31. Not Shep!!!!!!

    Matt Lauer's marriage does seem strange??

  32. That blowhard on Fox. Can't think of his name nor do I want to.

  33. def not Brian williams - he just had knee repl surgery so I doubt he was paying a trainer to do anything before that. I'm thinking Shep

  34. I know the blind isn't gender specific but that doesn't mean the anchor is dl. I think Anderson but it could be a single anchor.

  35. Sam Champion is engaged or already married to his bf. Announced it on air.

    Not for nothing, but at no point does the blind say the trainer's a guy.

  36. 1) Why do you assume the trainer is male?
    2) Anderson is too easy a guess - and the lack of clues is a trap into which Anderson guessers have fallen
    3) I miss Ted too - he has talent.

  37. Al Roker. That must be him.

  38. Jenn - I was about to suggest Roker. Haha, nah, I'm going with Shep Smith or Sam Champ

  39. OMG, I miss Ted like crazy too. Everybody loved him, except E! (And auntliddy, apparently.) I had read something a while back indicating that his no competition clause with E! is up soon. I actually thought we'd have heard from him again by now...

  40. Cee-mostly not like cause couldnt understand him!!!!!

  41. Good point about the trainer possible being female. I immediately thought male. Still have no idea who it is.

  42. Ted posts to his twitter account about once a week. I'm very curious who he ends up with, you know he has missed the attention.
