Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly movie actor has been right at the edge of A list for the past few years. Some good movies and some bad movies. As he goes up and down in weight he also goes through women just as much. This past week he was at a restaurant with her and they were seated outside. She went to the bathroom and when she came back he looked up at her and said, "Don't ever be gone that long again you f**king bitch. When people walk down the sidewalk they need to see me with someone and not sitting here by myself like some a**hole who couldn't get a date."

The girlfriend didn't even bother to sit down and just walked away.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @Lindsey, my first thought too.

  3. Ooh I like her! Well done.

  4. Like the Jonah guess, but just for something different - Russell Crow?

  5. Hey, good for the woman for walking off!! Life is too short to waste on an asshole.

  6. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Jonahs my first thought too. Apparently the guy really is the humorless uptight little whiny bitch he played in superbad. Read his interviews.he thinks hes the next burton or olivier.

  7. Damn, that Jonah is turning into a fat Piven. I hope he don't try to butter himself up and get into skinny jeans.

    1. @ Count - you win - that mental image is hilarious!

    2. I dont get it,why Jonah hill keeps getting hired and hired over again for big parts.Cant Hollywood find a better fat sidekick? He must be sucking someone raw.

  8. I thought Seth Rogen, but I think he just got married.

    Jonah fits. What a douche nozzle.

  9. Sounds like Jonah. He must be a total asshole. Didn't he fuck up Pitt's house in NO after Pitt let him stay there while filming some movie. Had a huge party and fucked it up. Pitt was rightfully pissed. I could see him saying that to his date- he must be very insecure. Small dick complex.

    1. Even after his success, money, and celebrity he's still just a fat kid worried about being liked and acting like an assshole instead.

    2. The house he messed up was the one in New Orleans? Ok, Jonah hate mode is set to on.

  10. Tom Hardy?! No. My future husband would never

    Jonah Hill however...

  11. Nope.... I'm going with Chris Brown.... He is notorious for packing on "muscle", and then appearing anorexic the next week. Not to mention, he constantly hugged up with women who he likes to berate.

  12. Nope.... I'm going with Chris Brown.... He is notorious for packing on "muscle", and then appearing anorexic the next week. Not to mention, he constantly hugged up with women who he likes to berate.

    1. Chris Brown is an A list actor?

    2. I'm sure he treats women similarly to this blind, but Chris Brown isn't a mostly movie actor.

  13. Christian Bale.

    He has serious anger issues.

  14. What about Chris Evans?

    1. He's been at the edge of A list forever, up and down with weight for roles, and dating that really pretty actress I can't quite recall the name of. Really pretty but no memorable roles

  15. Christian Bale is married. Initially I thought Russell Crowe, but I think he's already A list. So, I'll go with Jonah Hill, too.

  16. Are you guys kidding me with the Jonah hill guess? Yes he is a douche extraordinaire, but there is no way that guy goes through women like nobodys business... Not unless he is paying for them, in which case the girlfriend wouldn't have walked away. I can't think of who this is but piven makes more sense.

    1. Come on CJ - covered this yesterday. Do you really think successful actors have a problem getting women no matter what they look like?

    2. Agree with Rose, doesn't matter what they look like as long as they are rich and famous....

    3. It may not be Jonah but not because he can't get women.

    4. They still have to be able to talk to them and not be awkward like these Jewish homeboys. Not saying they can't find the occasional stray but to go through women one after the other... You'd be surprised.

    5. Maybe that's why they go through them one after the other- they easily get them because of $$ and celebrity but are so douche/awkward they can't keep them.

    6. He probably has the best blow

  17. my first thought was Gerard Butler....

  18. I don't want to sound superficial, but I've never liked the "oh, how cute, they're overweight doofuses" actors. Seth was a one-time sight gag for the industry, for instance. Why are we hearing about them way past their expiration date?

  19. Replies
    1. Leo would just use the opportunity to pick up another girl.

  20. Bradley Cooper was my first reaction

  21. No, if it was Cooper it would read "As she returned, he sat there sit a fluffy cat on his lap named Cuddles, and he stroked the cat while humming show tunes, then hissed, 'Don't fucking blah blah blah.'"

  22. Jonah Hill has been hanging out with Leo too much.

  23. I can't thonk of another almost Alist besides Jonah who would be hung up ob people thinking he can't get a date.

  24. Not Bradley Cooper : he was at Paris with his girlfriend and according to Twitter,they're happpy
    Bale is married and according to his IMDB's message board,his fans have no idea since 3 months where he is or what he does
    Crowe is always married even if separated

  25. Russell Crowe is A-List, Jonah Hill is on the brisk.

    21 Jump Street, Moneyball and This is the End were all successful and Jonah was highly featured.

  26. This is obviously Robin Thicke. Durr.

  27. Haha, "fat Piven". Thanks for the laugh, Count Jerkula, although the image of Jonah Hill in skinny jeans makes my girl parts dry up completely.

  28. Gerard Butler- this story appeared in the Romanian press recently as his supposed current girlfriend is a Romanian model/actress only they worded it like this relationship is over - something about she took an half an hour in the bathroom leaving him at a table by himself and he was pissed off - of course they have hardly spent any time together so many people think she's just a PR girlfriend.

  29. Good for her. What an asshole.

  30. Oh never mind if it was this past week, and one can trust Enty or Enty2 regarding timing, can't be Butler and the girlfriend. Butler's been in the Caribbean and she's been in Europe.

  31. I read it as jonah hill

  32. I read this as Leo. He very much goes up/down in weight, goes thru supermodels every 6 mos and seems really insecure. Also, his movie success has been inconsistent; some good, some bad.

  33. For some reason , I read this as Ryan Gosling...

  34. Jonah Hill never plays a heart throb who would be in need of having a girl friend for his image. He usually plays the hapless chubby guy. I think this is someone who wants to be portrayed constantly as a romantic lead, like Russel Crowe or Gerald Butler.

  35. oh..plum...Ryan Gosling's weight does not waver...thank god = )

    i still think Gerard Butler, though I'm not very good at these.

  36. @lutefleck, oh, like ya?

  37. I can totally picture something this disgusting coming out of Jonah Hill's mouth. Asshole.

  38. Shark Week, I am not a hapless chubby guy like Jonah Hill, just a skinny woman.

  39. Jared Leto. Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, Chapter 27, now Dallas Buyers Club. Up and down in weight.

  40. Jonah Hill. But that Jared Leto guess is interesting.
