Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blind Item #1

This B list celebrity who flirted with A list celebrity status there for awhile and hopes her new show will put her back there told a friend of hers that she was sexually assaulted two weeks ago and was threatened with death of she told anyone. Of course she told her friend who has not been shy about telling the story. Apparently there is some truth to the possible death threat. The person who allegedly did this has made people disappear before. It was supposed to be a cash transaction which it ended up being when the assaulter found out the celebrity was not a no name model, but it's been a truly awful two weeks for the celebrity.


  1. Another blind item about a victim of sexual assault? That's it. I'm done here. I've been reading since the very start of this blog and lately it's just gotten disgusting. Nope OUT.

  2. The woman is afraid for her life and you make it more dangerous for her by publishing this blind item. Way to go, Enty.

  3. Way to go Jax, you ruined this site for everyone.

  4. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. This blind sounds like you stole it off a Soap Opera.

  5. why post a blind like this? You plan to reveal the identity of a victim of sexual assault & death threats? violence? WTH!?

  6. It's getting weird in here.

  7. stop complaining---half the comments here make me feel sexual assaulted. I guess Lohan and one of her skeezy pimps

  8. I think these types of blinds go under Enty's fiction. I think it's more a fiction of a sick imagination than a reality. So don't bite!

  9. Wait a minute. The chick was sexually assaulted during what was supposed to be a cash transaction? I'm going to guess someone's trick pulled a Kobe (unwanted backdoor surprise). Remember ladies, hooking sounds like an easy way to turn a buck, but you have to be prepared to deal with a rogue trick. Be prepared to deal with him during the session and prepared to deal with the fall out afterwards.

    Could this be the Lohan, hoping her new reality show will push her back to A-list? Who would be booking her and not realize who she is though? And am I the only one thinking it is funny that a whore trying to get to A-List probably got hit with surprise anal?

    What other skanks got new shows coming out? I don't think it is Buffy, though if it was I would start a road trip to LA, knocking over liquor stores along the way to afford the hourly rate.

    1. I think you got it Count - or maybe he doesn't pay (stiffs her in another sense)- then is it considered a sexual assault? Don't think we are talking about an innocent victim here.

  10. Damn @VIP, LL looks tore up from the floor up. Is that .gif from The Canyons?

  11. Man o man VIP - She looks like my brother's ex crackhead girlfriend in that gif!

    I doubt this is Blow. A reality show will not make her A-List and I'm sure she has had so much backdoor, it's probably looser than her snatch.

    1. @Wen For the record, I'm not guessing Lohan. I just love a good "Canyons" gif :) If I were to guess, Kendra's reality show starts up again soon...

  12. Sounds like Miscavige and Scientology-related shenanigans.

  13. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I like the LiLo guess...she got a mouth on her & will balb to anyone about anything....yet another reason why she doesn't have real friends except users & fame whores...wonder if this friend is another "friend" to european men who pay for "company"

  14. "It was supposed to be a cash transaction which it ended up being when the assaulter found out the celebrity was not a no name model"

    The superfluous use of words in this sentence will never fail to exasperate me.

    1. I don't think it even qualifies as a sentence

  15. I don't understand a word of this blind. And all the bitching about it in place of guesses isn't helping.

  16. Cee Kay, here's a translation:

    Celebrity, was just about A list, has slipped to B, and has a new show that she hopes will return her to A list.

    Two weeks ago, she was engaged in some sort of cash transaction, which is implied to have been prostitution, and her client sexually assaulted her. He seems to have planned to to have his way with her, in some way that she hadn't agreed to, and then to leave without paying.

    He became violent in the sexual interaction.

    The fact that the victim has some fame led him to pay her as previously arranged, but after the violent sexual assault, he threatened to to kill her or have her killed if she told anyone.

    Other people who it is alleged have received such a threat from this man have disappeared, so it seems possible that he could actually kill his victim.

    She told a friend who has told others.

    Meanwhile, readers here apparently feel that he should get away with sexually assaulting women without anyone knowing about it.

  17. Ugh I hate it when everyone gets aboard their let's complain about a blind train. Instead of complaining make some guesses and if you don't want to guess move on to the next post please.

    My guess is stacy kiebler.

    1. Completely agree. And Stacy was on a "yacht" all last week. Very possible that there would be ppl w/ no clue as to who she is...very possible. Either way, what a mess.

  18. @JAS, how can someone write such a wonderfully coherent explanation of this murky blind and then come to this conclusion: "Meanwhile, readers here apparently feel that he should get away with sexually assaulting women without anyone knowing about it."

    When this blind gets revealed, whose name will be listed? The actress who was a victim of assault or the person assaulting and threatening women? We all know the answer to that question.

  19. If it is with a hooker, it is theft of services, not rape or sexual assault.

  20. @CJ, No. I have no idea how serious you are here, but no one deserves to be raped, and denying that this type of act is sexual assault is basically making that claim. Everyone has the right to say no at any time. Period.

  21. Purbear said...

    @CJ, No. I have no idea how serious you are here, but no one deserves to be raped, and denying that this type of act is sexual assault is basically making that claim. Everyone has the right to say no at any time. Period.
    "If you say X, you are basically saying Y," is so deluded I had to quote it.

    A product or service that could be paid for was stolen. That aint rape, it is theft.

  22. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you are arguing that because of her profession (or at least her profession in the moment in that she originally had agreed to a sexual transaction--let's face it, the way the blind is written we could all be wrong about this), she can't be raped. That because she chose to put herself in this situation--a situation of transaction--her body is now merely property that can be stolen. That she does not have the right to withhold consent. It also sounds an awful lot like claiming that she no longer deserves access to the term rape.
    While I may have simplified the argument for the sake of posting on a gossip blog, where exactly is my summation of your claim wrong? The fact is the product or service (as you are calling her body) could not be paid for because she said no. Whatever violation occurred, she did not consent to--it wasn't for sale.

    And, tbh, the content of what you are saying is so offensive that even if you do feel the need to correct me, I'm done.

    1. Agreed. Count, I am shocked you would even SAY this. Consensual sex, in exchange for money, should never be illegal. But doing something violent, that was not agreed upon, and coupling that act with a DEATH THREAT cannot be excused. Whether or not this psychopath knew who the woman was, rape is rape is rape.

      I have no clue who this person may be, but it does beg the question: where's Lilo, cuz she has been seriously missing after her little chitterchat with da Big OMama.

      LILO!!! WHERE ARE YOU and why are you not earning your keep as tabloid fodder? Is the End Of The World nigh???


  23. This is supposed to be Lilo because she hangs hangs with dangerous people.

    This is disturbing no matter who - someone's life is threatened? Many disappeared people? I call BS and the writer has a sick mind.

  24. I say lohan and mickey rourke

  25. @purbear:

    "While I may have simplified the argument for the sake of posting on a gossip blog, where exactly is my summation of your claim wrong?"

    "but no one deserves to be raped, and denying that this type of act is sexual assault is basically making that claim."

    I never said she deserved to be raped. I said it was theft, not rape. No one deserves to be raped, and no one deserves to be stolen from.

    And that is why your summation was wrong.

    1. Consider everyone engaged. Lol
      Keep on aggravating, my love.

    2. You got it, Jacq. I heard rumors I was getting soft, so I had to set some traps.

  26. Count Jerkula said...
    "I never said she deserved to be raped. I said it was theft, not rape. No one deserves to be raped, and no one deserves to be stolen from."

    So, according to you, if you have ever worked as a waiter/in a factory ..., if someone obliges you to work 24-7 for weeks without paying you, that's theft, not slavery.
    All right.

  27. I read the guy in this as Suge Knight.

  28. Anonymous12:05 PM

    i dont think anyone would confuse Linz with a "no name model". Stacey keebler maybe?

  29. This is one of those times where I actually think it's a good idea to post this blind. If this asshat is assaulting/raping women--and it sound to me like he makes a practice of it--how is it helpful to anyone to help keep it quiet for him?? This Enty has not revealed the name of the victim, but the fact that it happened is out there now, which makes it a little safer for whomever was victimized.

    As for the rape/theft argument, that's just stupid. Even if it was a cash transaction for sex, "assault" makes it sound as if there was some violence involved which would likely not have been part of the deal. Therefore, even if sex was "stolen", the violence would have been the crime.
    Geeze, even prostitutes have the right to say, "No."

  30. Agree with SkimpyMist - Stacey Kiebler.

  31. Agree with SkimpyMist - Stacey Kiebler.

  32. If this girl has a new show coming out, hoping to put her back on top...why would she be hooking or turning any tricks?

    I'm going with Stacey Keibler. She has a new show coming out.

  33. Elissa: Sexual assault doesn't necessarily mean violence. In broad terms it is any unwanted sexual contact. That can range from groping to forced buttseks.

  34. @Jonathan Andrew Sheen - Thanks for the translation. And to think my coworker was worriedly correcting her spelling and grammar in an email she was sending to a lawyer.

    I don't know who this is, but it's horrible. If I read another rape/pedo blind I'm going to lose it. Humanity is being a major asshole this week.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. How I see it:

    If a person who sells sexual services isn't paid for that service, that's breach of contract. Or it's theft, similar to when a person has a meal in a restaurant, then leaves without paying. The sex itself was consensual.

    If a celebrity is paid to appear at a party to make the host look important, or is paid to attend an event at a club as a celebrity, then that is not a sexual services transaction even though it is paid, cash transaction. That transaction is to be paid for an appearance, not for sex, and to be sexually assaulted while there without consent is absolutely rape. Another legal problem would be if the celebrity's manager/agent had made a sex deal without celebrity knowing, and sent celebrity there assuming she was at the mansion or party to network only, and host believed he had purchased sexual services. Big mess there.

    Grey areas are to be found in the situation where someone paid for sex but then Y was added, since the person has agreed to sex, which makes sex consensual so it's not like a date rape or stranger rape. But there are situations where consensual sex could turn frightening, painful and abusive well expectations, which could be crimes of assault of some form, including sexual assault, kidnapping if the person is not allowed to leave for some time or constrained against her will, or even attempted homicide, depending on the severity of circumstances of what occurred.
