Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blind Item #1

That didn't take long. This B list mostly television actress from a hit television show who would die if you cast in her a movie had a recent relationship end. It was not as strong of a relationship as she would lead you to believe and had basically already moved on. She is hanging out with her ex, quietly at his place almost every night.  This will be revealed.


  1. Replies
    1. Did anyone actually think that her fauxlationship with Cavill was "strong" to begin with?

  2. If this is supposed to be Lea Michelle, you suck Enty.

    1. Youre right it does sound like her!

    2. @Renoblondee I don't find it upsetting. Corey is dead, their relationship may have not been so strong in the first place - the man was an addict! - and she's moving on with her life and finding someone to console her in her grief.

      It sounds like the best thing for all involved. What is she supposed to do, sit home and knit and cry?

      I remember how when JFK Jr. died, people tried to make his relationship with his wife into a great romance. That was a marriage that was clearly not working out, and their lack of communication (her extreme lateness, his foot injury) probably contributed to their fatal accident. But if anyone suggested at the time that there might have been trouble in paradise, there was outrage.

  3. Replies
    1. Why would she want movies when those cat food commercials are so compelling? ;)

  4. Definitely Eva Longoria...

  5. I'm siding with Silje and say Kaley Cuoco.

  6. Sounds like Kaley C.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I thought Eva immediately but now I think it is Kaley after seeing her name in the comments. Fits better.

  9. I think it's Lea Michele. I believe Enty has alluded to her dying to be in big movies before, and there was speculation that she and Cory were on the outs or headed that way, when he died.

  10. Kaley c has been posting pictures of her with that tennis guy she's now dating almost everyday.

  11. If it's Lea, what ex is this supposed to be? I can't be her.?

  12. Lea Michelle. "relationship end" as opposed the 'break up', also she would die if you cast her in a movie.

  13. Lea M had a long term relaysh with some guy before the Cory showmance. I actually think Lea and Cory tried to make it work but the drugs won.

    She now gets to do the whole tragic survivor A Star is Born schtick, which is perfect for her personality.

    And going back to a person she had a long history with after getting burned by the flames of fame makes perfect sense. Surely she cannot trust anyone new with her secrets.

    This guy knows the drill-he never talked after they split-to my very limited knowledge since she was never on my radar until Cory split for the Great Drug Den in the Sky, so I will boldly predict that this fella's profile will rise since HIS job is now to keep Lea stable, happy, functional and performing. He may just enjoy his backseat view, well cushioned with luxury and great bennies without the pressure of stardom.

    LOTS of moolah is at stake.

  14. If it's Lea Michele, who was she dating before?
    Btw, although some restrain is understandable in the aftermath of w/ C.Monteith's death, I'm surprised that all doubts on the veracity of their relationship seem to have disappeared in the comments...

    Guessing Kaylee Cuoco is highly problematic as nobody did buy in her showmance w/ Superman. So the "lead us to believe" would be exaggerated.

    About Nina Dobrev, has she been spotted w/ someone new? (If so good for her, that Ian Somesomething has continuously given me the creeps since he first appeared on Lost).

    The death reference could work in N. Dobrev's favor (vampire diaries) as it would also for L. Michele

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I guess it could be Lea. Hew previous boyfriend was Theo Stockman. Lots of great stage work!

    I don't know, tho, she and Corey always seemed really happy together. It's too bad but understandable if she was not totally committed because of his drug use.

  17. Lea Michelle was in New Year's Day. A flop, but still a movie.

  18. Lisa Robin Kelly. Ex is Grim Reaper, who she has finally committed to.

  19. @Nutty - But see I totally agree with you. I don't care if they were on a break, still together, or on the way out, Lea was devastated and Enty was making her out to be an unfeeling bitch. But, I know it's only gossip. My panties aren't that much in a twist. :)

  20. Lea's exes all live and work in New York while she's in Los Angeles, so it would be rather difficult for her to be going to any of their homes every night...

  21. I don't think this is Lea she has to be way on the downlow to hide seeing someone right now because paps are always around her.

  22. Superman this was to short lived for it to be called "strong".

    I'm gonna hop on the Lea train on this one.

  23. Lea Michele is in LA and has not been to New York since June. Theo Stockman is in New York and has not been to LA for a while

  24. So I am guessing Cuoco or Dobrev on this one

  25. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Eva Longoria fo sho

  26. Lea only has Jonathan B. Wright (dated 2007) and Theo Stockman (October 2009-September 2011, only a few months longer than her relationship with Cory) available online. Unless it's someone from her past who moved out to LA it'd be hard for her to see them while she's filming Glee (which she is now).

    But when I read this she was my first thought, for the way Enty wrote it. It's odd because there are two massively discordant opinions on that relationship: that she was pregnant/getting married soon/were almost engaged or that it was a PR relationship. I kinda assumed that there was something real there, because it wasn't as showy a coupling as like Taylor Swift/Harry Styles, etc. They seemed more low-key.

  27. @Tara I'm pretty sure they were real but I think the pregnant/engaged/about to get married stuff was all rumors that were spun wildly out of control to make his death seem even more tragic. They weren't even living together. People thought they were until they found out he had an apartment after it was emptied earlier this month.

  28. Some further research because this had the capacity to be a really juicy blind: tHEO stockman has an instagram and has posted pictures from NYC (in Central Park, of the skyline, etc.) from 3 to 6 days ago. A few more clearly NYC shots (one at the Guggenheim) were posted 2 weeks ago, so that rules him out.

  29. @hanselton That's plausible. I hadn't thought about them living together or not, but now I can't remember hearing about them house-hunting or the like. I have to believe that speech she gave was real, evn though I don't watch the show or follow her at all. I just can't believe that SHE is that good an actress.

  30. I think this is supposed to be Lea Michele.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Life is for the living.

  33. Lea is a good guess I think, but I'm gonna say Eva Longboria.

  34. You know what? I really hate to say it, but, yeah I think it's Lea.
    Am I the only one who saw the speech and thought it was completely rehearsed?
    There was a blind a long time ago about how a showmance turned into legit love, and I think it was them, and I DO think Lea really loved Cory and their relationship was real
    However, I also think that they were on the outs, which is why she was in Mexico and he had his arm around a "friend" from Van the day before.
    Anyone who loses a friend would be in huge mourning, but I can't help think that Lea didn't actually get a bit of a thill for a moment, due to the fact she gets to be the "widow"/higher profile.
    I do think she's hurting, but can completely see her finding solace with an ex.

  35. PS. to those saying "she's not that good of an actress" about her speech. She's constantly in tears on Glee. and can cry at the drop of the hat.

  36. Ok those who think it is lea explain me this lea is in la shooting glee theo is in nyc. Check both his instagram and twitter for proof tbh it could be eva nina or kaley

  37. @Kimstyle I don't think you can really read much into how rehearsed her speech was. I would be surprised if she hadn't pre-wrote and rehearsed it, given the fact that it was a tribute to him and all eyes everywhere were on her. I don't think a minutes on a stage at a teens award show can tell you much.

    Also, all of Lea's exes are in relationships at the moment and live across the country from her.

  38. Nina has been in a handful of movies, more than any of the other mentioned guesses, which imo takes her out of the guessing game

  39. They were never low key, in fact Monchele was one of the most papped couple ever. Tool much considering their normal status as actors. (40+ candids in less than a year...). Pr relationship? I think so.

  40. They were never low key, in fact Monchele was one of the most papped couple ever. Tool much considering their normal status as actors. (40+ candids in less than a year...). Pr relationship? I think so.

  41. @Julie @hansel .... And it never occurred to you that Lea may have exes you DONT know about?! She's only had 3 boyfriends in her life? Please.

  42. @Kimstyle Lea has had very little time between her relationships over the past 5+ years so it's pretty easy to follow the line back. Cory (dead), Theo Stockman (has a gf), John Young (gf), Landon Beard (gf). Unless she secretly dated someone in the very brief periods between each of these guys, then it's not her.

    1. A friend of Landon kinda outed her on twitter saying that Lea, after Landon, had relationships with various boys and girls, so I think its possible...

    2. A friend of Landon kinda outed her on twitter saying that Lea, after Landon, had relationships with various boys and girls, so I think its possible...

  43. AnnaLynn Mccord and Dominic Purcell split last October

  44. Where's VIP? I would love to read her input :)

  45. @Nutty - it was JFK Jr's sister-in-law who was late for the flight, got stuck at work then in traffic.

  46. Weren't there also rumors of JFK Jr having to hold up the flight waiting for his wife's dealer?
