Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blind Item #10

This former B list mostly television actress who is now a C list take whatever she can actress with B+ name recognition is an old favorite here. She is in a bad way. After a year of doing pretty well, our actress is binging and purging and spending what little money she has left on coke and meth. She is not a pretty sight up close.


  1. Replies
    1. Is mischa clean? I wish the best to her, for real.

  2. yep:

  3. I was thinking Paz, but the "year of doing pretty well" don't fit.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mischa's body doesn't look like what I'd expect from someone doing a lot of coke and meth.

  6. Jennie Garth (I hope not).

  7. Yeah Misha looks a bit too thick for a meth head, I'd say Paz DO ANYONE WITH DRUGS De La Huerta

  8. i second tara reid. I refuse to believe with her awful body n dumb as rocks personality that she makes enough with being a hooker to pay for all her drugs, trips, alcohol, and terrible clothes

  9. Tara Reid has not done much tv and Mischa looks normal girl healthy (not Hollywood "healthy") and her skin looks good. I guess Mischas co-star from the OC Saimere Armstrong or Shenae Grimes (again?!)...

  10. Mischa actually looks good. Coke and meth heads don't usually take the time to polish their nails, or even dress nicely (think Edward Furlong). Doubt it's her. If anything, she looks better than she has in ages.

  11. I don't think Mischa even ranks as a C list anything these days, either. I have no idea who this is, though.

  12. I'm agreeing with Paz De la Heurta she is a complete mess.

  13. Yeah, Mischa looks pretty healthy.
    Jodie Sweetin?
