Monday, August 26, 2013

Blind Item #10

This B+ list mostly television actress who will fade away when her very hit cable show disappears was overheard saying last week that she thinks being gay is a choice. It was also one of the things she argued with her ex-husband about.


  1. How about Jennifer Carpenter?

  2. Elizabeth Moss was my first guess, but I think she has actual talent and will work after Mad Men. Besides, aren't scientologists all about covering up being gay, rather than "chooseing" to be straight?

  3. Very hit cable shows: The Walking Dead, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad (record ratings for the final season premiere), True Blood.

    Divorced actresses who will fade away after the show is over according to Enty: Jennifer Carpenter, Jessica Paré.
    I don't think it's Mad Men, as the show is actually quite gay-friendly (with several gay characters, including Sal who was played by a gay actor) and I guess there are a few gay people in the crew too.
    Elizabeth Moss is talented and given the number of gay or bi people that Fred Armisen spends time with, it would be enough to explain their divorce.
    So, Jennifer Carpenter for $1,500, Alex.

  4. I will have to get on board with Jennifer Carpenter. I was thinking Lena Headey, but she's had a career after the Sarah Conner Chronicles and GoT shows no sign of stopping soon and she will find work post GoT.
    Dexter is in it's final season.

  5. I don't get this BI.
    Isn't her right? Many gay people have been straight until they are old and then change their opinion. And many others aren't totally gay (as someone stated in other thread) as in a continuous statistical variable, and not just gay or straight as in a discreet statistical variable.

    Anyway, this is lame.

  6. After watching Moss in Top of the Lake, I don't think anyone could say she isn't a terrific actress.

    Not everyone is gay by choice. Some are, many are not.

  7. My first thought was Elisabeth Moss, mostly due to the large number of Scientology photos today.

    This is DEFINITELY not Lena Headey. She has a huge huge lesbian following that shes totally ok with (I think she has done numerous interviews for Out and AfterEllen). She also is a genre queen, which is why she is always cast in Sci-fi/Fantasy/Horror shows and movies. She'll be around for a while.

  8. I'll go with Jennifer Carpenter. Remember that before Dexter, Michael C. Hall played David (the gay brother) on Six Feet Under.

  9. Not Jennifer Carpenter. She openly celebrated on twitter when DOMA was over.

  10. So are we saying that Dexter is gay?

  11. Yes, what are we saying? And maybe she argued with her husband about ideaology, not that he was actually gay.

  12. This is a stupid blind.

  13. Come on, this is Fran Drescher - Her ex husband came out.

  14. I read this in Cersei Lannister's bitchy voice. "Being gay is a choice' *sip wine and look bitchy*
    But hope it is not her:(

  15. Because heterosexuality is a choice, too.

  16. What does it matter, anyway? Some people are born gay, and others realize they prefer the same sex later in life. Some are bi, and some are strictly hetero.

    The people who say it is a choice think they are justifying their belief that it isn't okay to be gay, when actually, it's none of their damn business. People who pull one logical fallacy after another out of their ass to try and justify their being willfully ignorant bigots get on my fucking nerves.

  17. Maybe she was talking people choosing to be gay for roles or $$$$

  18. I thought Dexter guy was gay,or at least bi. If it's the Carpenter person, she can believe what she likes, and everyone can talk as much shit about her as they like. Freedom is like that.

  19. @rememberkermitblahblahblah you are joking, no? because well... that shit cray

  20. Elisabeth Moss is an interesting guess. Here's an article for The Advocate where she expresses a very progressive view and describes playing several roles in which she is a lesbian/bisexual character. It seems like she's very comfortable with sexuality. Here's her woman-crush: "Marion Cotillard. To me, she’s just a perfect, lovely, French little fey, but she doesn’t lose her animal sexuality, and she’s still very much a woman." I think a homophobic person would take pause in describing another woman in such a sexual way.

  21. Yeh I think it's Moss. I don't think her career will end however. I've seen her in a few films now and she can seriously act.

  22. Anna Gunn was my first thought.

  23. @ian, that is what I was going to say... Fran Drescher...
