Monday, July 08, 2013

Your Turn

Do airline accidents make you less likely to fly or do you even think about it?


  1. Nope. When you gotta get there, you gotta get there!

    1. Seven hours in a car with four cranky kids vs. one hour on a plane? I picking the plane every time.

  2. Your Turn:
    What was your favorite reveal from the last 4 days??

    i liked pam anderson with the little one direction boy lol

    1. @Saycheese I like the Angie &BB reveal even though it was obvious

      Thanks enty for the plane question as i will be flying Friday.

  3. I liked the George Clooney/Anna Kendrick blind reveal

  4. Don't even think about it - it may or may not happen, same as every time you get into your car.

  5. We fly way too often to even think about it. Sure, it's always in the back of my mind but I just do a quick prayer before takeoff and cross my fingers that the pilot knows what he's doing.
    Used to date an engineer for Boeing and hated the stories he'd tell me about the designing of the planes, though. :/

  6. I don't think about it. I tell myself it's much more likely to get into a car accident than a plane one.

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    There are so many planes flying constantly, the statistical likelihood is not that great that you'll have a problem in an airplane. You're much more likely to have a problem driving a car.

  8. i also thought the demi moore/jude law pairing was interesting, altho not really shocking.

    1. Me made me say hmmmmm. Lol..I just cant see it, still..oh well tge worlds amazing..he has dated older though...I love jud-e cakes.

  9. Can't afford it.

  10. I am scared to death of flying, but I do it anyway once in a blue moon. The SFO accident will have me never flying up north again though, that's for sure.

  11. I haven't flown since 2002. The further I get from having flown, the more nervous I get. I was a mess flying then because it was so soon after 9/11.

  12. I'm a pilot's daughter. I've never been afraid to fly. I'll be flying in a few weeks for the first time in 14 years and I can't wait.

  13. I love flying! Whenever there's turbulence I just imagine I'm riding down a bumpy road, lol.

    AKM: How COOL it must be, being the daughter of a pilot! My Dad has worked for the Federal Aviation Administration since before I was born, but all he does it sit behind a desk lol. Totally boring.

  14. I worry more about driving.

  15. Flying already terrifies me, so this does make me even more twitchy. Yes, I am fully aware that I am statistically much more likely to die in a car accident, but fear is not always logical, is it?

  16. a fender bender is nothing like a middle-of-the-ocean landing --- that's my logic. scared to fly but i have to do it so i keep my mind occupied. i also pray a lot. a. lot.

  17. I hate heights anyway, so I am already nervous. A little booze is necessary. I would rather crash, then be sucked out of a plane though, like the door opening,etc.

  18. Sadly, I sincerely believe the saying some people have: "The safest time to fly is right after a plane crash."

    I think that once a crash happens, there will be more emphasis on what is speculated to have gone wrong that pilots may put extra attention on making sure they don't do the same mistakes.

    And *if* those 2 girls from Asiana were ejected because they weren't buckled in, then I would bet that flight attendants will be more bitchy than usual about making sure your seat belts are buckled.

    I think the airlines have been doing a good job of preventing crashes in recent years. There were certainly more crashes (to me) when I was younger, a few decades ago.

  19. I got over a horrible fear only to have it back years later. I've had some super bumpy flights and flown in small commuter and charters that we lovingly refer to as the tubes of death. I have to suck it up, say my prayers and sing along with Doris Day....what will be will be.

  20. Try flying some budget airlines throughout the former soviet bloc.... That'll put some hair on yer nether regions!

  21. I don't dwell on it and I have been to 33 countries so I have done lots of flying (and only had one emergency landing) and I figure you're statistically more likely to be killed in a car crash than in a plane crash....

  22. Watched the '89 soiux city cartwheel crash over and over.had a long distance thing going at the time in california. That killed it!

  23. You just can't think like that. you just go and act like everything will be fine, and it always is. So far, lol.

  24. I love to fly, but my stomach doesn't. I get intense motion sickness. :( I feel bad for the people around me but hey, I'm the one who's going to have sore stomach muscles for the next three days!

  25. @Cee Kay, I feel for you, I had hellish motion and airsickness myself as a child to my teen years. If you have to fly, try to avoid meat and dairy and heavy meals but don't not eat at all - have something light like some fruit and veggie chips. Apple juice and barbecue chips also help, stay away from sour and citrus things, they make the nausea worse. There's always dramamine if you want to try that.

  26. I went through a period in my life when I was terrified of flying, and I think it coincided with when I moved into my own apartment and finally got cable and CNN, and every plane accident was covered 24/7 in prurient detail. My parents refused to get cable (and still do, to this day) so that's why it was new to me. I had already had tons of experience flying since I was young...plenty of long overseas flights, so I should've been very accustomed to it by then. Over a period of two years I was terrified, and every flight was a white knuckle experience. Gradually over time I got over it, and now I don't really think twice about it. I realize that getting in my car is a much bigger risk (but don't think about that either, except to the extent that I try to drive defensively).

  27. I don't fly much any more but I used to. I don't worry about it much--if it's going to happen, it will be due to something I have no control over...and I'd rather die fast in a crash than from something long and painful. What will happen, is going to happen, whether I worry about it or not.

  28. Never been on a plane. I never want to either.
    If a boat sank, I can swim. I am not Superbitch. ...yet.

  29. I swear I thought the response to "Paper" was "Plastic"... This I why I always lose at these games.

    Doesn't make me any more or less nervous about flying. But I grew up flying. First time alone on a commercial flight was when I was 5 in the 1900s.

    Can you imagine sitting at SFO that day though? First the plane crashes, then you're stuck in the airport watching blow-by-blow non-stop coverage on all the concourse TVs which are tuned to CNN. That might've done it for me.

  30. Only if I used the logic of a retarded person. More cars crash than airplanes. By the same logic, I would never ride in them...
