Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Your Turn

Have you liked any of the summer movies?


  1. Before Midnight was wonderful, though probably not considered a 'summer movie.'

  2. "now you see me"
    "bing ring"

    i wanted to see "the internship" but it's already out of regular theaters so i have to wait til its in the discount ones.

  3. This is The End
    Man of Steel

  4. I only get to see children's films, but despicable me 2 was super cute

  5. I actually liked guy flicks my dates took me to Man of Steel and Star Trek

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Dates plural? Go you good thing! Raaaawwwwr! I hope you got popcorn

  6. Haven't seen any yet, I usually avoid movie theaters. I might make an exception for Pacific Rim just to support Charlie Hunnam.

  7. I saw The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Meh.

  8. This is the End was very funny ("Hermoine stole all our shit!!!"). Iron Man was Iron Man. Lots of stuff blowed up real good. The cliffside house being blown to smithereens was probably the best action sequence I've ever seen in a movie.

  9. Anonymous10:10 AM

    A Beautiful Behind
    Womb Raider
    Schindler's Fist
    Shaving Ryan's Privates
    Glad he ate her
    Driving Into Miss Daisy
    Riding Miss Daisy
    Batman in Robin
    Blowjob Impossible
    Dyke Hard
    Star Whores
    Sorest Rump
    Edward Penishands

  10. Iron man 3, fast and furious 6 and man of steel was good. I kind of liked White House down As well. Hangover 3 disappointed me and after earth was straight. Waiting on wolverine and 2 guns now. Still haven't seen Star Trek or this is the end yet. Oh yeah I want to see we're the millers as well. (I'm a movie buff)

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Movie buff? Watched anything with subtitles?

  11. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Gangbangs of New York
    On Golden Blonde
    How Stella Got Her Tube Packed
    In Diana Jones and the Temple Poon
    Saturday Night Beaver
    Sick Degrees of Penetration
    Legally Boned
    Throbin Hood (Prince of Beaves)
    When Harry Ate Sally
    Romancing The Bone
    Lord Of The G-Strings
    White Men Can't Hump
    Ocean's 11 inches

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      How do you type one handed and your fingers stuck to the keyboard?

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      All things are possible with K-Y Jelly, @B Smears.

  12. Anonymous10:19 AM

    American Booty
    Pulp Friction
    Swollow Hal
    Breast Side Story
    Blown in 60 Seconds
    Buffy The Vampire Layer
    Buttman and Throbbin'
    Sperms of Enderarment
    School of Cock
    Free My Willy

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      You are so a 12 year old boy.

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Takes one to know one, Smears. xoxo

  13. I saw the Heat, Hysterical, totally predictable, story has been done a million times and I laughed my ass off. Both women are amazing actresses, their timing is perfect, they play off each other perfectly their facial expressions are perfect.
    Great summer fluff.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      You said "fluff". Pull my finger.

  14. The Bling Ring was pretty good

  15. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Missionary Position Impossible

  16. Iron Man and Star Trek those are the only movies I went to see and really liked them both

  17. Star Trek Into Darkness was really good

  18. Anonymous10:39 AM

    A Tale of Two Titties

  19. The only adult film (and no, I don't mean porn) was Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's. I loved it.

    The Croods and Monsters University were good.

  20. Man of Steel was great, loved Monsters University, and The Heat was hilarious

  21. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Haven't seen any of the summer blockbusters yet.

  22. This isbthe end was fucking awesome, I cried at the end.

    The heat was funny, but I'm not watching it again amytime soon.

    Bling ring was like one really long Pretty Wild ep.

    Desoicable Me 2 was also fucking hilarious.

    I still can't wait to see World War Z

  23. Anonymous11:09 AM

    i loved This is End and i Liekd World war Z

  24. This is the end was hilarious. Even more so when my friend ( a tough bald male) screamed like a girl and jumped 2 feet in the air when one of the aliens snuck into the house

  25. Iron Man 3, The Heat & Monster's University were all fantastic.

    Hangover 3 was awful. I think I MIGHT have cracked a smile once.

  26. Now You See Me was a lot of fun and I highly recommend it. The cast is fantastic.

  27. The Lone Ranger. I can't understand why everyone seems to hate it so much because it was a great movie. I've seen it twice, and will be going back this weekend. Monsters University is also good.

  28. We saw Heat last weekend. It was pretty good, not as good as Identity Thief.

    The theater was packed, which is unusual around here.

  29. 3 times I was in bar fights. 2 times I was popped in the eye trying to break stuff up.

    The other time I spotted a dude that robbed a house my friends and I were renting. I walked up behind him, put my hands on his shoulders, whispered in his ear that I knew it was him and how I knew. I saw the denial smile drop from his face and I banged him w/ a left-right combo. Like twist the torso throwing the left in order to wind up the right. Both shots toward the top of his dome, above the ear. I wasn't trying to knock him out, I was trying to fire him up so I could have fun beating the shit out of him.

    As I stepped back, to give him a chance to get out of his chair, his lil buddy wound up like he was throwing a fastball and hit me in the ear. The crack rang through the bar, and when I looked at him I said, "That's it? That's all ya got. Hit me while I'm looking now mother fucker." Now the bartender and 1/2 the crowd were scared.

    I was at the corner of the bar one dude down the left side, one down the right, begging for one of them to make a move. Neither one did.

    The bar owner came over and put his hand on my shoulder and told me I had to leave. I surprised him with my reply, "I understand. I'm sorry it had to happen here, but I've been waiting a year and a half to hit that thief piece of shit." Thank you, but their were 2 of them, what the hell were you thinking? "You saw the lil guy hit me,he don't have anything to worry about, and the other guy is a pussy who probably flashed back to daddy beating him and was scared to do anything. If you don't want me to come back I understand." Nah, you can come back. Next time just drag the guy outside.

    Next time I went to the bar, they gave me 2-3 beers for showing some respect. In almost 20 years, over 3 owners, tipping $1 for every drink I've had there, I have only gotten 2 other comped drinks.

    Next time I'll tell the story of the stripper who brought in a Hit Ho to rough up and scare off a new strip that was making too much in tips.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Thank you for posting something of relevance and that I actually enjoyed reading. Such a shame we will never know how well we might have 'fit' together. Sigh...I'll be enjoying the thought of it. Count Jerkula, you had me at "fuck".

  30. Enjoyed This is the End and World War Z. Still on the fence about Man of Steel.

  31. No. And these movies in theory are geared to appeal directly to me. A comic book/sci-fi geek.
    Star Trek just ripped off a better film of 30 years ago.
    Iron Man was bloated and illogical.
    World War Z had nothing to do with the great book. And didn't actually have a World War Z in it.
    Man of Steel was lifeless and idiotic. Except for the whole killing millions of Metropolis citizens.
    Fast and Furious 6?7? (hard to keep track)was mildly silly fun.
    This is End was a group of spoiled movie stars suckering a movie studio into paying them to hang out get high.

    It's now up to some giant robots and Wolverine to save this summer.

  32. Anonymous1:14 PM

    On Golden Blonde

  33. Smears, unless you put @ and the poster's name, no one on a computer knows who you are talking to.

  34. The Great Gatsby was meh, saw Despicable Me 2 today w/ my little man. I was entertained, very cute!
    @Count Good story!

  35. I saw Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing, and enjoyed it, although I would have preferred another Shakespeare play since that one is not my favorite. But it was great to see all the Whedon actors having fun together!

  36. Thanks Reno, glad you enjoyed it. No real punch line to it (groan), but I figured I'd take my turn and share.

  37. Are Star Trek and Iron Man 3 "summer" movies? Hubby is a sci-fi/comic book geek. I go for the popcorn. *L* Also saw World War Z because friends wanted to, and it was pretty good. Taking kids to see Despicable Me 3 (they actually both agree on it!) and I want to see Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing. Then that's it for me. Geez, that's actually still a lot for these prices!

  38. Ya, a movied called "A Band Named Death" GO SEE IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!!!!

  39. @Ann Nah Nah: Thank you, Sweetnins. Chances are we would fit together like 2 bowling balls, if one had a breakfast sausage where a hole should be, but it IS the thoughts that count, so I'll be an adonis and you be a fair maiden.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Works for me. See you in my dreams...

  40. Star Trek was awesome. Man of Steel was better than I expected.

  41. Despicable Me 2!! Those minions have me rolling on the floor!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. You all are so pedestrian. Get out of your fucking local cineplex's tha have whored themselves out to the biggest budgets and get to your asses to indie theaters. Get out of your fucking flash & bash comfort level. It will do you good.

  44. You're being fed McDonald's style movie food by watching all that crap. Go to a theater that actually shows movies of substance.

  45. Star Trek was entertaining, but yes a total rip off of the original Wrath of Kahn. No one does Kahn like Ricardo Montalban.

  46. @VIPBlond
    I really am upset at clicking your link thingy. Seriously, a little warning would have been nice.
    At least then I could have put a towel on the chair!



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