Monday, July 01, 2013

Your Turn

Watch fireworks or do your own fireworks or both?


  1. Watch. I'm way too accident-prone to attempt any type of fireworks more dangerous than sparklers.

  2. Neither.

    I have seen enough of them in my lifetime....the past 14 years has been spent making sure my puppy doesn't have a heart attack. It is more important to me, than seeing fireworks.

  3. I'm itching to open VIP's link but I'm at work :(

    1. LOL! This time it's just to Dlisted

  4. Once upon a time, both.
    Nowadays, if I'm not working, I watch.
    Far less chance of a fire I'm responsible for that way.
    (and yes, I speak from experience)

  5. Anonymous10:41 AM

    watch someone do their own, although it's a thousand dollar fine for any fireworks! where I live they've cancelled the city's professional fireworks indefinitely, it's always foggy on the fourth here,so people got tired of paying a million dollars for a fireworks show and only seeing colored fog every year.

  6. I didn't care about high school enough to get a ring.

    1. Does it count if you get a ring for high school graduation, but it's one your Grandma got you from Mervyn's, not the one the Josten's was hocking?

      It was a lovely opal.

  7. Looove fireworks!
    I generally try watching them as close as possible [but keeping a safe distance] and while laying on the grass. Love the compression I get on my chest from the air displacement every time one goes off!

  8. Watch only--personal fireworks are banned in my area due to the high wind and idiots burning stuff down over the years.

  9. I work on San Diego harbor, so I'm basically eye-level with the fireworks. Last year when they all exploded at once... right in front of me.

  10. I watch on TV, we live in Las Vegas and the fire danger is so high I don't see how anyone with a brain could set off anything that might cause a spark.

  11. Watch, even nervous about watching!!

  12. Last year I don't think we did anything, this year we're going to a professional show.

  13. Neither. I've seen enough, I hate the noise (and so do poor animals), and I think they're dangerous in the hands of local rednecks. I'd love to see them banned, frankly.

  14. I'm just gonna get drunk and see what happens. It's a surprise every year.

  15. Cathy - Sparklers and firecrackers cause more injuries than any other item available at firework stands. Don't be afraid! Explode some shit!! The multiple tube and fountain types had the least amount of injuries. You can get the REALLY pretty stuff!

  16. Watch. I'm in NY but thinking about heading down to Boston to see a friend. They have a great firework show there.

  17. Neither.
    Fireworks are stupid for someone over 18 years or 100 of IQ. N

  18. My bday is the 4th of July. When I was a kid, I always thought they were celebrating MY birthday LOL.

    I think making that Kermit idiot watch real news that didn't pretend to be Fair and Unbalanced would be an awesome fireworks display as his brain would burst from actual knowledge and laser sparks of truth would gush out of his eyes.

  19. Neither. Too crowed, too hot.

  20. watch the pops on tv sometimes--it's to hot to watch live and i'm too lazy.

  21. Watch. Too much potential for fire in CA.

  22. I'm in La., we get plenty of rain, in fact, I think it's going to rain on the 4th, if not, we'll get a few for the littlest, and maybe watch a firecracker show on TV.

    One dog enjoys barking at the firecrackers, and everything, and everyone else, because he's a big bad chihuahua.
    One dog hides under her pillow/blanket and growls.
    The cat just glares, like he does every damn day.

    But, I'm off work. This is what's important. No dealing with people overstuffed with BBQ, attempting to ski or outrun firecrackers, despite being too drunk to walk a straight line. Woohoo for me!!
