Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Where Is Amanda Bynes' Dog? Are Her Wigs And Dog Safe?

Lost in all of the shuffle and noise Monday night when Amanda Bynes set herself on fire in a driveway and soaked her dog in gasoline before setting the dog also on fire, is what happened to the dog? Here is the timeline. Amanda Bynes was born. Oh, wait, I guess we don't need to go that far back. But, while I am back there, I thought of the parents. Do you think her dad realizes that maybe Amanda does drink now? Anyway, Amanda goes to the retirement community and they won't let her play pinochle, so she goes to get a gas can and torch the place but can't find the retirement home any longer, but thinks to herself that the people in this one house are ugly and should be dealt with so she begins to pour gasoline, but her dog gets in the way and gets soaked with gas. Amanda gets soaked with gas. She says what the hell, and lights it all on fire anyway. Amanda catches on fire. her dog catches on fire. The driveway catches on fire. Amanda puts the fire out on her leg. Amanda runs to a liquor store for replenishing. Wait, actually, it was to wash off her dog. So, thinking she is an employee she walks in and heads straight for the employee only section without telling anyone what she is doing. The clerk finds her in the bathroom with the dog. when he confronts her, she runs away and the police find her shortly thereafter. They haul her away to the hospital. where is the dog? Is the dog safe? Are her wigs safe?


  1. "Where are her dogs?" is the "Think of the children" of our era.

  2. This is really sad and upsetting. And the light tone of the post is off putting. Poor girl, and poor puppy too.

  3. Seriously? She set her fucking DOG on fire?? WTF?

  4. I've seen her wig around here.

  5. Its too bad no one stepped in awhile ago. She should be on a 5150 hold, but I wish it had happened before she had the chance to hurt an innocent animal.

  6. I was hoping for her wigs version of events.

    (poor doggie)

  7. This post is like playing pictionary with a drunken frat boy. Hate to say because they're douchenozzles, but TMZ covered it better than this mess.

  8. I personally am very concerned with the whereabouts of The Wig.

    1. Right?!?!?! It's early yet...maybe they had to sleep it off. lol!!!

  9. I read that a neighbor found her and put the fire out (on her and her dog). She then ran off, got in a cab but the cops stopped her

  10. I read that a neighbor found her and put the fire out (on her and her dog). She then ran off, got in a cab but the cops stopped her

  11. No effin shit?! Is this what really happened or do I just need more coffee to read this post correctly?

  12. Leave the wig alone!

  13. Amanda Bynes accidentally drenched her pet Pomeranian with gasoline while building a fire in a residential neighborhood ... then raced to a nearby liquor store to clean the pooch ... and TMZ has the bizarre footage.

    The surveillance video -- taken inside the liquor store -- begins minutes after Bynes allegedly used a canister of gasoline to fuel a fire outside a random elderly woman's home in Thousand Oaks, CA around 8:38 PM on Monday night.

    At 8:39 PM ... Bynes can be seen bursting into the liquor store and darting straight for a restricted "employees only" area -- while holding the dog in her outstretched arms.

    The cashier -- sensing something was wrong -- rushed out from behind the register and chased after Bynes to see what she was doing.

    TMZ spoke to the owner of the store who tells us ... the cashier detected a strong odor of gasoline and observed Bynes attempting to rinse off the dog in a sink in the back area.

    We're told ... as soon as the cashier confronted Bynes, she "freaked out" and left the store without further incident.

    Moments later, cops located Amanda and placed her on a 5150 psychiatric hold believing she could pose a danger to herself and/or others.

    As for the dog, it's current whereabouts are unknown ... but we're trying to track it down.

  14. Wow, what a mess.

  15. She is officially a menace to society. For the sake of the residents of southern California, she needs to stay locked up.

  16. @Nope, it's like the writer of this post thinks this is funny and should be played for laughs instead of recognizing that Amanda is sick. Let's make fun of people with cancer now when they do something erratic because of their disease.

    1. @Karen, yep the writers have already made jokes about Catherine Zeta Jones like "maybe she's off her meds" when she does anything scandalous.

  17. The writer(s) of this blog never link back to the source like Michael K and other responsible blog writers do...

  18. Other people are leaving because of the ads, but this post might be it for me. The tongue in cheek tone is really horrible. The least of which is that we're dealing with someone who has mental issues (sure, I like watching a good train wreck as much as anyone else but it doesn't fill me with joy), but the cavalier way in which you talk about setting a dog on fire is disgusting.

    What the fuck happened to fun Enty? Bring that guy back, please.

  19. What the fuck did I just read?! The tone of this post is beyond messed up. It is not in any way funny that the dog was drenched in petrol. Would you still be laughing of the home owner, the dog or Amanda were Hurt or killed enty?!

  20. Enty needs a midol and a time out today

  21. NOW, can someone officially put her on 5150?!?! Before the dog or the wigs suffer any further???

  22. @girl77007 Co-sign on everything you said. Who is this person writing these posts? It certainly isn't the old Enty. The tone is similar to the Superficial, and that site is so spiteful I just can't bring myself to read it. The writing on this site has been all over the place the last few months. Very strange.

    Anyway, her dog is super cute and I'm irrationally concerned for it. TMZ posted a video of Amanda bringing the dog into a liquor store to wash it off because it was covered in gas. Poor puppy.

    I really do hope this is the end of the crazy train for her. Maybe her parents can get a conservatorship and help her get her life back on track.

  23. I thought of the dog woo and hope it's OK.

    Pouring gasline and setting a fire is some scary, very serious shit. Does anyone know how long that psychiatric hold will last - I hope she's not out on the streets soon, not only is now dangerous to herself but to others. I hope she gets the help she needs.

  24. Oh my did she really drench her poor dog in gasoline? That's sad.

  25. I was really hoping she was just pulling a Joaquin phoenix. Its not looking that way now. I hope she gets the help she needs.

  26. I wonder if one of our new Enties is Ted Casablanca. Some of the blind posts lately have been written in that stabby headache inducing style of his.

  27. @Audrey, that's a really good point. If the blind items start have weird half-word abbreviations we'll have our answer.

  28. Psst guys, sshhh! I'm in hiding!

    1. Thank goodness!!! I was worried for ur safety girl! =D

    2. @AmandasWig- can you give us your version of events?

    3. Thanks @Hannah!

      @Lotta-My lawyer Gloria Allred won't let me comment on specifics. :(

    4. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Amanda's Wig!!! I am so glad to see you back and that you are safe. Guuuurl, I was worried about you! You're my favorite.

    5. Hi @Terese! You're so sweet! <3

    6. Anonymous12:48 PM

      xoxo glad you are safe. Don't listen to the new, bitchy Enty...Hopefully Amanda will get the help she needs and you will live a more stress-free life on her head.

    7. Gurrll, I can't with dog-hurters. I might be moving soon. Any suggestions? Nene? Cher? And I never listen to the bitchy Enties- they're so bitter sad!

    8. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Honey, I don't blame you! I bet Britney could use a wig from time to time- she would be my first choice!

  29. I knew that little dog was in trouble from the second she got it.

  30. I could not give a shit about Amanda's alleged psych issues. What she did to the dog is fucking unforgivable.

  31. Post written like a snarky teen. Ugh.
    Not one to complain usually, but enough..,

  32. The dog is claimed by her parents and is safe. I hope it wasn't actually on fire and just wet with gasoline :(

  33. Tmz is reporting that she's showing signs of schizophrenia and that they are going to move to keep her longer on a psych hold. Yeah, no shit!!!

  34. So sad for this young woman.

  35. Glad she is getting help she needs. All you people who are angry and or acting superior should thank your lucky stars that you don't love someone who has a mental illness. The girl is struggling. Who knows how she got to this point? It's hard to get someone help who can't see they are sick. There's no reasoning with them. It's not that easy. There are laws and rights and legal procedure. Many people have no insight into their illness, so it would be like trying to commit you to treatment. They feel paranoid and persecuted. I suspect that is why she moved to NYC in the first place.

  36. @stillhere - testify. It's difficult to understand how the system works until you've been through it with a loved one. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe the process.

  37. Gasoline can burn a small dogs skin, without it being on fire. Poor dog.

    Agree with others, the tone of this article is irresponsible.

  38. Absolutely heartbreaking...very unfortunate event.

  39. TMZ posted the parents claimed the dog and is safe. And Amanda had the sense of mind to wash the gasoline off the dog in a liquor store of all places. The parents are also going to try and get a conservatory on Amanda as they think she has done enough to warrant one.

    If she does have schizophrenia I feel awful for her. That is a sentence for life.

  40. I think Mandy should go the Britney route and pay me to be her boyfriend and keep her in line.

    I need a 3 smack rule though. She can't call the cops unless I smack her 3 times in one argument.

  41. I doubt very much that Enty reads her/his own posts. S/he is too busy posting merrily away to notice or care. I suggest you email Enty if you dislike the current mean girl tone of the comments. I already did.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM


  42. She should have gassed up the wig instead of the dog.

  43. Anonymous9:55 AM

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  44. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Enty is a MILF. Amanda is a BAMF. And yep, I'm the TYLF.

  45. @Miss Mess: What is a BAMF?

    I hear ya on the boring part. I play off what I'm fed. The site has been boring the past couple days, so my creative juices haven't been flowing.

  46. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Count: Bad Ass Mother Fucker.

  47. I am not exactly an animals right activist but should chargers not be pressed for trying TO SET HER DOG ON FIRE---WTF---she is a sociopath---beyond forgiveness from me

  48. This truly proves she has mental issues.At first I was thinking another bath salts case.I really hope she gets help.Hollywood realy eats these young people alive (Brittany).It makes ne think that all the abuse and pedo stories of these stars when they were young could be true.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. @audrey - wow mind blown!
    do we know what the big surprise was, the one Ted hinted to some time ago?



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