Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Two Months Since Khloe Kardashian And Lamar Odom have Been Seen Together

The last time anyone saw Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom together in public was when Kim Kardashian had her baby shower. That was almost two months ago. The Instagram photo of the pair is old and is an attempt to try and deflect from the fact that the couple are having serious issues, but those issues are not addressed on film, so they will have to wait to do their splitting up until the next season of the show. Meanwhile, Lamar keeps seeing other people as he waits to find out whether he will play next year in the NBA, and for what team. Presumably he will be back with the Clippers and will stay downtown all the time, away from Khloe.


  1. No need to post updates on this family. We are all beyond caring.

    1. +1000000, unless it's super juicy messed up gossip :)

  2. Although it is refreshing to know that this heifer ian't cockblocking the lanky gentleman.

  3. I'm probably a minority here, but I'm actually sad about this. Khloe is the least offensive Kardashian by far, and seems funny and down-to-Earth to me. I'd get a drink with her. Her and Lamar seemed legit, at least a first. Shame.

  4. Her hair in that picture looks current. I have to see how this plays out.

  5. Didn't they get married after being together for about six weeks? Not always the best idea. Marriage to a professional athlete is always a difficult undertaking, particularly if you expect fidelity.

  6. Several years since I've cared.

  7. I thought they were really solid. Oh well, my takeaway is never marry a basketball or football player. Genetically they seem unable to remain faithful or fight their huge douche gene.

    1. Oh and khloe lightening her hair, losing weight, looking so happy -all signs sisters are doing it for themselves. Make of that what u will.

  8. I don't think Khloe or any Kardashian has enough self-respect to expect fidelity. She was probably the one brought up her lack of expectation in the first place, just to get him on board...

  9. Good to know the Amazon didn't bury the poor sucker in the back yard.

    Khloe was voted Most Likely to...

  10. Next season?! I just read (on here) that the show was canceled. No more!

  11. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I'd fuck 'em.

  12. Faith, she is the least offensive of the lot, but that's a lot like trying to figure out which of the Jacksons you want to fist you to death. I mean, there is no good one, really.

    1. True words right here, my friend.

  13. btw, I was reading an essay on Star Trek , and I was reminded....

    Star Trek villian race - The Cardassians

    Earthbound villian race - The Kardashians

    Coincidence that the K Klan showed up here after that version of Star Trek was cancelled??

    I don't think so.

    1. @ms snarky I always read their name as Cardassians. Glad I'm not alone!

  14. dang spell check! Villain.

  15. I think Lamar is going to start banging his true love - Rob. Rob is ready for some manlove because he feels women are no longer attracted to his chubby self. Lamar on the other hand loves a big booty.

  16. And it's been 200,000,000,000 years since I gave a shit.

  17. Thank you, BF, for putting things in their true perspective.



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