Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tom Arnold Donates Roseanne Wedding Video To Goodwill

What started out as fun and lightheartedness is turning into something that is going to get very nasty and will probably involve lawyers at some point. Earlier this week, Tom Arnold cleaned out his garage. In addition to bags of coke he probably thought he had snorted or lost many years ago when he was still using, he also found old remote controls and cell phones and his wedding video to Roseanne. He donated it all to Goodwill and after he donated it, he Tweeted about it. Big mistake. Roseanne went ballistic that he donated it to Goodwill and said it was not his to donate. Umm, she has not cared about it for 20 years, so I think he can do what he wants. She says she wanted it because it has her kids in it. They only made one copy? No photos? Is she going to sit around and watch it and relive her marriage to a guy she hates? Apparently so because they have gone back and forth and Tom told her if she wanted it to go to Goodwill and buy it. It only costs $1.


  1. With the settlement he got from her what has he got to be angry about ?

  2. Wow. That's horrible. What a douchebag move. I know they're no longer together but why do it?

  3. It was one of his other marriages, & they talked later & he said he would look to see if he had one of theirs & would send it to her if he did. Read the WHOLE story Enty @ TheHollywood Reporter.

  4. Meh. If my ex wanted to sell our wedding video I really couldn't care less.

  5. Yea, this post is way incorrect.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dayum...see this is one of the problems with not caring about linking to the get lazy with reading comprehension.

  8. I read about this on Buzz Feed last night and it didn't seem like any lawyers are going to be called, etc. The tweets ended with them talking about Toms new baby and wife & all their signs. Why hype this story up? ZzZz

  9. Lol, nm. Seems a few others already pointed out what I said.

  10. Their conversation was funny! She was annoyed and he was just having a laugh.

  11. Thanks for clearing that up guys! I didn't know the real story.

  12. Jeez, Enty. It was all in fun. They end it talking about his new baby and being all sweet to each other.

  13. Who was it that asked recently why Tom Arnold always got bad mouthed? I give you exhibit A.

  14. As long as he keeps the honeymoon video private its all good.

  15. Not seeing what's douchey on his part here.. he donated something that's his property to goodwill, something she expressed no interest in for the past 15 years, and he hasn't tried to stop her from getting it

  16. Their tweet conversation ended with Rosanne saying something like "haha they think we're fighting" so I think they were both just joking around...

  17. I get tired of feeling like I have to research the Enties posts because they are no longer accurate portrayals of what really happened. It's like they read headlines and then make up stories to go with them.

  18. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I'd fuck him.

  19. Those videos were revolutionary at the time. They had to invent a new super wide angle lense to shoot the wedding.

  20. Wedding video = big deal. Now it would be story if Goodwill was getting the wedding night video- there are probably some bbw lovers that would bid high for her fatty sex tape.

  21. THIS IS COMPLETELY MADE UP. Sheesh, it's on Gawker. Probably

  22. I saw their Twitter feud unfold last night. She needs to lighten up. I have the best memories from my kids.

  23. Sorry, but I always liked Tom Arnold in movies. Rosanne is frightening.

  24. If you read the actual tweets, it wasn't a heated fight, and ended on a civil note. Tom clearly knows the buttons to push to annoy the fuck out of Rosanne.



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