Thursday, July 25, 2013

Today's Blind Items- She Wants A Reality Show

This actress used to be B- list. She was always mostly television. She was on a hit show and then did some other work, but now is more known for being famous than anything else. She has had issues in the past. Lots. Everyone knows about the drugs, but not the escorting or the money she made fulfilling men's weird porn fantasies they had about her. She has not really changed all that much from the drug years. She still scrapes by and still counts on men to give her money although she is more careful now about who she has sex with because she has a reputation. Well, she thinks she does and people do think she is on the straight and narrow. She would love a reality show. To do that though, she needs to be the victim and her ex is not going to let her be the victim. He is prepared to show the world what she is really like unless she gives in to his demands which she has to because he has videos. Lots of videos. Lots of videos that would cause her to never work again. Ever. It would make her a pariah. So, look for a very quiet announcement later that will essentially let her get her reality show but she will have nothing else in her life.


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