Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Sex & Heroin

It was one night. One night these two actresses spent together. They should make a movie about this night. Each of the two have been on a downward spiral never seen before since that night. One is a frequent guest to this spot (former almost A list mostly movie actress who is a C- based on what she has done lately with A+ list name recognition) and the other (former B- list mostly television actress from a hit almost network show turned C list celebrity) has been a guest in this spot before previously, but not as often.

One night a few years ago, when both were at their most recent high peak, the two ran into each other at a Fashion Week show. They sat next to each other and clicked and ended up spending the next 18 hours together. The younger of the two, who is also less famous introduced her new friend to heroin. No shooting up, just snorting it. The more famous of our pair did not want to try any needles. The younger has a couple of permanent scars from using needles. Our older actress loved snorting it. She did it non-stop all night and also tried to show her thanks by making moves on the younger actress who wanted no part of any female loving that night, but did let herself be set up by our older actress with a guy who was roughly three times her age and who ended up buying all the drugs that night and the suite at this hotel all three used.

Since that night, both of our stars have been to rehab several times. They have watched their careers evaporate. They found a new level of drug use that no one thought they could reach. The younger one has overdosed twice since that night.


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