Thursday, July 18, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Destruction

Back in the day these two barely A list foreign born mostly movie actors were fit and ready for anything. It is why they were cast in the movie that brought them together, forged a years long friendship and why now they rarely speak unless forced. They spent two years drinking and womanizing. Even though both were in relationships, nothing stopped them from their conquests every night. Once, one of the actors who works more than his old friend now had his wife stop by the set for two weeks. He saw her the first night and the last and in the middle 12 days slept with 12 different women. I think this is why she is an ex now. One of his exes decided she loved him the way he was and has come back to him even if he does cheat and beat as she likes to put it.

There were only so many women to go around and the two became enamored over one woman in particular. No one is quite sure why it was her they chose to fight over. There were other more attractive women around, but this almost A list mostly movie actress was someone they both wanted and she led them to believe she was open to either of them and loved the attention she was getting from them. Even though she would not be shooting a certain day, she would still drop by the set just to have the two guys fawn over her. At some point though the fawning became jealousy when she decided to be with the actor who does not work as much now and this led the other actor to go on a rampage not seen for some time. He destroyed an entire set which needed to be rebuilt and he and the other actor got into a huge fight which was exacerbated by the amount of liquor they both consumed.  They each got in some good blows and each injured the other. Although they tried to put that night past them, they have never been able to. They will see each other and they have tried to repair the bond, but for some reason it does not want to be repaired even though the woman has moved on and moved on to another man.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Colin Farrell
    Jonathan Rhys Meyers
    Rosario Dawson

  3. nevermind, farrell was divorced during alexander

  4. I was thinking Sean Bean and Viggo Mortensen, Lord of the Rings trilogy but Mortensen was divorced in 1998...maybe a franchise? Something that starred two almost A list actors and an A list actress must be a big movie, right?

    1. I was going to write this as them and liv Tyler. Sean bean has been married a few times and his ex took him back and has also been known as an alky wife beater

    2. Maybe not viggo he's US born i bet Sean bean is one of them. Orlando maybe? Who was he with back in the day?

  5. Antonio Bandaras and Gerard Depardieu but dint ask me why

  6. Tom hardy and Fassbender? just because

    1. I'd love to be caught between those two

    2. Fassbender beats the womens, just sayin.

  7. Change depardieu to Christopher Lambert and the girl magically becomes Diane Lane

  8. @KT they're always best friends and work again together

  9. I feel like Russell Crowe is one of these guys somehow.

  10. @tsp I changed my answer

  11. Please reveal this!

  12. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Russel Crowe and Colin Farrell - I don't know it all details fit but it sounds like them.

  13. It says "back in the day" so I am thinking farther back to like Schwarzenegger and Lundgren or Van Damme...or one of those dudes.

    1. That's the direction I was going in too, maybe Bruce Willis too

  14. Anonymous10:52 AM

    2 foreign actors used to be great friends until they came to blows over an actress they both liked. They've tried to get over it but the friendship has never been the same. You aren't going to win any awards in the short story category, so get over your grandiose self, Enty #8.

  15. Keifer Sutherland
    Jason Patric
    Jami Gertz

    1. This is who I thought but with Julia Roberts no Jami.

  16. Anonymous10:57 AM

    It's not a short story love, it's a blind item, so pull your head out of your ass before you try to talk again, or figure anything else out. I'm liking Farrell and Crowe for this, they just seem like the types to do this. And Rosario Dawson for the girl.

  17. Never mind - Patric was born in Queens...

  18. Updated answer:
    Antonio Banderas
    Christopher Lambert (who married)
    Diane Lane

  19. Crowe was friend with Farrell??? When? And Rosario Dawson is Alist in what world?

  20. Jude Law
    Daniel Craig
    Sienna Miller

  21. @?!
    Everyone knows Roberts dropped Sutherland the eve of their wedding for Patric when she learnt he cheated her with an exotic dancer

  22. Nicholson, beatty, woman is michelle phillips.

  23. Foreign born movie actors

  24. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Awwwww Anna, sweetie. Am I getting on your nerves? Have I gone back to being Marcie? If I pull my head out of my ass, can I stick it up yours? Seems like it might be tighter than a duck's ass, but the Count has some industrial strength lube. He won't mind sharing as long as we let him watch.

    1. Why would u stick ur head in her ass? Thats stupid.

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      @Rosie: You have a lot of catching up to do. Anna and I do this back and forth all the time. We get off on the role playing. She pretends to be outraged and I play the mean, sarcastic, inappropriate troll. Then later, we go to our private chat room and release all the pent up lust on our webcams.

    3. "No...Wait...It Has To Be The Bull's Ass"

  25. Johnny Lee Miller and Ewan McGregor

  26. Donald Sutherland and Terrance Stamp?

  27. One of these isMel Gibson

    1. I don't think Mel is foreign born. Foreign raised, but wasn't he born in the US?

  28. I thought Mel when it said tore apart a set.

  29. Johnny Lee Miller and Ewan are interesting, with Kelly McDonald as the prize. Angelina would be J's wife-unless being married is the fudged part and AJ was the prize.

    But those two have a production company, so it seems they might still be buddies.

  30. Made me think of Crowe, Guy Pearce, and Kim Basinger in LA Confidential.

  31. time to start monitoring the comments again Enty

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      @kris: ITA!!! Things have gotten WAY out of hand. I really hope Enty does something about it!

  32. Some of the little flame wars on CD&N are a bit too pathetic.

  33. I guess it's just best to ignore that nutjob. She probably thinks she's the star of the comment box now (how sad is that?) and obviously loves any attention she gets. Really, your bullshit isn't interesting.

  34. Anonymous12:50 PM


  35. Tulsa- except Kim is gorgeous and Enty says this woman wasn't really.

  36. First guess was Crowe Pearce and Basinger.

    I think whether people like him or not, he seems like a solid A, where I don't know about pearce.

    My second thought was Jude Law and Clive Owen for Closer. IMDB says Law got divorced in 2003 and Closer came out in 2004 but there might be overlap.

    They would have been fighting over Julia Roberts instead of Natalie Portman, sort of mirroring the movie.

  37. The clue is, these actors got cast in a movie together, because they were fit and they became friends. 2 years later, they were in another movie together and fought over a girl. I guess we have to look for 2 actors who were in 2 consecutive movies together...or at least movies within 2 years together.

  38. I was thinking Connery and Caine, but don't feel like researching.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I am thinking Ahnold -- Conan the barbarian and destroying and rampaging -- and that is all i got.

  41. Collin farrel and Ralph finnes

  42. Colin Farrell, Jared Leto and AJolie (Alexander)

    Colin Farrell was never legally married.

  43. ^Farrell and Leto were both in Phone Booth too but Leto's small part was cut (but you can find it on youtube).

  44. How about Schwarzenegger & Sly Stallone & Bridget Nielsen?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Hugh Grant & Alan Rickman? Who haven't worked together since Sense & Sensibility.

    Dunno ....I know folks who work on sets say that Hugh is happy go lucky, but I have always suspected that he went a little nuts about Liz Hurley.

  46. Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Jean-Claude Van Damme
    Van Damme was cast and shot footage as the Predator, but was replaced.

    Van Damme's ex and again Wife, body builder Gladys Portugues got back with him after his marriage to the woman he left her for ended.

    Got no idea who the woman who played them was. Brigitte Nielsen seems like a good guess, but the A-list would have only happened in a bizarro world circa 1985.

  47. Sean Bean for the cheat and beat

  48. So the movie was in production for a while--actors from the LOTR would be a good guess. Also it was mainly male actors in the movie, so there were only so many ladies to "go around".

    Also, maybe Troy, with Diane Kruger being the actress, who's moved on .

  49. LOTR and Troy are good guesses, with the actors being Sean Bean and Orlando Bloom, the actress Diane Kruger, and one of the clues being they have tried to repair "the bond," as Sean Bean had a big role in Brosnan's first James Bond movie.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Daniel Craig
    Christopher Plummer
    Rooney Mara

  52. Dougray Scott and Ewan McGregor... both were in Sydney in 1997 filming Mussion Impossible and Star Wars/Moulin Rouge respectively. The woman is probably Nicole Kidman.... or Nat Portman, but that would make her really young... Yuk! Anyway birth were known for filling around with local ladies at that time too. ..

  53. The blind implies that the woman isn't a grat beauty. Some of the women being guessed are stunning, or at least were at the time. I think that's an important piece of the puzzle. I mean come on, Rosario is a super babe and every man and woman wanted to put it on Angelina when she was in her peak.

  54. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Id really like to know the answer to this one.

    If you go with Sean Bean, the film could be LOTR, Equilibrium, Troy, or The Island

  55. diego luna and gael garcia bernal



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