Monday, July 01, 2013

Today's Blind Items - A Classic Story About Drugs And Fashion And Too Much Money

A former assistant sent this in, and I loved the way she wrote it so much, that I kept it pretty much as is, except for my list additions.

I work in fashion and a few years ago was working for a designer named ____________( who is amazing by the way and probably the nicest boss I've ever had). Really big. Loved by Vogue. Well respected.
Anyways she got a call from this former A list celebrity/singer who is now still an A list celebrity and working on that singing thing again's assistant who said that our celebrity loved the designer and wanted to meet with her to discuss possibly designing some couture pieces for her. The designer had done some tie dye tights that our celebrity said were "genius". Which they were.

The designer went to the celebrity's house which was huge.
Our celebrity was in bed and called the designer in. Our celebrity was completely manic and jumped out pulling open the doors to an enormous cabinet that was completely full of pill bottles. This cabinet was 6 foot high and packed to the rafters with nothing but pills. She took a few handfuls and ran into the adjoining room telling the designer that she was working on designing a collection that was really punk.

In the next room there were rails and rails of vintage dresses, vintage might be the wrong word...try 18th and 19th century dresses that would be worth at least 10 grand a piece.
And our celebrity had cut them all up. Huge ballgowns probably worn by royalty were cut to the knee and had patches of random fabrics glued and half stitched on. She warbled on for an hour about working together. She kept leaving and downing more pills and going off on tangents. The designer really wanted to work with her. But after 5 hours of "speaking" with our celebrity she finally left after the celebrity passed out cold on the floor in one big thud.

The designer said she thinks the dresses that had been destroyed probably cost in excess of 1,000,000 pounds ($1.5M).


  1. I don't know about the designer, but I am convinced the celebrity is Courtney Love. She used to post hundreds of pics on Twitter of vintage dresses she had bought, and some looked like she had turned them into rags.

  2. Oh, she's also working on the singing thing again, and often calls designers "genius".

  3. Courtney Love sounds about right.

  4. Stella McCartney for designer

  5. Vivienne Westwood or Betsey Johnson for the designer - both known for their colorful designs.

    Courtney Love for the celebrity is a great guess.

  6. Is Courtney Love still A celeb?


  8. Cher. And a non-household name designer

  9. I wast thinking Betsy.

  10. A former A list artist with enough money to have a huge home, Xtina? But then again I want to say this is someone British due to the vintage dresses from the 18th & 19th Century comment. Hmmm Winehouse?

  11. Courtney Love for sure! She has/had that whole vintage clothes collection that fits the description and she's as manic as they come and her house is beautiful, I've seen it featured in a mag...what a shame that she cut up those beautiful clothes in her drug induced haze...tsk tsk

  12. No way Cher...I won't believe she's a pill popper or druggie

  13. Courtney Love an A list Celeb/Singer? Seriously? No way. Absolutely no way.

    The designer is definitely British though. I'm going with Stella.

  14. This has got to be Courtney. "Enty" wrote that he LOVEd the way the assistant wrote the story.

  15. This could actually be Cher. Her new song just came out.

  16. I want to say Courtney, but is she an A list celeb/singer? Don't think so.

    @Johnnie Copthorne, Cher isn't that ignorant, and is well known for being totally anti-drug.

  17. Cher is not a manic druggy. She's a lot more in control.

  18. Angie's a Heroine addict. She's in control.

    If this BV is Courtney Love, then Enty should refer to her as a C lister. She's far from A list.

  19. i thought lady gaga -- but if courtney love had a vintage fashion thing going on, then it would fit her best.

  20. This is Courtney. I remember seeing a clip of her on tv with the dresses. Plus, that's exactly how she behaves.

  21. Anonymous10:38 AM

    yep, no way is this Cher. I'm going to say Courteney Love for this too. she's well known for being a manic pill mess. Plus she went through all of Kurt's money, how in the hell do you blow through that much cash?

  22. Perhaps Victoria Beckham

  23. I think everyone in this blind is British - look at the last sentence:

    The designer said she thinks the dresses that had been destroyed probably cost in excess of 1,000,000 pounds ($1.5M).

  24. I really wanna say Madonna, but I don't think so. She's high on herself, no need for drugs.

  25. This is so courtney love. I think the last sentence indicates the DESIGNER is british but not necessarily (?) the celebrity. Vivienne Westwood is a good guess. I'm too lazy to google tie dyed tights but i'm sure that wouldn't be too hard to sleuth out who has had some of those a few collections back.

  26. Oh, and i guess now we know who 'stole' her money...

  27. Vivienne Westwood - Courtney Love

    First thought was Avril Lavigne,because she thinks she is so 'punk'. But the clues don't fit.

  28. It's the assistant who gave her the A list rating, right? Maybe she was a fan, and gave her a high rating because she's huge in her world.

    I like the Courtney guess.

  29. Anonymous11:20 AM

    totally courtney love. She is extremely educated on couture and fashion and owns tons of vintage stuff.

  30. Betsey Johnson is not loved by Vogue.

  31. More proof that it's Love - she just debuted her brand "Never the Bride" with articles in:

    Huffington Post

    Daily Fail

    The Hollywood Reporter

  32. @Benita - Betsey Johnson is beloved by Vogue - Vogue UK and Vogue France..

    I think the blind is misleading in that people automatically think about Vogue US and Wintour

  33. When drugs are mentioned in a blind, it will NEVER be Cher. She absolutely abhors drugs.

    This HAS to be Courtney. Can't figure out the designer, though.

  34. But it was written by the assistant and she very well could be British. However, Courtney, in the Vanity Fair article, talked about going to posh parties in the UK so I'm going with her as the crazy person.

  35. Yeah, Betsy Johnson gets a lot of coverage in vogue uk. They love her quirky style. The assistant probably works at the London offices for betsey. She is incredibly nice. I randomly met her at a restaurant and she was so sweet and friendly to everyone

  36. Just to be different, Stella McCartney/Gwen Stefani.

  37. Is stella mccartney known to be a nice person and loved by vogue? I honestly don't know but just the fact that she could see the evil Heather Mills for who she was wins some points in my book. I did a search on vivienne Westwood and she sounds bitchy.

  38. Oh no, I can't believe Gwen could be this out of control. It's an interesting guess, though. I just think Courtney fits this blind perfectly because of how extreme the behavior is.

  39. Stella McCartney did do a pair of tie dye tights worn and made popular by Rihanna

  40. Tory Burch for the designer, I know Wintour loves her. Not sure about the celeb...

  41. Anonymous12:36 PM

    love the courtney guess

  42. Whoever this is deserves jail or worse. I have almost cried thinking about the ancient dresses wasted.

    1. Why? Did she steal them? It's always sad when a person doesn't appreciate art the way that you want them to.

  43. It isn't Courtney because:

    - she's never lived in a huge house
    - she started her fashion line while living in a LA hotel and finished it while living in a NYC hotel. No houses in between
    - she keeps her pills in her bedside table
    - A list celebrity?

    I could go on. The crazy behaviour fits, the details don't. Enty, if you want to fabricate a Courtney BI give me a call. At least I'd get the details right.

  44. Totally CLove.

    "Pulling from Love's own archives, Never The Bride has an antique feel with plenty of Edwardian and Victorian touches. Each piece also contains a Courtney Love signature: "In the hem of all the dresses there’s a ruby and it says c***."

    Keeping it classy, that's our Courtney!

  45. LOL @ kurtneyfans!

  46. "the real" Daphne Guiness

  47. Not a big fan, but Courtney - by virtue of being Kurt Cobain's widow - will probably always be an A-list celeb.

    So yeah, this is definitely Courtney.

  48. Sounds like Courtney.
    I'm heartbroken at the idea of all those beautiful gowns being hacked up by a lunatic.

  49. Yeah, it's British. And Courtney had/has a thing for Britian and has lived there

  50. Courtney. Yeah, and Daily Mail too...

    sorry no linkage. i don't understand your technology.

  51. Paula Abdul and Stella McCartney

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I'm on the Courtney Love/Stella McCartney bandwagon.


    Courtney Love for sure, not even a blind for that one.

  55. She is obviously not on the right meds for mania. Mania is easily treatable if there aren't too many other comorbid conditions.
    Sounds like Courtney OR Wynonna Judd.

  56. courtney love sounds right....stella doesn't do couture so i'll go with vivienne westwood who's style resembles the "vintage" dresses mentioned in the item
