Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Today Is Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Last Day On The View

If you are on the west coast you can read this and go back to sleep for a few hours. If you are on the east coast and care at all, then you probably should start slowly waking up or sneak into the break room at work if you want to watch the last episode of The View featuring Elisabeth Hasselbeck. The former Survivor contestant has turned her reality show smidgen of fame into ten years on the show. Say what you will about her or whether or not you dislike her, she has made the very most of her time on Survivor. There are not many people who have done better from reality. Elisabeth moves to Fox & Friends beginning in September. She will probably feel way more comfortable in her new home and I think you will find her probably going even more to the right and that she has been holding back a lot on The View just so more people would like her.


  1. There is a God, now I no longer have to hear her or see that smug face. Elizabeth you will fit right in....

  2. Good for her. Fox and Friends is a great show (says the lone conservative-leaning CDANer). And Enty, the hosts on Fox and Friends don't really share their political views. It's not like Hannity, who I loathe.

    1. You aren't the only conservative leaning CDANer!

    2. You aren't the only conservative leaning CDANer!

    3. You aren't the only conservative leaning CDANer!

  3. Susan, you are not alone. I'm not a staunch conservative, but I have my moments.

    I don't care for Eliz but I don't find her to be the most annoying person on The View.

  4. mikey - I'm not staunch either, particularly on some social issues. I never was a big Hasselback fan, but she seems to be pretty smart in terms of making a career for herself.

  5. @Mikey - Who's the most annoying?

  6. All things said, I like this girl. I know, I know. But I like her. I would hang out with her, and I believe she is deep down a good person. I disagree with lots of her ideas, but I disagree with everyone. I hope she does well after this.

  7. Barbara is the worst on The View

  8. Remember when Barbara WaWa was denying Hasselcrack was leaving? I believe she got pushed out to make room for somebody fresher.

  9. I agree with Barton Fink; even if I disagree with her on things, I think she tries to be a good person.

    The world would be a better place if we assumed that everyone is basically good and accept that not every person who disagrees with you is a hateful person.

  10. I just hope Rachel Campos, from MTV's Real World, doesn't get a slot. She's boring as watching paint dry.

  11. Come to think of it, Hasselcrack has been much quieter lately. But gotta give her credit for the 10 year run.

  12. Haven't watched in years, but never cared for Elizabeth. She always tried to appear so right wing, I think it was an act on the mostly left sided show. She ought to fit right in on Fox.

  13. they need a younger comedian---Amy Shuelman would be my vote

  14. Rumors have said Brooke Shields is coming. I like Brooke but I feel they need to keep a least one younger person on the show. There's always been one who was in their 20's, 30's on there to provide some balance. Having a show of only 40-60+ year olds is too much.

  15. Remember when Dina Lohan convinced herself (then tried the rest of the world) that she was once in consideration for a spot on The View---- hahahahaha

  16. You have to give her credit, she did make the most of things. Married a football player, and has worked on TV for years now. She's been getting paid.
    She's not my cup of tea, but I can't hate her, pretty much like Barton said

    1. Addendum: if I have to keep looking at that washboard belly I may hate her. I picked up a few pounds, and I can't even see my belly over the new rack.

    2. I liked her on Survivor, not so much on The View. But, I can't watch that show anymore. It needs to go.

  17. Hi Susan, from a fellow CDAN conservative!

    I like Elisabeth. I think she did a pretty good job considering the political climate the last ten years. She'll be much happier at Fox, where she's not the lone elephant in the room, which believe me is not a comfortable scene.

  18. Sending this shrill, pampered harpy to Fox News is as unexpected as casting Michael Cera as "awkward teenager".

  19. I watched her fight with Rosie on DListed last night. That is all.

  20. She'll be a huge improvement over Gretchen Carlson, but I really wish Alyson Camerota had gotten the gig instead.

  21. She's a mindless twit who is ill-informed and likes to rudely interrupt and talk over guests, so she will go very far at Fox "News".

    1. +1

      And I've never watched a second of The View.

      I bet she would make a great Minon for Ann Coulter

  22. She'll fit right in at Fox...and no, that isn't a compliment.

  23. She was dating her husband before Survivor, so that wasn't a result of her fame. Brooke Shields = Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  24. Good riddance to Hasselidiot!
    I had to mute the sound during her "heartfelt" speech.
    The only thing that makes her smarter than Sherri Shepherd is that Shepherd thought the Earth was flat!

  25. Well given some of the ignorant comments i have heard on the morning show, she will fit right in. They seem to revel in purposeful stupidity.

  26. Oh hell no, I am conservative,too, but she's my least favorite. She comes across as whiny and mousy and annoying to me. I don't she has the personality for F&F.

    I like Whoopi and Joy. ( Thought Joy was overly nasty when political things came up, but I loved her) Joy will be missed far ore, I think.

  27. I rarelyy watch the view so I had no idea elizabeth was a prior survivor contestant. Boy do I feel outdated.

  28. Ha she'll be in good company with fellow moron Sarah Palin.

  29. Elizabeth is a survivor in reality. Ha. Deconstruct that. I never watched The View but I've seen YouTube highlights and am amazed she hung in for as long as she did surrounded by drama queen libs shouting out talking points and insults. Barbara Walters does not hesitate to dump liabilities so she clearly brought something to the show long term and is being eased out politely now that they're retooling the whole thing.

  30. I can't stand Elizabeth Asselhat. I can't stand the dipshittery of Fox News, either. They are a perfect match.

  31. Can we just take a second to comment on her abs in that photo? wtf?

  32. are not the only conservative. I 100% agree with you. Fox and Friends is a great show. Not all people on here are left wingers.

  33. THIS is how she became famous?! SURVIVOR?! gah, I really hate life some times...

    Public Service Announcement: All cable news suck. Stay away from it and get fact based news to form your own opinions. News networks push corporate agendas and are just advertising money makers.

  34. lol Susan do you even watch Fox and Friends? They constantly push the Roger AIles right win message of the day...Haseelcrack will fit right in despite her love of facts..

  35. ABC wanted her gone, not Barbara and Gedde, and it's exactly what they set up for Star Jones, but Star didn't play along.

    They gave her until she could find a job--Barbara and Bill know Ailes, so that helps her--and once she had a place, poof, she's gone.

    I'm thrilled but not so thrilled Jenny McCarthy is coming on to replace Joy.

    They need to keep cleaning house--Whoopi is phoning it in and Sherri....well there's that whole world is flat thing.

    Bye bye landed on your feet, but you're going from working a couple of hours four days a week to getting up at 3 am and working 3 solid hours five days a week....Tim and the nanny are going to have to step it up.

  36. If I watch Fox and Friends it's usually the weekend crew. I like that Allyson chick, too. And the guy who has since left for ESPN? I forget his name. I tend to block out talking heads on talk shows. Fox and Friends on the weekend seems so lightweight. I prefer The Five. But I do think The Five needs another lib or middle ground person. I don't base my political opinions on news commentary. I just think it's interesting hearing the different takes on topics. Kinda like what I do on here. Although, I found the commenting during the Fourth of July reveal weekend to be revolting. Sigh.

    Anyway, I think EH is making the right move to Fox News. Is The View really long for this world? Does it get good ratings?
