Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tina Turner Is Getting Married

Back in 1987, the 47 year old Tina Turner started dating a 31 year old record executive from her label. 26 years later, the couple are getting married. Next week, Tina Turner and Erwin Bach will marry in Switzerland. recently Tina became a citizen of Switzerland where she has lived since 1995. I wonder if this marriage will change anything between the pair. They have been going great for over a quarter of a century so now that they make it official, I do wonder if in the next year or two they might get divorced. I don't want that for them, but I do find it interesting they have decided to formalize everything now.


  1. Good for her! I love me some Tina. She's simply the best.

  2. It may be that in Switzerland it is more beneficial financially to be married. I lived with my husband for more than 10 years before we got married, when it became more beneficial tax wise - before that it was better to file as singles.

    1. Actually, swiss tax laws punishes you for being married. But that won't be the case for her, very rich people get to negotiate their tax rate with their city. Seriously!

    2. Would Tina really have to get married for financial benefits?

    3. I think she wants him to benefit. .shes a class.act!

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    so true, she is awesome. I wish her all the happiness in the world. I hope it works out for them.

  4. I love the idea of waiting! I always joke about wanting to be dating for 9 years before I get married...but I'm actually serious. I think it's really cute. It's always fun and exciting and new during the honeymoon period of a relationship, but when you're still so excited about your partner after years and years of being comfortable, it's awesome. I love going to those kinds of weddings.

    1. My husband and I were together for 7 years before we got married, and we lived together for 3. It takes a long time to really know someone. I highly recommend waiting.

  5. I hope love has something to do with it.

  6. Replies
    1. Her makeup is great in this picture, I can't stop staring. I hate this trend of chicks using too light makeup under their eyes

  7. Clearly, she's pregnant and that's why they're having this shotgun wedding ;)

    Just kidding, happy hump day!

  8. I'm sure she and Gavin Rossdale's dad will be very happy.

    1. @Jacq Lol at Gavin Rossdale's dad.

    2. I second @trainrides lol @Jacq - definitely got the same look!

  9. Somewhere Demi Moore is crying over a table full of drugs because she and Asshat were the ones that were supposed to make it that long dammit!!!

  10. I don't question their love and commitment to one another. I do wonder if it is a matter of practicality that they are getting married. No judgement, but neither of them are getting any younger. Perhaps this helps resolve any potential loose ends about end-of-life care, taxes, inheritance, etc. Whatever they're reasoning, they seem very happy so good for them for just being awesome together.

  11. These crazy kids nowadays...always gotta be jumping into things! ;)

    LOL @ Rossdale's Pops.

  12. My husband and I were together for 10 years before we got engaged/11 years before we got married.

    We bought our first house together a year and a half in so we were good to go until my biological clock started beating me over the head.

    Now we have a bambino on the way and I have no regrets about the path we took.

  13. Anonymous9:40 AM

    God, Enty, pull the dildo out of your ass and tell us how you really feel.

  14. @Jeneral I love it! I've lived with my boyfriend for 2 years, dating for 2 1/2 years, and I still love the thought of waiting :) We've been through so much, but there's so much more to go. We're moving continents next year and I think that'll be a good test! I know we'll be fine. It'll just prove how awesome we are ;)

    @NomNom83 Maybe, that would probably make sense. You never know who's lurking in the woodwork after you pass on.

  15. Tina's a smart lady, she knows what shes doing. Mb she doesnt want her do nothing sons to get the money. Who knows? Happy wedding!

  16. @Ms Good Intentions- I have a feeling that'll be me. I keep making all these life plans, by which time I think I'll be ready for a family at 39.5 haha. And congratulations!!

  17. It sounds more practical than romantic to me. If someone ends up in the hospital (as will eventually happen to all of us,) the spouse can make decisions that a boyfriend/girlfriend are not allowed to.

  18. That was my thought, she's getting her affairs in order. Not that she's ancient, but you never know.

  19. She looks fabulous. So does he, for that matter.

  20. Anonymous9:44 AM

    And now let's spend the next 6345 comments talking about our own personal romantical wedding stories. GOOD LORD. Doesn't anyone have any good colonoscopy stories? How about the time the prize in your cereal box was missing?

  21. @Svetlana...I am 36 and I just wasn't ready until a couple of years ago. I did grow tired of the DAILY questions from coworkers, strangers, etc. about when we were going to have kids. Of course, I dealt with that on the marriage side for a solid 7 years before we got married. Many people seem to have a fixed time line for how life is supposed to unfold. It just wasn't our timeline.

    Thanks!!! :)

  22. She's getting married for the same reason couples get married after being together for a long protect property and guard against family interference

  23. @Ms. Good Intentions, it's amazing how many opinions pop out of nowhere about when and how family should enter the picture hey? I'm 24, and my brother and his 24 year old girlfriend just had a baby a few days ago and everyone keeps saying 'you're next!!' and I keep saying 'well I'm moving to Europe, then I'm going back to school again, then I -might- get married, so no, not really'
    If you don't mind me asking, what made you sure you were ready?

  24. I didn't know Switzerland was worse for married folks tax wise, but I agree with everyone, it's very practical to tie up affairs as they get older.

    I didn't know Tina was in a relationship, let alone for 25 years. That is so AWESOME that she found such happiness!

  25. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I wonder of any of the Enties are married?

  26. She is up there in age, could be for estate planning.

  27. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Fuck. TimeBomb is here to put me in my place.

  28. I hope this is not because one of them is gravely ill.. I love Tina!

  29. Good for Tina. And as others have said, it sounds like planning for the future.

  30. Anonymous11:21 AM

    im 13 yrs in
    and wont be gettin married until im old and cripple so he can atleast get my pension that i worked hard for. Somebody has to enjoy it

  31. I would think the marriage may be for inheritance/tax purposes. I hope she is healthy, because she is a great talent.

  32. @Svetlana don't wait too long on the babies! I was 35 when my son was born and my daughter came along at 39. It's HARD when you're old! Not just childbirth but every day after. I wasn't ready when I was younger. But 30 would have been better.

  33. I hope she's happy--I love her and she deserves the best. She's been with him a long time and he seems to be very good to her--so whatever their motives, I hope they are happy together.

    And she looks fantastic for 72.

  34. I'm sure they're getting married for medical or legal reasons because..
    What's love but a secondhand emotion?
    What's love but a sweet old-fashioned notion?
    Oooooooohhhhoooo. What's love got to do with it?

    Dammit,I earwigged myself.



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