Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Guy Who Has 22 Kids With 14 Women Who Can't Pay Child Support Now Has A Reality Show

Remember last month I told you about Orlando Shaw. He is the man who was dragged into court by the State of Tennessee because he has 22 children with 14 different women, but can't afford to pay any child support because of his criminal record. The 33 year old man said he could not help it because the ladies love him and that he did play the hell out of the lottery. He also just landed a reality show. The good news is that the state will get to stop paying and he can pay his share for once. The bad news is that this will just encourage more of this behavior. Admittedly it is more difficult to father 22 children while alternating between jail time, then it is to make a sex tape or change your name to Kardashian, but still, is this the kind of behavior we want to encourage? Maybe they could do a kid swap show and he could exchange with the Duggar family. Now that is television. I make myself excited sometimes. Who would not want to watch that?


  1. He needs to be snipped

  2. WHAT? Why??? How will they ever get enough footage for a season, much less 15 minutes? Oh I'm so sick of people getting shows that glamorize reprehensible behavior. He should be in a halfway house working several jobs around the clock to pay child support. SMH..,

  3. @flirtyChick74 - co-sign. Apparently he nor any of the women involved ever heard of birth control.

  4. The sites that report on this kind of nonsense are the ones that generate enough interest to get these morons their own reality show. Stop reporting and they will fade into obscurity where they belong.

    Of course, that being said -- this moron should be stopped before he has any more kids

  5. Typical Hollywood. Rewarding bad, dysfunctional behavior.

  6. One word... Castration. All of them and the children.

    1. You can't castrate a female. There are state laws on the books that makes it legal to castrate rapist/pedophiles but I guess they never figured in female rapists and such. Laws like that are rather sexist .

  7. Sick, on so many different levels.

  8. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I'd fuck him, and I think I might have, but I was so drunk, and there were so many that night. Still, one of my 9 kids bears a striking resemblance.

  9. He's not a bad looking dude. Dick has been known to make a bitch forget her senses and miss her period.

    1. You are defending this nigga. Yes I said nigga. Textbook classic nigga here and you are defending him. I can't.

    2. Where in my post did I condone his behavior?

  10. Over the last couple of years I have come to the conclusion that the movie Idiocracy was a documentary. I think someone else here has already said this.

  11. @Snapdragon - The more babies, the more welfare you get. Don't you know how the system works now days?

  12. This is probably the best thing that could ever happen for his kids!! Maybe he can pay child support now- unfortunately they are probably about to have a lot more half brothers and sisters so there will be more to split it with. What is more amazing is the number of dumb horny bitches that fuck him without protection.

  13. -- I'm so sick of people getting shows that glamorize reprehensible behavior. He should be in a halfway house working several jobs around the clock to pay child support. SMH..,--


  14. Unless the show is him in a stockade with his butt out for kicking , not interested. Maybe he is retarded?

  15. I can even understand the first two women, but the 14th who opened her legs to be knocked up by a felon/criminal? That woman is beyond stupidity.

  16. I just hope that the courts have made sure that most of the money goes to child support.

  17. I was going to say can we see him neutered on the show?

    And yeah good point make sure the money for the show goes straight to the child support.

  18. If honey boo-boo and the kardashians can have a show... I guess this douche can too!

    Other crowd favorites....

    My Big Fact Gypsy Wedding
    Bridezilla Bootcamp
    Pregnant and dating
    Me & My Teen are pregnant
    Toddlers in Tiaras
    Couples Therapy
    I almost got away with it
    Who the *&^% did I marry

  19. just curious, well um female rapists could be forced to wear a chastity belt that locks or prohibited from owning strap ons

    1. Again , there are some state laws that can legally chemically castrate sex offenders but that law wouldn't apply to female sex offenders because women don't have nuts to be removed.
      Besides, imagine the outcry from women group if such a law exist. No politician would dare vote for it.

  20. Me. I wouldn't want to watch that. Girl enty is retarded.

  21. Maybe he should gave impregnated women who preferred abortions.

  22. I wonder how many of these bitches are black, white and other ?

  23. Color is not the factor. Being dumb is in all races. He's dumb and they are too.

  24. Snapped and I Almost Got Away With It are good shows!

    What's up with adults here using the word "retard"? Insulting someone's intelligence while calling them such a name makes you look like a fool.

    1. Chile please, if you one of the 14 women that got pregnant by this dude , you are a retard becoz you were slow to catch on that the keep-a-baby method doesn't work on every man.



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