Monday, July 08, 2013

The Goopster Has Gone Off The Deep End

For the past few years, Gwyneth Paltrow has slowly eased over from the slightly off center position she has held the past decade or two to a whole new level on the scale of out of touch. This latest quote might show that she has reached the tipping point and there is no recovery. In a recent interview with Cosmo, this is a quote The Goopster offered up. "We're human beings and the sun is the sun - how can it be bad for you? I don't think anything that is natural can be bad for you." She goes on to say she does not believe in skin cancer or anything like that is caused by the sun and that she gets at least 15 minutes of sun everyday. No carbs at all, but sun everyday.


  1. That's our Goopy. #teamgoop!

  2. Goopy M.D.
    Her stupidity is way off the limits.

  3. Sorry, idiot!! A tan is a healed burn!! SMH

  4. How can you "not believe in skin cancer?" I've been butchered by melanoma and I'd be happy to show her my scars... She would probably find surgery scars are unsavory though. I swear, I try to root for the lady! But I just can't today!

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    While I don't agree with her skin cancer comment, I do agree that people should get 15 minutes of sun everyday.

  6. We've destroyed the ozone layer so really, the amount sun we are exposed to now is *not* natural.

  7. I'll give her credit - she's got like no body fat. Hey - maybe that's why she says such goofy shit - too little glucose to the brain.

  8. Bears are from nature, too. Maybe we should introduce her to one.

    If it's from nature, it can't be bad for her, right?

    1. Chuckling from the DMV perp walk/line at that one!

    2. Chuckling from the DMV perp walk/line at that one!

    3. Chuckling from the DMV perp walk/line at that one!

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    1. @libby my doctor has told me the same thing, natural vitamin D is important. Although, he stresses that 15 minutes is it, sunscreen all the way after that!

  10. Starvation is a powerful thing....melanoma is real goop. But I will agree, we all need a small amount for vitamin D. But laying out in the sun for

  11. Goop is hilariously delusional but I think 15 minutes in the sun is the recommended time to get enough vitamin D.

  12. True we all need some sun and Vit. D, but the Goop is an idiot.

  13. First off...SHE'S ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! I'm not a fan of hers, but she is 100% correct. If you absolutely need an SPF, use Raspberry seed oil.

    Second, I'm sure she eats carbs, just not from bread and crapola like most people. She eats veggies & fruit, some of which are full of carbs.

    Stop perpetuating ill health.

    1. Never heard of raspberry seed oil... It would be equivalent to 15 or 30 SPF?

  14. Didn't her Father have cancer? His was not skin cancer-but cancer is serious business. Seriously how can you dispute melanoma being caused by sun exposure? 15 minutes is fine but the rest of the comment is ridiculous. But then again why would anyone take medical/health advice from a celebrity?

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  16. was the Mercury Poison from fish ? Sushi ?

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  18. So gluten and carbs are bad but sun is good since it doesn't cause skin cancer. I feel for her kids. She's a fucking idiot.

  19. @Libby - Kevin T.?! I'm super-nosy.

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  21. @Tempestuous Grape - THANK YOU. I realize it's fun for people to take things she says out of context and exaggerate them. She's not saying, "Hey, it's totally cool to slather yourself in baby oil and roll out a tinfoil towel on a black tar roof and BAKE, BABY, BAKE!"

    Carbs don't have to come from refined wheats and sugars. People of some heritages even have a very hard time processing stuff like that.

  22. There is NO way that pale family isn't slathered in sun screen if they spend any time in the sun. If its just the 15 minutes a day then I'm sure she's not using any and it may explain the paleness.

  23. Also, she's not vegan. She used to do the macrobiotic thing, but she doesn't anymore.

  24. 15 minutes in the sun still won't get you enough Vit D. Maybe on the equator. For us northerners to get Vit D from the sun we'd have to be out all day. It's also true that Americans are severely deficient in Vit D and even the "good" level in a blood test isn't high enough according the Vit D council.

    The best way to get D is to take D3 (NOT D2) liquid based oil. Take it with Cit K2 and magnesium which your body needs to process the D.

    (I know this since it's a theory that one of things that causes MS is low D and a gene that doesn't allow our bodies to absorb it)

  25. 15 minutes of unprotected sun time IS good for Vit D absorption. We as humans weren't designed to sit in cubicles under fluorescent lighting all day staring at these electric boxes.

    I don't care about Gwyneth one way or the other -- I do like her Pepper Pots and Emma roles -- but the article also said she likes lobster rolls and turkey burgers, neither of which are even close to vegan.

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  27. I'd rather Goop focus on her magazine and lifestyle choices than act. She ruined all the Iron Man movies and the Avengers for me.

  28. Ignorance is just another example of natural selection. Microdermabrasion and organic aardvark--placenta facial creams can hide sun damage for only so long, then her skin is going to start looking like the aardvark's.

  29. I was just about to say what msgirl said - us midwesterners cannot get enough vitamin D from the sun in 15 minutes/day so we must supplement. I have had mine tested and it was extremely low.

    @msgirl - I didn't know that about the magnesium. What is Citk2?

  30. These quotes came out in April; Enty was slow to jump on them. Also, Gwenyth has already given advice about spending 15 minutes in the sun a day, and Enty has already commented on it. He said [roughly] "I don't think anyone ever said not to go outside." It was back when she blamed her low vitamin D for weakened bones and a complex fracture. Maybe Enty doesn't remember (or, to feed certain people's conspiracy theories, maybe this Enty didn't read the previous Enty's notes, haha).

  31. I knew as soon as I read that quote that she was gonna get tons of flack for it. She could've worded it differently and gotten into a lot less trouble...

  32. Shes full of crap. Im sure her kids wear sunblock and so does she or she wld be burned or tan. I cant imagine what on earth she was referring to. Idiot.

  33. I'm sorry Libby..But NO ONE is mostly vegan. You either are or are not. Tell your sanctimonious friend she's a vegetarian. I love it when people claim to be vegetarians who eat chicken. Uhm..nope you're not a vegetarian my friend.

    I'm not "mostly" a virgin if I have sex once a year It doesn't make me a ho but it certainly doesn't make me a virgin either. Capice?

    1. @Sherry Applauding for your post

  34. Ms Cool - typo alert! :) should be Vit K2.

    In the northern hemisphere you'd have to be outside all day every day of the year to get enough D. Melanoma is rising at an alarming rate, my dermatologist says he gets 7 new cases a week! Oh how I used to love lying out in the sun!

  35. Ooooh I'm mostly a virgin too! Thanks Sherry.

    I don't care what Goopy says or does, but just want to add my five cents that for a thin woman, she has an ugly body.

    1. Sorry to hear CABlondy. I'm on the "ho" spectrum. The Opster says we're doing our version of "eat, pray, love". Calls it drink, drink, fuck.

  36. I read the whole interview and didn't read anything about skin cancer??

    It's well-established that sunburns cause skin damage and can lead to skin cancer, but moderate sun exposure (about 15 minutes a day on your arms / legs) is great for you because this is how we get Vitamin D, which is essential for FIGHTING cancer, including skin cancer. Plus most sunblocks are full of parabens and things that are known carcinogens - go easy on them and buy natural ones, especially for your kids!


    The highest rates of melanoma in the US are in places like Seattle and Maine, where they almost never see strong sun, then they go on vacation to the tropics and get burnt to a crisp.

    1. Me too- nowhere didI see her say shedoesn't believe in skin cancer.

  37. Yep it's true most sunscreens have ingredients that are awful - EUrope has better ones. Here's a great site to search for the best and safest sun blocks:

    I always get Blue Lizard.

  38. My God, she is skeletal. What straight guy finds that attractive? Seriously, I'd like to know.

  39. Libby, is the guy that idiot who runs Natural News?

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  41. Use "vanni cream" its from Mayo Clinic, all physical blockers like zinc, so no weird chemicals or bleaches to hide burn, fragrance free. Ask for it at pharmacy, although you don't need a prescription. It totally reflects the always only one not burned, however not completely white!

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    1. Oh FFS Libby . I guess she identify however she pleases but she's not even vegetarian.

  43. Thanks, msgirl! I was too dumb to even ponder a typo!

  44. Just to chime in on the sunscreen...many of the ingredients in conventional sunscreens are also potential hormone mimickers/disruptors. Also, over use of sunscreen/overabundance of indoor activities causing vitamin D deficiency is real. Our pediatrician (who has been practicing over 40 years) said that in the last few years he's started to see a few cases of rickets in kids...something he hasn't seen in ages.

    And whomever said a tan is a healed burn...what?

    Simply put, a tan is the visible result of your skin producing extra melanin as protective/reparative response to sunlight.

    A sunburn on the other hand is a radiation burn from an overexposure to the sun.

    People can produce melanin prior to burning which causes the perceived effect of a burn turning into a tan. There are many people, however, who produce little to no melanin in response to solar radiation and those people will always burn and never tan, in conjunction with a burn or otherwise.

    1. The crazy ingredients is why I suggested vanni cream. As it doesnt expose you to chemicals, it reflects the rays...the rflection produces an effect making it look like you are retaining color, but when block is removed you actually have zero burn..its a cool trick of the eye caused by physical blockers of zinc & titanium dioxide.

  45. Oh, and...


  46. My doctor recommended I get 15 minutes of (uninterrupted) morning sun exposure for vitamin D. However, she specified morning sun. I don't know if it's because I live in the tropics or because it's the best time for sun exposure.

  47. It's no big deal to be in the sun for fifteen minutes. She is a complete dumbass for saying you can't get skin cancer by being in the sun too much.

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  49. Being in the sun is fine BUT you need to protect your skin. Even one bad sunburn significantly increases your chance of developing melanoma. And for anyone who thinks skin cancer is no big deal, think again -

  50. Tell that to my friend Mike who passed away 6 years ago from melanoma at age 28. What an ignorant fool she is. His metastasized tumor was over 15 pds and filled his entire left lung when he died. It's one thing to sell overpriced crap on a website, it's a totally different thing to tell people not to worry about skin cancer. Melanoma is the fastest rising cancer in twenty year olds. Shut up Goop- your words can be deadly! Wear sunscreen every day. Check out the environmental working group for their list of non-toxic sunscreens. Off my soapbox...

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Libby-- I think I figured out who your friend is.... is today HIS (the doctor's) birthday?!?! If so, then I know who she's shilling for--a total sham in the medical industry (although a few of his points may have some truth) but yeah, his gf is a sanctimonious sounding ass.

  52. Yikes! Sorry to hear about your friend, Irishbelle. That sounds awful.

    1. Thanks Pip. It was a nightmare. He had so much life left to live.

  53. 15 min of sun is ok for Vitamin D...but the sun, especially over exposure is very bad for you. This chick is a bit cray cray.

    Someone should tell Gwynnie that sniffing gas and eating sulfur is good for you. They're natural...or at least gas is. Tell her to suck up a bunch of that and tell us how she's feeling.

  54. Toadstools are natural. I suggest she take a large does of them and see how she feels.

  55. Yeah, the Sun is the Sun and it's natural...that doesn't mean it isn't bad for us. By that same argument, she can say, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and certain bacteria aren't bad for us either, since they're "Natural." Anyone who buys into her nonsense deserves throwing their money and brains away.

  56. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Oh Goopy, just stop.

  57. Anonymous12:02 PM

    well walking back and forth to work is my 15 mins a day
    im goop approved

  58. I live in Southern Cali and I've come across quite a few vegans and vegetarians in my time. For those who are truly serious, find success and have a passion for this type of lifestyle, you are awesome and more power to you. I'm not knocking you at all. But unfortunately, there are some that I have met that are well...straight out hypocrites.

    I know of one vegan lady that goes on and on about how great it is not to eat meat or dairy products, etc., she's so healthy, I (or whoever else is around) need to convert to help the planet, eating meat is selfish, blah, blah, blah and then will light up a cigarette during such a conversation. Now we are all hypocritical to some degree, but that is one of the biggest issues I have with some of vegan/super healthy lifestyle ppl/vegetarians that I have known....almost EVERY one I have met that lives this lifestyle will smoke, drink hard booze, do drugs of some form, tan all day, etc. No one is perfect but the straight up judging of how other people live while doing stuff like that is straight out obnoxious.

    I've come to find, as with Gwenyth here, it's not about being healthy or whatever excuse it is they have for eating/living that way. It's about being skinny and looking good. This is the lifestyle they found that helps them to achieve that.

  59. The sun is good for Vitamin D, it's good for helping depression so getting 15 minutes a day is not harmful. She's ignorant fool though if she doesn't believe in skin cancer. I hope her husband knows better for their children's sake.

  60. @megan00m one small correction its vanicream not "vanni" just in case someone is trying to google to find it. Amazon carries the full product line. The sunscreen uses old-school zinc and titanium dioxide as active ingredients, which is what used to be in sun lotions until a few yrs ago.

    You can still find these old-school ingredients in some baby sunscreens and in those for sensitive skins. Check the ingredients list. I buy baby sunscreen myself, the new-fangled chemicals currently used in most lotions (oxybenzone, etc) I find harsh and give me rashes.

  61. Guys, she never said she didn't believe in skin cancer or that it's not real. Never.

  62. Was at work didnt have my tube handy..thanks pookietoo

  63. I know that we need sunlight to help absorb Vit d, but nothing will help me absorb her endless bullshit.

  64. If I'm not mistaken, 2 or 3 years ago she had rickets. She did something like step off a curb and break a bone in her foot, I think it was. Her doctor told her she needed to get some sun.

  65. lol @Sherry
    "mostly' a virgin. Snicker

  66. got it: sun is good, carbs are bad. Thank god she did this interview. I had it the other way around!
