Rihanna Shows Up Three Hours Late To Concert
I think Rihanna should give up touring and live concerts for awhile. Not forever. Just give them up until she gets her drug and booze problem under control or needs a few extra bucks when she eventually loses all her money because she did not pay her taxes or spent all her money bringing water to the desert via a big iceberg. If you get that movie reference, you have far too much time on your hands and I will be your friend forever. Anyway, Rihanna has made a habit of showing up an hour or two late to most of her shows on this current tour, but Monaco turned into a whole new breed of tardiness. Rihanna was three hours late to the show. Average price of tickets? $782. It did include dinner. Just no star until almost midnight. I bet Hanson would have been on time.
"MmmBop. More coffee on table 8 please. MmmBop."