Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rihanna Shows Up Three Hours Late To Concert

I think Rihanna should give up touring and live concerts for awhile. Not forever. Just give them up until she gets her drug and booze problem under control or needs a few extra bucks when she eventually loses all her money because she did not pay her taxes or spent all her money bringing water to the desert via a big iceberg. If you get that movie reference, you have far too much time on your hands and I will be your friend forever. Anyway, Rihanna has made a habit of showing up an hour or two late to most of her shows on this current tour, but Monaco turned into a whole new breed of tardiness. Rihanna was three hours late to the show. Average price of tickets? $782. It did include dinner. Just no star until almost midnight. I bet Hanson would have been on time.

"MmmBop. More coffee on table 8 please. MmmBop."


  1. Stupid stupid girl....

  2. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Stupid, stupid fans...

  3. Hansen wouldn't have a gig in Monaco they'd be lucky to get one in Van Nuys these days. Rihanna is working herself down to axl rose levels where no one wants to book him.

  4. Wasn't she supposed to be in "love" rehab? (Or is it love "rehab"? "Love rehab"? I have no idea.)

  5. Anonymous7:07 AM

    if nothing else, this should be a wakeup call. I'd be PISSED if I spent that kind of money on a ticket and no one showed til midnight. REHAB Riri, it's your friend. I think that's the only way she's going to pull her image out of the toilet at this point. Why don't troubled celebrities see that once you go down in public favor it can be difficult to get the love back? Is Mischa Barton's career ever coming back? Lindsay Lohans? Not that Rihanna's in the same class with talent, but at what point to fans turn away? and Bieber?

  6. Brewster's Millions for the movie

  7. There is late and then there is rude and she's beyond that point. Why would anyone want to see her in a concert? Does she even sing live?

  8. Time for concert go-ers to file class action lawsuits, when performers do this they are breaking a contract. Time to take some of their money away and they will wake up.

  9. Anyone remember Sly and the Family Stone?

    Used to pull this kind of thing all the time.

    1. @flora--it says something that you have to go that far back to find another example...this is just inexcusable behavior and I'm wondering why she continues to get away with it!

  10. Isn't this a reveal to an already obvious blind?

  11. Bieber did this too, recently. Let's assume she's screwing Bieber, pre-show.....that accounts for 20 minutes, including the shower afterward. My guess is she got high for the rest of the time.

  12. Putting the thought of Bieber peen in my head is just *evil*!!! :)

    1. Whenever someone brings up Bieber peen, I can't help but think of Vienna Sausages...

  13. And water is wet. Meh.

  14. At this point, it's shame on the fans. Either expect a long delay or don't bother buying a ticket and complaining. This is how she is now.

  15. Sly Stone was high on smack wasn't he? RiRi is prolly too busy chowin down on the hos she picked up the night before.

  16. she is just disgusting in every way-there is something really wrong with this girl

    and I remember her interviews after the Chris Brown incident trying to drum up sympathy

    i think she likes it rough-and keeps going back for more

  17. Monaco is a place where rich stupid people like to spend more than €20 ($25) on a normal coffey, so $782 is not expensive for them.
    They deserve everything bad if they are eager to overpay.

  18. @dawn, my mind tends to go in the direction of Lil Smokies :)

  19. I don't live in a world of paying $782 for concert or waiting 3 hours for anyone.

  20. Yeah, see, rich people tend to be LESS accommodating about things like this, generally more demanding. I'm guessing we have no idea the hell being raised behind the scenes -- with her touring company, with the venue she was to perform at, all of it.

  21. $782 freaking fooling shizzaling greenbacks for THIS? Huh? What the fracking freaking hell?
    There aint nobody, I mean NOBODY worth that much for singing for a couple of hours. Please!!!! Not George Michael, bot Madonna, hell not even Sinatra at his peak!!! Or Elvis or MJ. Hell to the ell no. This world has gone into the sewer when a half-witted wasted canary staggers out three hours later to caterwaul and gets that kind of bread. Meanwhile I owe thousands of dollars in student loans for a college education that didnt do shiz for my employment opportunities. Why did i get out of bed this morning?

  22. Her career is basically over. This is her last tour, and that's where the money is.

  23. Anyone who buys a ticket to her shows knows what they are getting. She is a fucking asshole, with a serious drug problem.

  24. I would pay that kind of money for Led Zeppelin. Here at the front door of my home. Personal live show and they could stay afterwards for chicken and dumplings.

  25. Have any of you seen her perform? Is she any good? Her voice sounds like cats dying to me, so I have no interest in watching her live.

    Madonna was almost three hours late when I saw her in Philly last summer. Let's just say that was a stadium filled with a bunch of pissy gays. Honestly, I was ready to cut a bitch. Lateness REALLY infuriates me. It is such a giant FUCK YOU.

    Madonna being late is because she is such a diva; but it seems like these posts insinuate Rihanna is late because she is partying. So, that is why I ask about the quality of the performances.

  26. Brenda - That sounds like a GOOD time!

    Yeah, I would die to see Elvis, Sinatra with the Rat Pack in olden times, George Michael and Pearl Jam - they were the one that got away from me in the 90s. Shoulda, coulda woulda. I always thought those MTV Unplugged performances looked amazing. I love an intimate performance. Hee.

  27. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Good call, Enty. It's refreshing to read a blog where the writer gives such sound advice. It would also free up some space to write more about Justin. I've been wanting more!

  28. She and Bieber should just go away together and not come back. And bring the Kardashians with them.

  29. Scratchy Kitty, don't feel bad! Your college degree is good for making yourself feel smugly superior to people who didn't go to college! It's also good for one-upping other college graduates if it's "prestigious" enough. I'm sure you had a blast getting wasted and screwing every day for 4 years, right? If you went the traditional college route, that is. You can always blather on about how important education is, and how great of an experience it was and how you learned so much about yourself and grew as a person, right? So was it worth it?

  30. 888, Your just jealous you didnt go to college, which since you didn't even finish junior high,can be a problem. I mean having a college education is nothing compared to what you do all day, which is making hateful comments.

  31. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Sarasmile, I take it you know from experience, not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're".

  32. Anonymous4:52 PM

    And also comma placement, which doesn't seem to be your strong suit.

  33. Obviously ya'll have never been to a concert in South America or the Caribbean, where 3 hours late isn't a big deal. It drives me nuts, but when we go to a concert abroad (depending on the country), I usually don't expect the performer for many hours after they are scheduled. I realize she was here when this happened, just giving some reference.

  34. Three more years.

  35. Three more years.

  36. Three more years.

  37. Three more years.



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