Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Reveal Day

Reveal Day is tomorrow and will start at 9:15 a.m Pacific Time and continue every 15 minutes for many many hours. I will try and keep it going until about 7p, and then let you know if there will be any other reveals on Friday. During the day tomorrow, I will also have several posts of Reader Photos scattered throughout the blind items.


  1. Hip hip horay! Whoo hoo! Am stoked!

  2. Yayyyy, I will be on a yacht in the Caribbean but I hope to log in from my iPad and get all the dirt. Love ya Enties and want to wish all the CDAN familia an amazing fun and safe 4th.

  3. Let's hope there's some good ones!

  4. Awesome!!! I will be in the South of France on Diddy's yacht drinking Cristal with Jay Z and Beyoncé but I'll do my best to join in the fun! ;-)
    (Montana, I'm just totes jelly of your plans as they are way better than mine)

    xoxo CDaNers!

    1. @Sugar- can I come with?!? But only if Mimi is there to serenade me with a lipsynched song ;)

  5. Reveal Day!!! One of the three pillars that makes this country so great, along with tractor pulls and competitive eating.

  6. Can't wait for reveals! ;)

  7. Yay!! Tomorrow is going to be awesome! Reveals and I leave to Cancun for a week!! ;-)

  8. Where's my motherf'n blind?

  9. OMG I completely forgot...

  10. Anonymous10:45 AM

    yes bitchessssss!!!!!
    better be some of the juicy ones
    not these bullshit c list reality star ones
    giving me some catherine zeta sucking michael douglas soul out his facelift scar kinda reveals!

  11. Please no Brittany Murphy or Whitney Houston reveals. Pretty please?

  12. +1 Madam. May i add NO BIEBERS.

  13. @libby - let's add Bynes and LiLo to the list as well. Those are just a waste of reveals.

  14. Yes and we should all eat drink and be merry too

  15. Hey everyone. I have mentioned that I live in Egypt. I'll be stuck in the house again tomorrow due to the political crisis, so I will be enjoying Reveal Day immensely.

    Happy 4th of July America! Celebrate your freedom and democracy tomorrow with gusto. Don't ever take your freedom for granted.

    1. @Turkish...

      Stay safe.

      Hopefully the military (which seems very responsive to the will of the people) follows through on the pledge to hold fair/democratic elections. Pretty amazing to watch the changes in your country over the last 2 years.

    2. Truly, @Turkish, stay safe and I hope the turmoil is not in vain.

  16. Can I just say that I hate having to sift through long posts of pictures of celebrities that I don't care about? The only thing worse is having to sift through pictures of nobodies that I don't care about.

  17. BYOR (bring your own raft) and come on over for a pool party tomorrow. I think our temps will be "down" to only 113 degrees. I overheated the iPhone last weekend so I'll have to check the laptop inside my house periodically during the day for reveals. Happy Fourth of July everyone.

  18. Stay safe Turkish Taffy!

  19. Taffy, been reading about you, hope this is for the best.

  20. @Turkish Taffy, stay safe. Thinking of you and your compatriots.

  21. Yay! Love Reveal Day. Thanks Enty!
    @calif, I'm up for a pool party fo sho!
    @Turkish Taffy, You are in my thoughts!

  22. I cannot wait for Reveal Day, and I really hope that ENTY got my picture. I sent it in some time ago but might have missed it being posted.

  23. Lotta, you're definitely on the short list of invitees. Lemme ask Bey if she minds.

  24. Looking forwards to the reveals but pleeeease ENOUGH of the reader photos already!!!!

  25. well since all the damn "turrists" have invaded my beach paradise,I will be staying in with some beer, some wine and reveals! WOOHOO!!! Happy 4th c-daner's and Turkish- thank you - we do need to appreciate what we have here in America. Stay safe!

  26. Turkish Taffy---If you see this, please take care of yourself. I'm watching the celebrations on tv!
    See you tomorrow.

  27. Turkish Taffy - please be safe.

  28. Montana - So jeally jeally of you.

    Sugar - LMAO.

    Taffy - Keep yourself safe.

    Will be kicking it at the Jersey Shore, but of course I will be all up in the reveals hoping for some fireworks.

  29. HOORAY!! Tomorrow is also my 2 year anniversary here as a reader! that July reveal sucked me in!

  30. Happy Reveal Day Central Time!

    @Turkish Taffy thank you and be safe!

    Happy 4th!

  31. Happy Independence Day guys

    (But I always wish Australia wasn't so far ahead time wise on reveal day!!)
