Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Reporter Gets Revenge

A WGN reporter gets revenge against video bombers. You have to see this.


  1. Leather man was funny.

  2. Most of this was pretty funny, but when he rubbed that (non-pregnant) lady's belly and asked when she was due, that was NOT COOL.

  3. Molten chocolate cakes with fudge sauce are a delicious and decadent dessert to enjoy any time of year.

  4. really?? I dunno...that last poor couple...all she did was smile at the camera and he says her toddler is "average"? he seems really petulant.

  5. its impossible to hear a video on this site with the other hidden ad videos playing. does anyone else have this problem??

  6. wow i would have kicked his arse.

  7. I couldn't stop laughing...though the preggers thing was mean. He should have chosen a super skinny chick to do that to.

  8. He was funny until he touched that lady's belly and picked on the child and his parents. I dare someone to talk about my children that way, even as a "joke".

  9. If you we're a regular viewer you'd know he's jesting. He's the sportscaster. Hawks just won the cup, cubs& sox suck, not much to report. It's entertainment. They do crazy things all the time.

  10. Well, perhaps you should get a sense of humour about your precious snowflakes, Ashley G. The world already has enough hysterical, entitled parents. Hint: Why don't you focus on producing decent human beings with critical thinking skills who care about others and can laugh at themselves and not go searching for dumb shit to get humpy about? You represent the worst.

  11. simmer down, Unknown

  12. wow unknown, fuck off. my children ARE precious snowflakes and I wouldn't think it was funny to even pretend they are anything but.My sense of humor is fine but my kids are on the very top of my DO NOT FUCK WITH list. Maybe if you had some you would understand, if you do have children I am sorry they have to live every day feeling the way you must make them feel. If I'm representing the worst who the hell are you representing?

  13. But you ARE the worst, Ashley. I represent everyone who has to deal with you and your kids. Just so you know, people hate your kids because you are training them to be entitled little shits. Nobody is "fucking" with your children by not thinking they are great. And you wouldn't need to swagger and bluster about it if you were actually a decent parent. You are not doing Madysson or Hunter any favours by teaching them to expect acclaim where it is not deserved.
