Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reason #635 To Hate Justin Bieber

The first 20 reasons to hate Justin Bieber are because of his pants. From there the hatred moves on to a variety of other offenses, but the video below probably tops all of the reasons, because he is ruining the working life of someone who probably makes minimum wage and he is wearing the hated pants. This is a video of Bieber taking a leak in a mop bucket at a restaurant that someone will now have to clean before using and being proud of that fact.


  1. Man he needs a kick in the ass.

  2. Can us Canadians revoke his citizenship? Please??

    1. @Svetlana I'm surprised you guys didn't have a vote on it after the disrespectful little punk showed up to meet the prime minister in overalls.

  3. Fuck that kid. I'd make him mop the floors of HIS home that. Better yet, he should have to wash one of his beloved cars with it.

    1. I'd make the little turd drink it.

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Do young peeps still like him? My demographic is decades away from being a fan but does things like this make him cool to his fan base?

    1. I'm in the late teen bracket and I've never liked him. He always comes off as a huge douche

    2. Ruby, i think his demo is 9 to 13 year olds.

    3. Im a YA writer, Cookies (love your name, btw, :-D) so I follow tween and teen trends all the time, its part of the job. I can most assuredly tell you that they have all moved on to One Direction. And thank God for it--those boys seem far better raised than Justine Beepeeppee.

  5. What a little jerk. His friends just say whatever they think he wants to hear, they couldn't have this life without him. I'd bet anything they don't even like him.

  6. ugh. this is how you lose fans.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Reason #357,755,765,778,245 to hate Enties: all these fucking Beiber posts.

  8. The quicker he fades away the better it will be for the world

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Agreed! @Ruby : )

  9. And yet my friends still schlep their young daughters to his concerts - he's been in our area in the last few weeks. That's reason #253 I'm glad I only have boys.

  10. Anna Nonymous - is "Ann Nah Nah Mess" your latest handle. It's so hard to keep up.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Get the fuck out! There's another one?!?

    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      It's totally me!

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    And yet all of you still worship at the Enty altar, even though he is fucking Beiber in his mom's bed when she is pulling a double shift at Walmart.

  12. Can't the restaurant sue him for something like improper .disposal of waste. I'm looking forward to the day that the biebs's career crash and burns

  13. The sooner he becomes Aaron Carter 2.0, the better.

  14. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Nope, I'm not that person Surfer!

    ... it's obviously that troll Marcie, saying we worship Enty, who's doing Bieber's Mom...
    I've been sticking with Anna Nonymous for a while, I changed it to Anna Namis for a minute a bit ago, to make it phonetically easier, but the easiest way to see if it's me or Massive Marcie is just judge the posts: I don't talk about how we are all Enty's boot lickers, and I certainly wouldn't talk about him f'ing Bieber's mom or anything insulting, disgusting, or offensively profane.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Don't be ashamed--it's totally you--err I mean me.

  15. He is just so removed from reality.

  16. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Marcie, Marcie, Marcie... .let's have a little heart to heart....I'm DIEING to know what it is that's upsetting you so.. care to enlighten me?

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Your inability to use Spellcheck. I'm DYING to know on what planet "DIEING" is an actual word.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Urban Dictionary: dieing
      A common misspelling of dying that that only dumbasses use.

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      And the extra "that" is courtesy of Urban Dictionary. They're DIENG to see if you can spot it. Oops. Too late.

  17. What a little prick!

  18. Anonymous9:21 AM

    what is going on with you? why are you so angry? hurt? resentful? what is your problem? I really, really want to know. I'm all ears...go ahead caller you're on the air:

  19. Anonymous9:25 AM

    it's ok Marcie, you're amongst friends here, you can speak freely...

  20. Anonymous9:26 AM

    thanks for the correction, next time I'll spell it: dying, I didn't know I was spelling it wrong, good catch.

  21. Why does Selena keep getting back together with this little prick. She seems so nice and down to earth and he does shit like this. I'm surprised he still has fans.

  22. I wonder why this site attracts so many trolls?

    Oh, and yeah, Bieber needs...what? His ass kicked? A comeuppance? To fall into ignominious D-list territory in order to gain some insight? Something.

  23. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Why aren't there MORE trolls? Does this site suck SO much that only a handful of trolls will visit? Pity trolling? Can this count towards my community service hours?

  24. Anonymous9:38 AM

    if this site sucks SO much as you put it, then why are you here? what are you getting out of this? What are you trying to accomplish?

  25. and then those filthy hands touched the Stanley Cup, deport and ban immediately!

  26. I'm sorry @Anna (or should I say real Anna?) I always know it's you because you don't post psychotic things that only people with too much time on their hands would post.
    Seriously who the fuck has this much time??? I can barely keep up with the sites I -do- like...

  27. I wouldn't clean that up, I'd throw the whole mess in the dumpster and send him a bill for a one. Biohazard.

  28. Can we trade him in and get Amy Winehouse back? Jeezus, what a little pisher.

  29. Anonymous9:49 AM

    It's not me!!!

  30. The Health Dept. should slap the place for a monster health violation fine, shut them down for awhile, and then the restaurant should sue Bieber for if ones and lost revenue.

  31. Anonymous10:01 AM

    oh Marcie.... ....Marcie Marcie Marcie.... (shakes head).... such a waste.

  32. Ann Nah Nah Mess - you're sounding an awful lot like canopener.

  33. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Who is Can opener?

  34. please dont feed the trolls.

  35. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Yeah Amy--DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. Oh fuck. You just did. YUMM-O.

  36. No, the absolutely worst thing this rotten little punk bitch has done is he touched the Stanley Cup!
    Now the guy who takes care of it for the 100 days it's on the road with the Blackhawks has to clean & sterilize it!

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Yeah. Way worse than the date rape and racism.

  37. now the poor person who has to mop will either a)notice the pissy water and have to clean out the royal fetus piss.or b)not change the water and mop the areas with it getting it contaminated with piss.and it looks as though it is a kitchen gross!! I realize he is young and rich but he clearly shows a lack of respect and is full of himself with entitlement.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. What a tool. I cant' stand this kid. He's a loser, and I don't care how successful his career is. He's not a man. He has a Narcissistic personality disorder.

  40. disgusting little foetus... if there was ANY justice in the Universe, someone who had no clue who the hell Biebs was, would kick his ass just for being a dicknose, rectum-shart, punk ass, turd canoe... that is all.

  41. I would pour it all over him. Little prick.

  42. Hey LiLo! When you break out of rehab, will you please have sex with Justine Beepeepee? That is the most fitting punishment I can thank of, and since he's a foreigner he cant cry "cruel and unusual punishment" thanks to the Guantanamo precident.
    BTW Canada--what did we ever do to you to make you sic this plague on us? So we Yankees sometimes make fun of your "eh" and we're always overshadowing y'all on the world stage, but didnt we support Michael J Fox when he got sick? Didnt we all side with Drizzy when him and Chrissy got into it over RiRi? Dont we still love Pamela Anderson despite all her faults? So why Canada, WHY, did you do this to us? Please take this douchebag back home, please!!!!

  43. My 9-yr-old still loves him, but I shield her from all of the bad-influence press (I know, I'm a helluva mom). She loves 1D too, but still loves this little douchebag. What's even worse, I was at the gym the other day and a friggin' song of his came on! WTF?!?! This isn't some cheesy "no frills" gym either, usually they play pretty good club-quality music.

    I would like to encourage anybody who works in any service industry who may come in contact with this little tool to show solidarity with their restaurant brethren upon whom he literally pissed on to do the same right back to him... Pouring him a beverage? Piss in it. Delivering a pizza? Piss on it. Ironing his shirt? Piss on it. And so on...

  44. My 11 yo had to sing one of this douche's songs for her 5th grade moving up ceremony. I told her to lip synch. She did. ;)

    She has taste. She likes the Beatles and plays electric guitar. Beiber's "music" is as disgusting and tasteless as this picture.

    He needs to fade into oblivion. Can it happen by the end of this year?

  45. Yup, Marcie is back. Mentally ill, as confirmed by someone at her former place of employment - where she was NOT a lawyer.

    Same Marcie who was an extra for ONE day on a Barry Levinson film and is now an expert on Barry Levinson and his motives, as well as an expert on Hollywood.

  46. Anonymous7:29 PM


    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Are you going somewhere, Assie?

    2. No hopefully you are. I love the childish name calling. Keep it coming bitch.



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