Thursday, July 11, 2013

Randy Travis Suffers Stroke

Four hours after doctors released a statement saying that Randy Travis was doing much better, the country singer suffered a stroke and had an operation late last night to relieve the pressure in his brain. Travis was admitted to the hospital last week after contracting an upper respiratory infection which led to congestive heart failure and being categorized as being in critical condition. Everyone in the country music world who bailed on the guy over the last two years with all of his drinking issues and craziness now are wishing him well and pretending they have never stopped loving the guy.


  1. bailing on someone because you can't stand their addictions and wishing them dead/ill health are two different things.

    Not a fan of him or his music, but I do wish him well.

  2. Deal lord, alcohol withdrawal on top of being so sick. Poor Randy. The stories are sadder every day. I hope he pulls through, CLEAN.

  3. I do wish him well...
    but there's only so much a body can take

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    @Vera- exactly. I have someone in my life that has been in and out of rehab more times than I can count and just last week got his 3rd DUI. I will not stop loving this person or wishing him well but yeah, I feel like I am bailing on him because it's draining on me and everyone else around him. It's as though he wants to die..

  5. Randy has been trying to kill himself for decades. Let the poor man die already!

  6. How much abuse were they supposed to take?

  7. Anonymous6:55 AM

    there really is only so much a body can take, people think they're invincible and keep drinking/using for YEARS, then are SHOCKED, SHOCKED I TELL YOU, when the wheels start falling off. I wish the guy well, health and sobriety. And hopefully this experience will help him snap out of it and start moving down a healthier road.

  8. The fact is, no one can "save" an addict except the addict. So, when an addict reaches the point of severe self-destruction, the people who "bail" on them are the people who seriously care about them. Those who stay and assist the downward spiral are called "enablers".

  9. As someone who has several family members who are raging alcoholics, I can say that just because you finally get tired of the fucking bullshit, throw your hands up in the air, and refuse to enable their behavior doesn't mean that you don't still care, wish them well, and pray they find sobriety. Enty struck a big, big nerve this morning...

    1. Absolutely right! At a certain point, people who care have to step away. It's not bailing, it's refusing to enable destructive behaviour.

  10. Anonymous7:14 AM

    ^^ this.

  11. Because of alcoholism, my children will never know my husbands parents or my grandfather. I guess if I truly loved these raging and physically abusive alcoholics, I would just look the other way... At least according to Enty. What a prick.

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I would ask if Randy's friends tried to help him with intervention and 'come to Jesus' talks. If so, then walking away from him is a legitimate course of action. But this is Celebrityville we're talking about, and many in that world will turn their backs on someone at the drop of a dime. I'm not saying everyone over there is like that. But I imagine that's what happened in this case.

    In any event, I wish Randy well. No one deserves to die because of addiction. It's an illness, and I hope he gets the chance to be well.

  13. It's not "bailing" if you simply choose to stop enabling or give an ultimatum to "get sober or else".

    Time and time again, we've seen that it's the leeches who tend to cling to falling stars (you know, besides the closest of family and friends who still think they might "save" the person).

    Maybe he has been genuinely bailed on, but maybe that's not the whole story either.

  14. Hang in there Randy! Hope u get well soon.

  15. I don't know this guy (until today), but I hope he gets well. He doesn't seem to be a douche, just an alcoholic.

  16. Joining the chorus to say that those in the country music world who seem to have "bailed" on Travis may very well wish him well and love him wholeheartedly.

  17. You all are right that if you care about an addict, then after a failed intervention you have to walk away otherwise you are an enabler.

    But I don't think Enty was talking about that. In the Biz, everyone "loves ya baby" while you are making them money even if you are a train wreck (see Brittney Spears, Xtina, Lohan before she imploded, etc).
    But the MINUTE they stop being profitable then people stop taking their calls, roles and gigs dry up, etc.
    Just look at people this week who 2 weeks ago were sing Johnny Depps' praises now turn on him because he has a flop.
    You watch, when Randy Travis dies soon (and sadly his condition is mortal---don't let them BS you) everyone LOVED him even if they haven spoken to him in years.

    1. Thats what i got from this. You all should calm down a bit, Enty is talking about fake famous friends, not his family and the people who really are in his life.

      I dont think anybody in his family that walks away is bad, but it is weird when people who werent around AT ALL start worrying. Aint nobody got time for that.

  18. Sometimes if you hang around an alcoholic too long you become an enabler, not necessarily in the sense of buying them alcohol or forcing them to drink but you become someone they regularly bounce their justifications off or who helps them in their normal life which facilitates their drinking life. Did Randy Travis' friends "bail" on him or were they doing a difficult thing, turning away in order to help him? It's sometimes hard to tell.

  19. Almost identical to what happened to my friends brother, who then died. If he wont be able to function, its a blessing to die. Let people remember as you were. And i dont think by disassociating themselves from an addict means they wished him ill.

  20. My take on his story was that he had gotten out of rehab and was clean. I'm sure his body was compromised because of the past abuse but I don't think he had fallen off the wagon. This virus could happen to anyone.
    I'm not a big country fan but I did like a couple of his songs back in the day. And he is supposed to be incredibly good to his fan base. He has an amazing voice. I hope he can come back from this.

  21. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Yeah, what everyone else said. Bullshit, Enty.

  22. The virus caught him at a low point, it could happen to anyone, though. He sang beautifully at George Jones' recent funeral. I hope nobody has to do the same for him. I wish him the best.

  23. I saw him while he was in Nashville during CMA. He walked right past me in a restaurant with a group. He seemed totally fine and was smiling. I was sad to hear about his health problems since he seemed to be doing well.



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