Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Randy Travis Is In Critical Condition

Just when it appeared Randy Travis was starting to get control of his life after years of drinking, he came down with pneumonia and is now hospitalized in critical condition. Technically he has complications from viral cardiomyopathy which sounds like some virus in your heart which can never be a good thing. It is probably made worse by his years of excessive drinking and the fact that he was back on the road after a long absence so his body was probably broken down a little bit, plus he didn't get it treated right away because he thought it was a cold. Family members are at his bedside holding a vigil.


  1. I hope he pulls through. He seems like such a nice guy.

  2. Jesus...The man has SERIOUS problems, but he needs to LIVE, dammit. Randy Travis needs to get well and get clean and COME BACK! Hang in there, Randy, damn.

    (I've known so many alcohol abusers who wait til they're half-dead to get any health treatment. It's so common. smh)

  3. This is so common.

    My husband was hospitalized over Christmas for complications from long-term drinking. From October on, under huge stress, he apparently (I found out later) kept himself in a constant state of mild inebriation. (I didn't know, which sounds impossible but is true. AND we work together in our own business, oy.)

    So he had pancreatitis and inflamed gallbladder and developed pneumonia. He almost died. He's an otherwise super healthy 50 year old.

    The doctor told me that you would not believe how many people die from alcohol. She told me stories of high functioning people, like a guy whose liver was weakened from alcohol, bumped it, and it hemorrhaged and he died. She said so many deaths are actually alcohol induced, but families hush it up.

    I quit drinking to support my husband in his sobriety (I didn't drink much) and honestly, I don't think I could stand a sip of alcohol again. I don't even see it the same anymore, the thought of being relaxed from a drug terrifies me. And I watch these commercials about alcohol, pushing it so hard, and think wow...this is kinda nuts when you think about it.

  4. Oh, and he had 8 days of delirium tremens. Holy fucking shit. The best way to describe alcohol withdrawl is to suggest that Linda Blair's character's behavior in "The Exorcist" may well have been inspired from watching this, stuff like 28 hours of struggling against restraints, hallucinations, unreal. Watching the world's kindest man go through this was beyond description.

    Again, the doctors told me it really doesn't take *that* much alcohol to create this, just a confluence of events, a perfect storm if you will.

    A female friend is under huge stress and drinking a lot, and I'm trying to tell her about how there is much more risk from drinking than she even realizes. But...people don't want to hear it.

    1. @Figgy so sorry hope things work out and Mr.Figgy is able to maintain sobriety. I have dealt with 2 relationships in my life where alcohol was a significant factor. I walked into both of them blissfully unaware of how alcoholism affects every day of your life when you are with someone who has a problem. I thought at the time each one of them were social drinkers and that it wouldn't be an issue WRONG! Randy Travis maybe only has this one chance to pull through if indeed this doesn't kill him and I hope he grabs it with both hands and doesn't let go.

    2. I'm so sorry Figgy :(. I'm sending healing & sober vibes to both of you. Like Seahorse, I was also in two relationships with alcoholics and they can hide the extent of their addiction so easily and the guys I was in relationships with were very functional. My ex-husband is only 42 and his health is going downhill quickly :(. He wakes up with bruises and burns that he doesn't know how he got, mixes alcohol with his prescribed Xanax and I'm worried that he will die from this, especially after reading what you wrote. It sounds like your husband has a real chance to get better and I wish the best for you.

    3. Prior to getting married, my now-husband almost died from pancreatitis, brought on by a number of factors, including drinking an enormous amount of alcohol. He was under 40 at the time. He hasn't had a drink since - it was a huge wakeup call. Alcohol is really a fairly dangerous drug with a lot of potential side effects.

  5. Isn't that what Barbara Hershey died of in Beaches? Will Randy star in the sequel? Sons of Beaches?

  6. @figgy, I hope things are better now. Hang in there. Sending hugs your way!

  7. Another great singer with terrible demons. Do get well soon. Dude.

  8. Why do all these creative people have all these demons? They got rich and famous and loved, they should be happy instead all this sends them down the f'n toilet.

  9. Stay strong, figgy.

  10. I don't think he could fight the disease, so it's probably for the best. I hope I go early too before it gets too embarrassing.

  11. Booze, smack and pussy are the only substances with legitimate physical withdrawals.

    I feel sad for Randy. In my opinion he was the last real country singer to come along. His prime was the transitional phase where the "western" was dropped and line dancing and ugly shirts began.

  12. Thanks for the kind words @Patty and @libby! Yes, things are great, Mr. figgy was scared straight as it were. He is sober and I think will remain so. And he sometimes tells others when he thinks it can help.

  13. Hope he makes it! I've always liked him

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hang in there, Figgy...alcohol is a bitch. Recovered here. :)

  16. Count---You mean the pre- GBE (Garth Brooks Era)?

  17. Sorry it has been so tough figgy.

  18. Oh, figgy, the very best to you and your mister.

    I know some people who've met Randy and they say he's just the nicest guy going. I really hope he pulls through this and gets back on track.

  19. I know too many people like this, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to prevent them from destroying themselves except prayers.

  20. figgy - happened to my friends bro. He had a stroke, but they slowly realized he had to detox before they could treat him. sadly, he did not survive. Alcohol is a bitch, I hate it.

  21. Figgy, sending you lots of hugs, love and prayers and healing, comforting thoughts.

  22. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Their body always quits on them AFTER they stop drinking

  23. Hugs Figgy:

    Count: I can tell you there are others that cause withdrawal. None are fun.
