Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

In case you ever wondered what Nicole Kidman looked like with a beard.

Naya Rivera plays strip poker against herself. It is like she can read my dreams.
Nicole Richie in Portofino with
her husband and Magic Johnson.
Orlando Bloom decides NYC needs to see him without his shirt. The nanny does not seem that impressed.
Olivier Martinez gets lunch for one at Ralph's.
Pamela Anderson running late for lunch with her ex Rick Saloman.
Prince Jackson takes Blanket out for Starbucks.
Yes, those appear to be four stars on Rachel Bilson's neck. I can't imagine they are real. Of course she has other things in her life not real, so, she is pretty used to faking things.


  1. I would love to see orlando shirtless in person
    Oh puke pammy and rick are back together again. Let the spread of mega diseases commence.

  2. Ok why don't they start calling Blanket Michael? I know it would be to confusing for everyone to call him Prince also as Michael named both boys Prince Michael but good grief! The media gave him the nickname Blanket and they just won't let it go.

  3. I was about to make the same comment, come on, the kid needs some kind of normal type name. Could you imagine being called blanket, hankie, pillow?

  4. "Naya Rivera plays strip poker against herself. It is like she can read my dreams."

    Mine too.

  5. I thought Michael called him Blanket?
    Funny about Bilson and Hayden.

  6. Bilson


    Kidman {cringe}

  7. Michael did call him blanket. It was a corruption of buddist sayingvor something. I too think its high time he got a real name. Unless he loves it.
    I really dont like magic johnson. I think hes a sneaky liar. Did he have HIV? Is he cured? Its all so murky. Obviously if he is cured, let others in on secret.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am astonished by how Olivier Martinez's inner ugliness has found its way so completely to his exterior.

    I mean, we're not talking faded looks on an aging actor. We're talking major ugly dweeby ferret face.

  10. Nicole looks like Hannibal Lecter.

  11. Naya looks GOOD. Gotta show my wife that photo, she luvs her. Every time her m&m commercial comes on Mrs. Noble squees a bit.

  12. Anonymous12:37 PM




    It's a Count of Orlando Christo sandwich for me.

  13. @Miss Mess: That's cool. You looking for a DP or Orlando and I do rock paper scissors for choice of which end we get?

  14. Nicole is gorgeous.

  15. Anonymous12:52 PM

    @Count: You might as well be asking me to choose between Folgers and Maxwell House. It can't be done. I love them both equally. Can't I have both? It was my birthday in May and Christmas is only months away. xoxo, Kym

  16. Holy chest bones Nicole! Why is Bilson still here?

  17. @Miss Mess: I guess so. Don't worry about the backdoor luvin. I'm about to pick up some Kosher Lube, so I can instruct members of the tribe on the ins and outs of balloon knot luvin.

  18. I like that Pammy is completely off the ground. And the fact her..even if she is pay for play..I like that she is who she is and have personally heard really great things.

    1. @Megan, I was coming to post that Pamela can fly.

      Michael Jackson has beautiful children.

  19. Count - I'm a little surprised that you'd bang Kidman in lieu of Naya Rivera.

  20. Nicole is looking so very thin where as her H Joel? Looks like he's been eating extras..

  21. @auntliddy: You can have HIV for many many years and be just as healthy as someone without it.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Nicole's eyes looks amazing.

    1. Also, with her face covered from bottom of the nose down she looks like Charlize Theron.

  24. Why is the dogs leash wrapped around Orlando's body? Afraid the wrist strap would mess up his tan?

  25. Is that overly photoshopped thing supposed to look like Nicole Kidman?

  26. @Disco: Isn't that Rivera broad Melo's ex, the Honey Nut Cheerios one? If so she been with WAAAAAAAAAAAY to many NBA guys for me to touch the sides in any hole she got. Plus, I was always an Apple Jacks guy.

  27. It's hot as hell in NY but walking around without your shirt on is a tad attention seeking. You just don't see that in the city. He does look good though so I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong.

  28. Nicole looks like she borrowed that dress from Dorothy Spornak.Or Mary-Kate Olsen.

  29. Photoshop is kidman's best friend. Otherwise they would have had to cover up her whole face.

  30. Nobody walks around the City without a shirt on, Orlando. That's poor form. Seriously.

  31. Naya just drives me nuts, she's so obsessed with being sexy. When Glee goes off the air, Playboy, hardcore.

  32. @Iceberg: If you consider one person physically abusing another, and fighting loud enough that neighbors call the police, simply a temper, then I hope you find a mate with a temper to beat some brains into you.

  33. Orlando: Your kid is adorns. Your wife is beautiful. I realize you need attention. But walking around with your man boobies and underwear in display is not attractive at all. AT. ALL.

    1. Adorbs! Not adorns. Darn auto text.

  34. Anonymous5:57 PM

    does Kidman have a thong on her face?

  35. I just re-watched the Orlando Bloom Extras the other night. He should do a comedy, he was pretty funny. That show even made Chris Martin funny and likable.

    I hope Paris is ok, and that the Princes Michael I & II rally around their sister.

    1. Anonymous1:30 AM

      I fucking LOVE Orlando in Extras. "Willy Wonka? Jonny Wanker!"

  36. Pam's nips are riding high!

  37. Yes! How did no one else comment?

  38. Olivier marries the crazy one & overnight he turns nightmarish looking. Kylie must be laughing her little head off.

  39. Orlando needs to work more and go back on the offensive career and stature wise, especially to balance the um stories about Miranda Kee! He maybe needs a little revamp of his team?! I mean look at that body. Work, dude. Now.

  40. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Our Nic - a beard WEARING a beard.

  41. Olivier being pictured next to a sign advertising sanitising wipes could not be more appropriate.



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