Friday, July 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

In real life, King Joffrey is being adorable to his pup. If it were an episode of GOT, I don't even want to think about what he would be doing to it.

Kourtney Kardashian heads over to her step father's house.
Lana Del Rey and her boyfriend make a rare appearance in the photos.
So, Lady GaGa is back to the desperately seeking attention game.
Liev Schreiber filming his show in NYC.
Amy Adams in Vancouver filming her new movie. She plays Laverne. Kind of looks like it.
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher look at some blurred lines at a Robin Thicke concert.
I hope Porsche let Maria Sharapova have the car after or it would just be teasing.
Orlando Bloom cleans up nice. Hell, he dirties up pretty good too.


  1. Is it me or does Lana's bf look like a member of the Manson Family?

    1. LOL! He totally does! He's creepy looking!

  2. Since when is it acceptable to sit naked in restaurants and walk down the street in a bra?

    Those short Kardashian girls love boots that stumpify their legs more.
    Kim and Kourtney, save the boots for Khloe, Kylie and Kendall, who can actually pull them off.

  3. Orlando Bloom comment... enty not even pretending to be a straight man anymore?

    1. I agree either he has switched teams or its def a woman writing.

  4. Laugh it up now Mila...because one day, he's going to break your heart.

  5. I still have not heard one note of Layna's. No clue.

  6. Gaga doesn't have to do anything for attention. Be real now, she is past that.

  7. should really listen to Lana's music, I love it! Speaking of love...I love me some Orlando Bloom. I will hold it against him though, that he's still with that harlot of a wife!

  8. anna, a growing number of us believe the new Enty is actually female(s).

    1. Yep, that's what I was getting at.

  9. Anonymous1:11 PM




  10. I love Lana Del Rey's music. Gaga's body looks good! And I adore Mila.

  11. I wld LIVE to hear the conversation at stepfaher bruce's house- wonder if its about lamar? Why isnt kim there? She had a baby, not kidney surgery, shld be up and about. More interestingly, why isnt PMK there???

  12. @Ann Nah Nah: If you list me 3x, does that mean I get a shot on all 3 inputs?

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      @Count: how about all three, three times each? I'm feelin' a little randy today. :)

  13. I've seen another video of King Joeffrey, he is so nice I was shocked, great actor. A philosophy major!

    I guess Jax likes Orladndo. :)

  14. Adorable? Female.

  15. Anonymous2:16 PM

    msgirl: Very astute observation that will, unfortunately, be immediately and vehemently denied by the powers that be who rule this site.

  16. I forgot to say that I am so surprised that person was cast as Joffrey, in GOT. I am reading the books, and Joff is supposed to be beautiful. I don't think this kid is cute at all.

  17. aww Amy Adams is reading 'The Sweetness at the bottom of the Pie' book. i just finished it--so good.

  18. Yeah, more Jack Gleeson. He's very mysterious, though, doesn't seek out publicity.

  19. @parissucksliterally, I agree but they got the golden shit down right. And the dude can do petulant really good, so there's that. Well, and he brings a famous name to the franchise. Most of the Lannisters are meh looking to me so I dunno if I just have different tastes than the casting person or what.

  20. Oh and I forgot to say, I think Lady Gaga forgot her shirt. If you're supposed to be this fucking awesome musical artiste... shouldn't you be making awesome music and be known for that instead of the contrived famewhore route of constantly reinventing yourself and wearing shocking outfits to gain attention? *cough* Madonna *cough cough* Shouldn't your talent be enough to garner the ooodles of attention you seek? Oh wait, that wouldn't distract us from the fact it's just autotuned same-o same-o pop music sampled to death until it becomes this manufactured homogenous pop pablum.

  21. Damn, I was enjoying the relative peace of the lack of Kimmode, Lilo, and Gaga trying to out famewhore each other. I feel like I should appreciate this nice lull before the storm.

    Orlando, forget about Miranda and go on a love tour of the world to heal yourself. Let me know where to send my coordinates.

  22. Probly will piss off all the Gaga fans..but I cant stand her.Please let her go away.I hope this damning evidence someone has on her for that court thingy will leak , read somewhere she said it will ruin her..has to be something pretty big..

  23. The Gleason kid seems nice,I guess I thought he'd be an evil little shit like his character. He still looks like Nellie Olsen.

    Liev is hot,though I know he's probably a jackass.

  24. Ha! He does resemble Nellie Olsen.

    I know a lot of people dislike Lana Del Ray, but I just can't find it in me to start snarking on her. I love "Blue Jeans".

  25. Hazeldazel, the pics I have seen of the characters have confused. The best looking one of the Lannisters to me is Jamie. The woman who plays Cersei is a very pretty lady, but Cersei is described as perfection, physically. At least that is they way I see her in my mind. Tyrion is supposed to be horrific looking, and Peter Dinklage is hot, so there ya go. lol

  26. Lana del Ray is awesome! Video Games!

    Jack Gleeson is one of the BEST actors on Game of Thrones. Watch to the end when he does "It's sunny outside" as good guy and bad guy! @paris, I stopped taking it literally from the books when I saw "15 year old" Jon Snow.

  27. Orlando Bloom is gorgeous.



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