Monday, July 01, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Ryan Seacrest tries out a new lady friend while in St. Tropez.

Sticking with the same lady friend is Jayson Blair who hangs out with Rumer Willis over the weekend.
Ashlee Simpson walks the beaches of Malibu trying to find her career.
Meanwhile, the singer she once trashed, Selena Gomez seems to be doing pretty well for herself.
Tom Sturridge and Sienna Miller at Glastonbury and
in their Burberry campaign.
Uma Thurman was at Fashion Week in Paris.
Not at the same event, and apparently not horrified by what she is wearing, was Salma Hayek.
Naomi Campbell walked a runway for Versace.


auntliddy said...

Re: seacrest- check the body language. He isnt facing her, turned toward her, or even looking at her. And his hand us in his pocket!! Meanwhile shes trying to zap him him with her hooter power to no avail. Yeah. I think hes totally into her - NOT!!

sunny said...

god i love uma - she can do NO wrong....

asslee...since when is "rachel zoe" a good look

Turkish Taffy said...

Hi Salma! Reveal?

Anonymous said...

I swear every time I read "Tom Sturridge & Sienna Miller" I've have to stop and remind myself (regardless of the total lack of resemblance) that it's NOT Jim Sturgess that is with Sienna. I should get this by now but I still pause and get a little scared when I see that because the idea of JS with SM would crush my entire world.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Is it the heat I'm suffering these days or Rumer is not as fugly as she uses to be?

parissucksliterally said...

Naomi still rules a catwalk.

It is the heat, Rumer is still fugly as ever.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

The only thing Ryan Seacrest is trying out is his new facial hair! Or is that what you meant?

Count Jerkula said...




MadamChef said...

LOL @ auntliddy! Hooter power!

Amanda's Wig, I think I love you. Can we braid together?

Ashlee's photo gives me the sads. She looks like Goldie Hawn's very sad niece with money problems.

Uma Thurman looks fantastic!

crila16 said...

Does Naomi Campbell ever age? She looks the exact same, as the day she was born.

Jessie said...

Yeah, Naomi is the biggest betch who sold her soul for eternal youth. She looks amazing.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

Madam-1000 x yes! But don't forget detangler & a wide-tooth comb!

figgy said...

Oh Ryan. Stop it, just stop it. Everybody know, nobody cares. Sheesh.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Draftees is a turd burglar and a cocksucker who started his career being Merv Griffin's bottom whore.

Susan said...

Holy fuck, Naomi Campbell is gorgeous. Evil runs her through her veins and yet she glows. How does this happen?!?!?

PugsterMom said...

She cut a deal with Lucifer...

Pini 27 said...

Uma looks amazeballs, LOVE the dress. Although, I will be sooo happy when this stacked heel, stripper shoe trend is over.

Selma looks fantastic is a bit slutty, those glorious ta-tas can't look anything but when wearing a dress cut like that. Her shoes are FUG as hell.

Naomi is pure molten evil, but she looks unbelievably sexy.

Sarah said...

Naomi is so beautiful I might let her beat my ass with a cellphone

lazyday603 said...

I watched Pirate Radio again last night & take away the beard and Tom Sturridge may be prettier than his girlfriend.

Jenn said...

Naomi bathes in the blood of virgins every night. This is why she glows. She is evil.

whocaresnow12 said...

I want to make that same deal

Mala Propism said...

Selena Gomez is going to laugh at the Ashlee's of the world for years to come.
Meanwhile I'll take the Naomi deal even if it only made me 1/10th that stunning. Evil gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

He's surrounded by beards! I think he is more interested in the one in front, over the one to his right.

Hegg said...

Salma looks terrible here. It's like the only thing on her mind while dressing herself is 1. how to accentuate rack 2. how to cinch my waist and remember not to breathe out and 3. ooh, my lips are so sesszy!

Hegg said...

I know!! It's not fair that cunterellas like Naomi still have the skin of a 26 year old.

SophiaB said...

I swear Asslea has a belly on her. Has she gotten herself knocked up? She has been so skinny. Weird.

Also for some reason Uma's posehard is gittin' on mah last nerve. She waas gone foor so long, and yes she is back now but for WHY? Does she have a project coming out?


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